“She taught me how some people need a hundred words to express a single thought, while some people only need one word to share a hundred thoughts “ Bars!
“She taught me how some people need a hundred words to express a single thought, while some people only need one word to share a hundred thoughts “ Bars!
Decided to reread a classic and I must say, Hamlet is probably my favourite from Shakespeare 👌🏾Some bits that stood out to me were: “A man may fish with the word that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm” by Hamlet to the King and “Tis in my memory lock‘d, and you yourself shall keep the key of it” by Ophelia to Laertes.
“He was Lord, she was not. And she would stop trying to be. “ When I saw this line it reminded me that I need to pause sometimes and remind myself that God is in control 🙏🏾. This book is probably my first biblical fiction and trust me, it did not disappoint! I‘m now encouraged to buy more biblical fiction novels.
Enthrall was a very good read. I loved the storyline and the characters in the book. I wanted more BDSM scenes though, and the love scenes between Richard and Mia were subpar. But I guess since this is book one, the author has decided to treat this novel as an introduction to what is expected in book 2.
It‘s been a while since I‘ve posted here!
I have been reading Powers and Thrones by Dan Jones for probably 10 months. Even though it‘s a lengthy book, the main reason it took me this long was because I was pursuing my Masters.
This was such a well written and well explained book and I learnt a lot about Romans, knights, monks, etc. If you want to know more about medieval history, buy this book! You won‘t be disappointed.
#medieval #history
Another fantastic book written about the King of Tennis, Rafael Nadal 👑❤️! Dominic has done an incredible job retelling a couple of iconic matches played by Rafa leading up to the greatest comeback in Tennis history, the Australian Open 2022 where Rafa won in 5 sets & secured his 21st title. I really appreciated how the pictures were curated for this book. This was a lovely way to end my reading calendar. Everyone should get a copy of this book!
Another coworker of mine has published a book, “A Suspenseful Addiction”. This book was full of drama and highlighted the issue of sex addiction which the main character faced. Some of the writings came across as corny though, nevertheless it was a good book; short and to the point👏🏾
Luke and I would‘ve found each other and ended up right where we are today. Right where we belong. Lucca and Lisette, in love…again, for the first time. 💕
Another great novel by Raven St.Pierre 👏🏾
This book is probably the worst book I have ever read. It usually takes me 4 weeks or less to finish a book and it took me 4 months to finish this one. It was so confusing, I can‘t remember it having a plot and I wouldn‘t be able to explain to someone what this book is all about. Western is really not my genre and I‘ve learned my lesson, I‘ll continue to stick to the genres I like.
However, I must say, Cormac‘s descriptive writing is very good.
Sam: “AJ was so deep in my system that I was pretty sure that, without him, I‘d cease to exist.”
Another awesome novel from the great Raven St.Pierre. I love her #bwwm novels and I love how she portrayed AJ & Sam‘s love in this book. These two love each other so much but it is so unfortunate how certain secrets/events that took place in their lives caused them to be apart.
Jesse to Quin- “Because I don‘t intend on chasing moonlight all my life. I‘d like to think that, one day, I might actually stand a chance at catching it.”
My first #bwwm novel and I‘m loving it so far. Raven St.Pierre is becoming one of my favourite authors. I love that she writes a lot of interracial novels (specifically black woman/white man).
Jud: Dear life! Is it you, Mister Ross?
From the grave, said Ross.
I enjoyed Poldark so much, it‘s one of my favourite shows. So I have no doubt that the book will be even better.
So Lisa Unger has done it again. This novel was everything I needed for this month. It made me view con artists in a different way. Even though you‘re married to someone, how well do you truly know your partner? How one can have so many identities? Maybe being with someone who is predictable is better than being with someone who is wild/free-spirited. Once a cheater, always a cheater. How can someone who does bad things, have a good heart?
I am so excited to read this novel! This book was given to me by one of my coworkers as a birthday gift (Feb.22). Lisa Unger is my favourite author so I know I will enjoy her latest novel to the fullest 🥰😊
“You‘re mighty dressed up, Miss Jean Louise,” she said. Where are your britches today?”
“Under my dress.” 😂😂😂
No matter how Aunt Alexandra tries, she can‘t change Scout for who she is ☺️. Or did she change? Have to read the rest to find out.
“Finders were keepers unless a title was proven” said Scout 😄
#howtokillamockingbird #booklover #harperlee #reading
“God is good to us despite how bad or good we are. God‘s goodness doesn‘t change based on our behaviour. God is good all the time.”
What a kind reminder 🙏🏾
#nevergems #Godisgoodallthetime
I‘m so proud of my friend Sheneico! Published her first book, Never Gems. I am loving it so far. And no doubt, I will cherish the lessons she has shared.
If you have experienced discouragement or disappointment and you feel you are all alone, this book is a great option for you. Available on Amazon 🙏🏾
#booklover #nevergems #sheneicoeastwood #amazon #godisforyou
“This is why alchemy exits,” the boy said. “So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life.”
-This really stood out to me 🔆
Am I living my Personal Legend? 🤔
#booklover #thealchemist #paulocoelho