Currently reading this one, it is good but a very slow read too. #books
Currently reading this one, it is good but a very slow read too. #books
The Prophets by Robert Jones, Jr. is an impactful story about the forbidden love between two enslaved men. Isaiah and Samuel love each other, but their love is being questioned and called sinful. Isaiah and Samule have a special love that their friends help them hide to keep them safe. Thank you Libro.fm, G.P. Putnam‘s Sons, and Penguin Random House Audio.
Full Review: https://justreadingjess.wordpress.com/2021/02/15/book-review-the-prophets/
Review catch-up time for me!
The Prophets was absolutely stunning: it‘s dark and brutal, as one should expect of a book about humans viciously stolen from Africa and slaves in the antebellum south (no Gone with the Wind glorification here). It‘s beautifully written even when painful to read. All of the characters are brilliantly drawn, the love story is touching and heartbreaking. Not for the faint of heart, but damn near flawless.
I don't know where to begin with this book. It is by far the most difficult prose I've read in years. I need a guide! I think I liked it? I certainly won't forget it. I need to re-read it at some point, when I have a bit of distance btw me and the book. Recommended IF you are looking for a very challenging prose read on a very challenging topic. Not for faint of heart!
Our latest episode of ‘Books On The Go‘ : The Prophets . Have you read this? What did you think? 🎧
Picked my February #BOTM box. Looking forward to them both!
#bookhaul at my favourite indie bookstore on the Fleurieu Pensinsula. 🥰
I don‘t know how I feel about this book yet. On one hand I can tell it‘s probably a really good story; on the other hand there are some things that I don‘t quite understand, and possibly it‘s the writing style that‘s just not for me (not saying that against the author, as his words are indeed poetic, it‘s just my own personal preference). I‘m going to give it another 50 pages and see how I feel then.
Heartbreaking is not an understatement. A love story wrapped in a tragedy. The words are thick and weighted with meaning. They can make the reader uncomfortable with the words on the page. About how you view them, what they mean to you. Yet feeling the need to press on. Needing to know, what happens to Samuel and Isaiah?
“It's really important that, in the midst of sorrow, the greatest art is conceived.“ -- Robert Jones, Jr.
"There are no lines. For everything is a circle, turning back on itself endlessly. This is not to make you dizzy, but to give you the chance to get it right the next time."
There were moments in this book that were absolutely amazing, heartbreakingly beautiful and profound. But unfortunately for me, there were also moments where I felt completely lost and very confused. Perhaps I didn‘t click with the writing style, or maybe I lacked the biblical knowledge to understand the story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#BOTM #2021ReadingGoals
5 reading recommendations from the author of The Prophets ( which looks soooo good!)
A piece of queer based historical fiction. Two black male slaves find romance and comfort in each other as they survive the ordeal of southern slavery, their mistreatment, and recognition of their cultural roots. Faith, religion, and sexuality is explored in this novel that is compared to black authors like James Baldwin and Toni Morrison.
This Book will probably end up on a lot of “Best Books of 2021” lists in 11 months, and they would be right. It‘s brutal and devastating and a couple of chapters are very poetically written.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️,5
#TheProphets #Ebook
#BOTM my blue box came! Im running out of room for all my new books. Eeeek!
🎉IT‘S NEW BOOK DAY!🎉 2021‘s first new book Tuesday hits the ground running! These are physical copies of today‘s books that I have on hand, but there are many more amazing books out today that I am excited about or looking forward to reading, including A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself, To Be Honest, White Feminism, Lore, Unsolaced, Persephone Station, A Crooked Tree, One of the Good Ones, and Be Dazzled. What are you excited to read? 📚❤️
Sorry that the bottom book got cut off - BotM is allowing FOUR books this month bc of the free book of the year add-on. 🤩 I'm stoked because I only had to pay for one of them and I got free pins because someone used my coupon code.
BotM is really stepping up their game. If anyone wants to sign up, here is a code for you to use that helps both of us. 😊👉 https://www.mybotm.com/qivod2fo7pq?show_box=true
Wow! This is the first time in a long time that I found more than one book that I am excited about. Way to go BOTM. A great start to 2021. #botm
Birthday month and BFF means 3 books this month! Looking forward to these.