This book just made me smile. Keep it next to your bed and read a little pep talk when you wake up and when you go to bed. You won't regret it.
This book just made me smile. Keep it next to your bed and read a little pep talk when you wake up and when you go to bed. You won't regret it.
This was the one book I struggled to read in 2019. I loved Pretty Little Liars both the show and the books, but I just couldn't connect with this new story. I tried and I didn't finish it, but I'm not a fan.
When is this being made into a movie??? I loved it. I've always been a massive Hocus Pocus fan. I always wanted to be Sarah but I fear in age I have become Winifred. The sequel take us back to Salem and we meet Allison and Max' daughter. I love seeing the continuation of the movie. I just hope that if they do make it into a movie that they only use the original cast. It wouldn't be the same without them.
I am a massive Rom-Com fan. About a third of my DVD collection is Rom-Coms. After seeing Bridget Jones' baby a while ago I really wanted to read the book. It was so weird to read about Daniel Clever being a contender for the dad. I definitely enjoyed the difference in the movie. Give me Jack over Clever any day.
I got this as a gift because of my love for Hamilton the musical. I have never actually read a historical book for fun, but it was so interesting. I was shocked by the stuff that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Alexander Hamilton. This was definitely a good read after my trip to New York.
I LOVE QUEER EYE. Everything about it and although I could never decide who my favourite is, I do feel a connection with my fellow Brit Tan France. This book has humor, romance and sadness. For anyone that's every felt like an outsider, you'll definitely be able to connect with Tan.
Got this as a gift from a friend and it was the perfect inspiration I needed. I know it's technically meant for graduating students, but I feel like everyone can do with a bit of inspiration in their lives.
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was never really a big fan of Anna. I liked her movies, but I didn't know what to think of her. I'd heard this was a funny bio so I thought I'd give it a shot. I didn't regret it at all. It was so funny and a great perspective on a starting movie/broadway career.
Read this last year and found it very interesting. I loved the show and I was sad to see it end, but reading the real story gave me a completely different view.
As a massive (and I mean massive GG fan) I was so excited to read this book. I loved how many behind the scenes stories she told. Finding out stuff about GG that I didn't know yet made me want to rewatch the show and I did. Definitely a recommendation for any GG fan.
I just finished Ps I Still Love You today. It was my choice for book Nr 1 of my #2020bookchallenge
I wanted to read it before the movie comes out next month (I'm so excited!!!!). I was worried because with a lot of book series the second book isn't always as good. If I'm being honest I liked this even more than the first one. I only have one complaint... How could she not choose the heavenly creature that is John Ambrose McClaren!?!?!?!?!?
I know I'm probably on the older side to be reading this amazing YA book, but I loved it. I saw the movie on Netflix and I swear Lana Condor and Noah Centineo are the perfect casting for Lara Jean and Peter K.
This book made me laugh and cry. I see myself so much in Lara Jean. She's innocent, quirky and in love with love. The writing is so well done, you genuinely feel what she is feeling.
Just finished reading Big Little Lies. I've wanted to watch the series for ages, but I made myself read the book first.
I loved it. It makes you feel like you know the characters.
It was gripping and sad and made me laugh at times. It definitely kept me entertained during my daily commute.
Can't wait to watch the series now and see if Reese Witherspoon can show just as much attitude as Madeline has.
I started reading Mary Poppins Comes Back after watching Mary Poppins Returns. I'd heard so many people talking about how different the films was, but I was surprised how much they actually used.
I love how Mary Poppins is quite mean. She almost makes people think they're losing their minds by telling them all the magic things didn't happen.
I would definitely recommend reading the book for anyone who needs a bit of magic in their lives.