I‘m between a pick and a so-so here. I think there was some rousing pieces here but overall I think I need another book to help me figure out what to really do (despite the detailed lists at the end).
Just started this. Hope it‘s good 🤞🏽
"Anger that sinks into despair is powerless to make a change. Anger that evolves into conviction is unstoppable."
Book 3 for #NFN2020 and this one was fantastic! The authors take a stubborn optimistic approach, which is frankly what I needed this week. They lay out in easy terms what we need to do@at this late hour to tackle the climate change crisis, how to go about doing it, and what our 🌍 could look like if we succeed.
I highly recommend it! #NonfictionNovember
An aside: YAY PA! I may no longer live there, but I will always be Pennsylvanian. 💙
I‘m not a big shopper, but this statistic...wow. 🤯
#TIL #NFN2020 #Nonfictionnovember
Maybe it's me, maybe I've become cynical, maybe I've read too many books on the climate crisis, but I found this book teetering between so-so and pan. I found the authors hopelessly naive in their thoughts for changing basic human behavior, in less than ten years no less, and very simplistic in their belief we only have two choices: a carbon free Utopia or a burning hellscape⬇️⬇️⬇️