A woman wakes up with no memory- she gains some back over the course of the day- writes them down only to fall asleep and forget again. Ok book- by the end I was ready for the book to be over. It was like a creepy 50 first dates.
A woman wakes up with no memory- she gains some back over the course of the day- writes them down only to fall asleep and forget again. Ok book- by the end I was ready for the book to be over. It was like a creepy 50 first dates.
This book is about a family that goes on vacation in Colorado and their daughter disappears. You follow the family for two years on their journey to find her and/or to move on. I enjoyed this book- 3.5 stars. I listened to the audiobook on Scribd. The book was well written and although a bit predictable. The only issue I had was that there were two narrators and the female was absolutely ridiculous.
Oh my goodness. I could not put this book down. I read it in under 24 hours. If you want to be challenged , if you want to read something different and/or if you want to read an author that knows how to build a character. This is the book for you. Loved it.
I got this audiobook on sale- I chose it without knowing anything about it. It‘s older and it‘s a Western- a genre I have never tried before- the main character is trying to find out who killed his brother and nephew. It‘s not bad, the narrator is the best part.
I‘m in a “busy season” at work, working 60+ hours a week and am unable to read anything except big books about tax law, ew. I miss reading ☹️ thank goodness for audiobooks but this one is so interesting it does distract me a little! The author is a little pedantic but he coined the term serial killer so it‘s acceptable- if you like true crime, this is for you.
I listened to this as an audiobook and just recently finished. I was able to listen while I worked which is a rare thing for me. I liked it- it was an interesting take on primitive humans. I wouldn‘t consider it mind blowing but it is an easy read! I liked it enough to download the second book.
Starting this today, so excited!
There is nothing earth-shattering or even exciting about this book but it is beautiful all the same. It tells the story of Antonia, a bohemian immigrant, and her family that moved to Nebraska. Antonia was based on a real person in Cather‘s life. After I finished reading this, I took a trip to see her home and fruit cellar( only a two hour drive to the middle of nowhere.) I recommend this book.
I love this book, I have not read the whole series yet but I know that I will eventually. I love the characters and the history that is mixed in with the fantasy. The books are long and can sometimes drag a bit at times but still a good read!
This was recommended/given to me by a co-worker - at first I was skeptical and just reading it to be polite but it isn‘t bad so far! Plus I have this little treasure to cuddle with while I read. #englishbulldogs
This book is ah-making! Blew my mind! Love the cultural differences and the twists - my favorite true crime book!
This book is intense, fascinating and captivating!! Not for the faint of heart because it is a rather large and involved book. #historicalfiction
This was the first book that I read and truly connected with and loved at age 7. I try to re-read it every year or so and still love it!
I read this book because my sister insisted and I am glad she did! I loved this book, I loved the twists and turns. Agatha is amazing, always!
I have yet to find an Agatha Christie book that I do not like but thus far this is my favorite! I had no idea what was going on, it was very suspenseful and creepy. Loved it!
This book had me right away. Follett is a remarkable writer. This book took him 20 years to write and it shows in the intricate way he educated his readers about the time period and the process of building a cathedral. I highly recommend this book.
I loved this book for the writing and the subject matter. I love archeology and I anxiously awaited this book. It was captivating.
This book was just ok for me. I didn‘t feel like I connected to the characters and also the subject matter is so depressing that perhaps I just didn‘t want to connect to it. I was glad that the author gave closure.
science fiction is usually not my genre but this book is absolutely amazing! I have read it and listened to it on audio and the audio takes it to a new level. Tremendous book!
YA genre is my guilty pleasure and this is favorite YA novel! The author is able to bring you back to adolescence and remind you what it is like to be wholly consumed by another person in an innocent way. It also captures what it feels like to be a self conscious young girl and feel unworthy and unloveable.
This book is obviously amazing! I enjoyed reading it this year. It reminds me to always be thankful and never take my loved ones for granted.
I absolutely loved this book. I love the characters and I love that Dickens drew upon his own experience to create this classic.
My favorite book of all time. I read this for the first time when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter- 9 years ago and I have read it 4 times since. I could never give an adequate description but it is long, informative, historical, romantic but most of all relatable and authentic. This book gave me hope when I had none.