Very good - not my normal genre, but excellently written and discusses the ongoing trauma and recovery from residential schools in Canada
Very good - not my normal genre, but excellently written and discusses the ongoing trauma and recovery from residential schools in Canada
Not as into this as I was her other books so far. Much more YA focussed. Will likely read the second one, but not in a rush to do so.
Once you get through the first 1/4 of this book, it‘s amazing. I laughed, I sobbed, overall would very much recommend. A lovely story of finding love and family in unexpected ways, and making the most of each day.
Overall enjoyable!! Not as big of a fan of Nesta and Cassian so less engaged in this book than the main trilogy.
A fun little vignette into the holiday season. Nothing mind blowing but cute!
This book was very well written!! I think I just had the same issue with it that I had with Circe - I remember too much from high school classics that the book doesn‘t keep me totally gripped. A very cool female perspective of a well known story!!!
After the AMAZING second book I found this one less satisfying! Still great character development, but a bit too happy-ending-ish for my cynical soul. Still a great read!!
AMAZING twists, great character development! Much better than book 1, made me reach right for book 3 :)
Very cool concept and world building, loved the feminist take on magic! All relationships very well built, great characters.
After getting through 2.5 books, SO disappointed with this ending. Cheapened the relationships we made with the characters over the course of this series. Very sad :(
A solid end to the series. Much better than the second book, overall well done.
Not quite as fun or gripping as the first book! But very engaging, overall an enjoyable read.
A great finale to the series!! Definitely wish some of the relationships were tied up a bit more directly, but the resolution to the ongoing conflict was excellent and well thought out. Didn‘t see the solutions coming!! Overall an excellent ending to a series I wasn‘t initially keen on, definitely finished on a high note :)
Slightly less enthused about this book than the first one - still great writing, but hard to watch the main character get led astray despite the best intentions of all around her. Will definitely finish the series, just this book was very stressful to read!
I think this book was overhyped for me. It was fine, but nothing about the plot was mind blowing or revolutionary. I‘ll keep reading the series for sure, but at the moment am not fully understanding the WILD hype this series gets :)
A bit too YA-ish compared to the first book for me. Some aspects of plot were fairly predictable. But good writing, and I‘m invested in the characters, so I‘ll for sure finish the series :)
Took a while to get into it. Slightly confusing world building with multiple names for the same people/conflicts that occasionally made it hard to follow or understand character motivations.
Very intriguing world building, excellent character development. Great strong female lead character. Excited to read the sequel!
A fun dark-humoured and witty read. Definitely a cliff hanger of an ending, which is unfortunate… a cool concept, but not quite as good as her Uprooted/Spinning Silver books
O. M. G. This book took me a little while to wrap my head around her world structure, but hot DANG the plot was intense, the plot twists were WILD, and I literally could not put it down until I finished it at 1am. An excellent gripping read, with characters so well written that you cry for them. Would recommend (but only if you‘re ok with mucho profanity and some intense smexy scenes!).
So, I admittedly didn‘t read this book until *after* watching the show...but I watched the show and got hooked, so had to see what happened 😅 The book is very different! Very fast paced, and only from Alina‘s perspective which I wasn‘t expecting. I liked the relationship building between her and Mal, as well as the Grishaverse world-building although. I feel the show did more since it kind-of merged with Six of Crows? Overall a good read!
Took a little bit to get going, but excellent character development, intriguing plot, and great writing! I particularly liked that all the witch spells were nursery rhymes and common songs.
Couldn‘t get into it. Took 1/3 of the book to get past the events outlined in the summary, and I just couldn‘t get invested in the main character‘s story or motivations. Sorry :(
Very engaging read - hooks you from the beginning and doesn‘t let go! Interesting explorations of hypotheticals, and of the influence of corruption at the highest levels of power. Great characters, great writing. Will read the sequel!
A really good read! Engaging, well written, even if the plot twist wasn‘t all that surprising :) very cool world building and likeable characters!
Very cool magical world building!! Takes a second to get into/grasp the magic system, but very interesting character development and plot building. Will read the second one!
A great continuation of the series, lots of twists and turns! A cruel ending considering the next book is likely years away, though 😬
A wonderful continuation of the world created in “The Bear and the Nightingale”. Awesome character development, intriguing plot, great writing!
A wonderful, quirky read that tells of the importance of chosen family and inclusivity (disguised with a fantasy lens, but obviously still applicable to our world). Would recommend to anyone.
A good, well written look into a family and family relationships. Nice that it switched narrator perspectives every chapter within the family.
A pretty read, but not as fun or gripping as her other novels. Took a while for the intrigue/plot to get going.
Slow start, but if you persist and get invested it‘s an interesting premise! Will read the sequel soon.
Good! Mystical, well written, good blend of fairy tale vibes with modern nuances
Interesting plot, great writing - just a bit hard to read during the current situation 😅