I love these SFBC omnibus editions of The Parasol Protectorate series. So Fancy. The books are pretty fun too. Soulless was delightful and Changeless is turning out to be just as good.
I love these SFBC omnibus editions of The Parasol Protectorate series. So Fancy. The books are pretty fun too. Soulless was delightful and Changeless is turning out to be just as good.
Equality and feminism in a fantasy book from the 1980s that was also written by a male author? I've known I wanted to start Pratchett's Discworld for a while. Years. And this book ended up the perfect entry point for me. I immediately fell in love with Granny Weatherwax and Esk. Funny and clever and just perfect.
Oh you match your purse and accessories to your outfit? I match mine to the book I'm reading.
This book begins with a Schmendrick the Magician story and then follows with two stories about unicorns, a story set in the Innkeeper's Song and a modern day short about dragons in California which was probably my favorite in the book. And to top it off there is another Schmendrick story later on, an odd but fascinating steampunk attempt and finally another Unicorn story. Pure Beagle. Every story was at least fair but most were outstanding.
Fantastic ending to a fantastic series.
The fourth book in an excellent series set in a Victorian-esque fantasy world about a lady scientist who studies dragons in the wild. Full of politics as is the entire series but also full of the wonder of new discoveries both natural and archaeological. Some past plot points come to head in a very satisfactory way for me at least. The biggest flaws are the countries and places are obviously just our world's locations and cultures with new names.
New books and a comfy spot to read them.
This seems to be the least popular of the Sevenwaters books. But you know what I like it best of the second trilogy. It's quiet and slow and incorporates selkies only these selkies don't wear sealskin.
Anyway I'm listening to the audio book at the moment because I felt like something from this series and the first book I've reread too many times.
When you liked a book so much you ran out and bought a physical collector's edition the day after finishing it on your kindle.
I unexpectedly loved this book. It's a coming of age novel about a young girl just starting college who also happens to be a prolific fan fiction writer in a fandom similar to Harry Potter. Relatable characters. Witty writing. I did not expect to read another ya novel that dealt with mental illness though not to the extent of Turtles All the Way Down. One caveat; can we stop with the idea that treating mental illness kills creativity?
First books of the year that aren't a carry over from 2017's "currently-reading" stack.
Short novel that had an authentic feeling Picard narrating the moments in his life he felt were relevant. It scratched that Star Trek itch nicely. So many cameos from across the Star Trek universe. Has Picard met everyone of any importance? That didn't stop me from smiling when he would run across McCoy or Phlox or especially Janeway. Strong beginning and middle with the Enterprise years being the weakest. A fun read for Trekkies.
One of the best dark fantasy series to come back in print in digital form. Lee's Flat Earth series holds up even 40 years after it was first published. It reads like a cruel fairytale and this book is no exception. Chuz takes offense at Azhrarn usurping his roll as Lord of Madness and goes out of his way to bring down the Lord of Darkness's world around him all the while providing succor to the lost in the form of delusion.
Exciting and suspenseful in the beginning but clunky and a bit silly towards the end. I don't know how I feel about this one. I wanted to like it more than I did.
Too many pig jokes that felt like fat jokes. Miss Piggy is better than that. Otherwise I think at times I liked this more than the original. At least this one knew it was ridiculous.
Unexpectedly good with unlikable characters that you still somehow root for. I loved the unconventional and bittersweet ending.
Pretty hardcovers I got for Christmas.
Vans are cheap? I guess she was spoiled and rich when she was alive. I mean they're not luxury items but 50 bucks I don't feel is cheap.😂
Shocked at how good the Crystal Duology is. It may be my favorite story arc of the Liaden universe now. 9 books and an omnibus down. So many more books to go. TRADE books next!
Unable to control himself, Kermit blurted, "I don't even know if you're telling the truth! What a patsy I must be to let you mock me like this! I didn't know that women were so eager to make fools of us men."
"Uh, I hate to break it to ya, but most of you are actually DIY types."
Morning spent reading these two side by side alternating after each chapter.
Breakfast with two very different sci-fi novels. I'm a sucker for both Space Opera and Wizard of Oz type adventures.
The Rathars' song is especially delightful on the audio book. It reminded be of a very simplified Hefflelump and Woozle ditty.