test blurb 4
test blurb about testbook001
So far I'm quite enjoying the style and subject, although I'm going to have to break out the Italian dictionary at some point!
"You will understand the very powerful idea of representing your code as a data structure of the same language."
“Developers continuously strive to achieve higher levels of source code quality.”
Another great one that I highly recommend. #linguistics #language
Fantastic read #linguistics #language
My son is into old time baseball players — we have an original copy of this from my grandfather. https://www.amazon.com/Baseball-Everyone-Joe-DiMaggio/dp/0071387986
This one looks cool...
A pretty cool intro to 3-d graphics programming for web browsers using javascript. @conceptDawg #programming
An oldie but a goodie on English language history. #linguistics
My favorite programming language... but no, I have not read it cover to cover.
I don't think I ever want to *manage* XML. It would never shut up, I tell you.
I haven't read it for years but I remember looking through it and it was ... good?
Pocket references are so small and handy. Even when they are about something as long-winded as XML.
i can never get enough Beatles books, or stories.
I love histories which provide a glimpse into the people involved and their everyday lives, as well as the big ideas.
Historical linguistics never ceases to be interesting in its creaky, old fashioned way.
Fascinating and highly recommended.
Who but a professor doing research would even stop to consider that there are almost 300 different cookie options to choose among?
Food for thought.
Starting an old favorite