“When you have everything, the only luxury left is taking things away from others.”
“When you have everything, the only luxury left is taking things away from others.”
“I cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would want to live in Florida.”
“…progress takes failure and turns it into the future.”
“Our convictions can lock us in prisons of our own making.”
“If knowledge is power, knowing what we don‘t know is wisdom.”
“This book is about the value of rethinking.”
"What we do not know, our lack of information and knowledge, contributes to our prejudices and biases."
Privilege is the benefit you receive due to how close you are to the dominant culture.
Very fun, very quick read!! Read some "so-so" reviews about the predictability of the book being a negative, bit in a time where little is predictable (aside from there being bad news), this was a welcome comfort. The writing is good, the characters are endearing. If you're looking for some literary candy, read this one!!
“America has always put forward a public veneer of loving immigrants and their role in this country, but in reality, the underside of immigration, the hidden hatred and internalized oppression and silence, has made our relationship with the notion of being a nation of immigrants much more embattled; a permanent secret war of words and hatred against itself.“
"Anger that sinks into despair is powerless to make a change. Anger that evolves into conviction is unstoppable."
In memoriam John le Carré. This book is terrific (as all le Carré I've read), and the film almost does the novel justice.
"Peace is very demanding:. It has to wipe out the effects of war as quickly as possible."
"Something about this country made it easy to forget that we needed each other."
“Then we'd go through our missings. That was what Jack called them. We figured it was healthy, for the parents especially, not to try to deny the fact of what had been lost but to acknowledge it.“
"Potts tried to ferret out the difference between an unfair world and a terrible one. Thinking about it confused him."
"She wondered if any male writer was ever waylaid by such a task. Perhaps more of them ought to be. She often thought that equality between the sexes should be achieved by men growing more thoughtful and attentive, rather than women becoming less so."
"...I argue that choice is illusory in a context of pervasive inequality. Choices are structured by oppression. We shouldn't offer assistance with suicide until we all have the assistance we need to get out of bed in the morning and live a good life. Common causes of suicidality--dependence, institutional confinement, being a burden--are entirely curable."
Very quick read. Loved the pace of the story. I don't usually like books that jump from character to character, but this is so smartly written that the stories come together seamlessly even though told from several different perspectives. Definitely worth the read!!
About halfway through this incredible book. Wasn't sure where we were going at first, but it is looking like it's going to be an exciting ride!