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Joined August 2017

Wonder. R.J. Palacio | R J Palacio
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"He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own." I found this quote to be one of the most powerful from the book. Outer beauty or lack thereof is fleeting but your inner beauty is forever and that's the message that I took away from this book. Be beautiful on the inside! #ucflae3414f17 #wonder

DrSpalding ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
ashley.v Love your quote 7y
LaurenR This is so beautiful! 7y
DominiqueL This is a really beautiful quote! 7y
AJones Very true! 💖 7y
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Wonder | R. J. Palacio

I do think that the movie and the actor who played Auggie accurately captured his personality from the book. The silliness, sarcasm, and emotions definitely pulled you in, both in the book & movie. It made me cry and I tried so hard not too lol! #ucflae3414f17 #wonder

Wonder. R.J. Palacio | R J Palacio

After reading the book and seeing the movie... the book was definitely better in my opinion. I think they left out some very important parts. It was still a good movie, I just expected more since the book was soooo good! #ucflae3414f17 #wonder

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Wonder | R. J. Palacio

I don't know if I liked the fact Mr. Tushman recruited students to befriend Auggie. I understand his intentions but I think he should've let Auggie make his own friends. #ucflae3414f17 #wonder

Wonder. R.J. Palacio | R J Palacio

This book was so touching! It doesn't matter if you're 9 or 90, I think eveyone will walk away with a little more compassion in their hearts and kindness in their actions. #ucflae3414f17 #wonder

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The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes is a RF book by Mark Pett and
Gary Rubinstein & illustrated by Mark Pett. TS is a S. It is about a girl
named Beatrice who has never made a mistake in her life! There is a
talent show at her school and she is going to perform a juggling act
with a water balloon, her hamster, and a salt shaker. There is just
one problem… she realizes that it is not salt but black pepper in the
shaker. This causes her hamster to

JocelynNolton sneeze and the entire juggling act
is ruined. Unsure of what to do or how to feel about her first
mistake, she begins to laugh it off and from that day on she no longer
worried about being perfect all of the time. I enjoyed the message
behind this book because even as adults sometimes we take life too
seriously. It‘s ok to make mistakes, we‘re human! The UDL principle
9.2- facilitate personal coping skills and strategies & EL 3-
encourage self-talk (positive thinking) could apply to this book. This
is a link to some H.O.T. questions & activities that are targeted for
different grade levels. I thought this was a great resource to use
with the book.
ismari212 The book looks cute and I like the website 7y
JocelynNolton It is a pretty cute book lol 7y
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Oh, The Places You‘ll Go! written by Dr.Seuss is a P book and it won
the 2005 Mom‘s Choice Standard Award. This could be used as a RA. This
is a motivational poem that encourages students to get out and explore
life. It lets them know that life isn‘t always a walk in the park and
you may face challenges but you must persevere. The UDL principle
9.1- promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation & EL 3-
encourage self-talk (positive

JocelynNolton thinking) could apply to this book. This
is a link to an activity as well as some questions that you could ask
your students that pertain to the theme of the book.
ismari212 I think your link would be very helpful 7y
JocelynNolton He has a lot of resources on his website that will be helpful if you plan on using his books in your classroom. 7y
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The Rough-face Girl | Rafe Martin
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The Rough-Face Girl is a TL book written by Rafe Martin and
illustrated by David Shannon. It won the Golden Sower Award in 1994. TS- RA
This story is like Cinderella but with a twist. An invisible Being is
looking for a wife but only the woman who can prove that she can see
him will win. Two of her sisters are hoping that they will be chosen
to be his wife. However, it is their sister… the rough-face girl who
is all scarred up who ends up seeing

JocelynNolton him. The invisible Being sees the
inner beauty of the rough- face girl and they end up getting married
and living happily ever after. The UDL principle 1.1- offer ways of
customizing the display of information & EL 45- use Venn diagrams to
compare and contrast activities can be used for this book. Because
this story is a retelling of the original Cinderella story, this is a
link to a Venn diagram webtool where students could compare and
contrast the two stories.
ismari212 This book is very interesting I would like to use this book in the future 7y
ChelseaPerez I think that this book teaches a fantastic lesson and it is also a modern twist on the classic Cinderella story. I think it would be a great book to use as a comparison to the traditional literature. 7y
JocelynNolton I really enjoyed this story and I like the twist they added to this traditional story. 7y
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The Story of Ruby Bridges written by Robert Coles and illustrated by
George Ford is a NF, Coretta Scott King award winning book. This book
would be best used as a RA. This is a true story about a little girl
named Ruby Bridges who was one of the few colored girls selected to go
to an all-white school in New Orleans, Louisiana. This book talks
about racial issues such as segregation and injustices that
African-Americans faced during those times

JocelynNolton but it also showcases the
immense strength of one brave little girl. The UDL principle 3.1-
activate or supply background knowledge & EL 36- ask numerous
questions which require higher level thinking responses would apply to
this book. This is a link to a lesson that has students examine and
discuss issues such as race and social injustices by reading various
books including this one
ChelseaPerez I always love a good book that can be incorporated into the social studies standard! What a fantastic choice and I love your resources. 7y
JocelynNolton Thank you! And yes I think this book would be excellent for students learning about the civil rights movement and all the troubles African-Americans faced during that time. 7y
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Nelson Mandela | Kadir Nelson
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Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson is a NF, Coretta Scott King Honor book
that could be used as a PR. This book tells the story of Nobel Peace
Prize winner, Nelson Mandela. This is a great way to introduce such an
important person in history. This book contains vocabulary that may
not be familiar to students so the UDL principle 2.1- clarify
vocabulary and symbols & EL 5- teach technical vocabulary supporting
key concepts would be beneficial for this

JocelynNolton book. This is a link to a
lesson plan and activity that students can do to celebrate Mandela day
which is only July 18th
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Whales on Stilts | M. T. Anderson, Kurt Cyrus
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Whales on Stilts is a SF, ALA Notable Children‘s Book written by M.T. Anderson and illustrated by Kurt Cyrus. It could be used as IR or PR. This book follows a little
girl named Lily. She finds out that her dad works for an evil genius
who plans on giving whales stilts so that they can take over the land.
Lily and her two friends, Jasper and Katie must find a way to put a
stop to his plan. This UDL principle 7.1- Optimize individual choice

JocelynNolton autonomy could be used by letting the student choose to read this
type of book. EL 44- Focus on thinking skills; predict, categorize,
classify, observe and report (oral-written-pictorial), sequence,
summarize could be achieved with this book. This is a link to a lesson
plan that has students read science fiction texts and then compare the
information in the text to nonfiction texts and resources to support
or refute the information in the story.
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The Night Before Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing and illustrated by
Tammie Lyon is a RF book that would be best used as a RA. This is a
fun book that follows a family as they get ready for Thanksgiving. The
anticipation of eating a great meal and having family come from all
over to visit is what this book is all about. I think this is an
excellent book to read to your students right before thanksgiving
break. The UDL principle 3.1- activate or

JocelynNolton supply background knowledge
& EL 4- link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge can be done
with this book. This is a link to a lesson plan where students will
study the pilgrims and their journey and there are also activities for
the students http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/packing-pilgrim-t...
ChelseaPerez This is so cute ! I love books that can be incorporated into the holidays ! It‘s always a sure spark of interest and motivator ! Love your activities too ! 7y
AmandaHuskey This book looks adorable and hoping it‘s just as good inside. I‘m currently teaching about pilgrims and Indians in my daycare and will have to use your idea! 7y
ismari212 I agree with you this book would be great to read before Thanksgiving break 7y
JocelynNolton Yes! I would recommend this book because it's a fun way to get kids excited about the holidays. 7y
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I Ain‘t Gonna Paint No More! By Karen Beaumont and illustrated by
David Catrow is a New York Times Besteller, P book that could be used
as a S. This book follows a little boy who just loves to paint…
everything! This book is written to the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain
No More". It incorporates rhymes and promotes physical awareness of
body parts. This is overall a fun book that I think students will
really enjoy! The UDL principle 4.1- vary the

JocelynNolton methods for response and
navigation & EL 18-use commands and directions that involve overt
student actions as in Total Physical Response (TPR) can be done with
this book. This is a link to a math lesson that was inspired by this
book. This would be better suited for younger children
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Gracie's Girl | Ellen Wittlinger
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Gracie‘s Girl by Ellen Wittlinger is a RF book that won the Sunshine
State Reader‘s award in 2002-03. This book could be used as a LC. This
was my favorite book that I remember reading from my childhood. It is
about a girl named Bess who wants to be noticed by her parent so she
wears all these weird clothes but she still doesn‘t get the attention
that she wants. Her parents spend majority of the time volunteering at
a shelter that Bess wants no

JocelynNolton parts of! One day she sees a homeless
woman named Grace eating out of the dumpster and that makes Bess want
to help at the shelter. This is a really good book that talks about
volunteering and it makes you grateful for the things that sometimes
you take for granted. The UDL principle-3.2 highlight patterns,
critical features, big ideas, and relationships & EL 2- promote
cooperation (small groups) could be achieved using this book. This a
link to a guided group reading that has questions and activities that
can be used in the classroom
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How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? by Jane Yolen and illustrated by Mark
Teague is a P book that could be used as a S. This book follows a
dinosaur around as he encounters different scenarios where he needs to
stay safe. For example, he doesn‘t talk to strangers, he stays visible
when swimming, and is careful when he uses forks and knives to eat.
This book would be perfect for teaching younger children about safety.
The UDL principle 2.5-

JocelynNolton illustrate through multiple media & EL 15-
reinforce the key idea you present again and again which in this case
would be safety. This is a link to a list of ways to teach students
about safety in the classroom
AmandaHuskey I️ read a How Do Dinosaurs...book as well! It is so light hearted. Great activity for teaching safety! 7y
amandagrant Teaching safety with a fun and enjoyable twist. Love Yolen's work! 7y
JocelynNolton Yes I like that her books are fun but also teach the students/kids! 7y
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Billy's Booger: With Audio Recording | William Joyce, Moonbot
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Billy‘s Booger: A memoir (sorta) is a B, ILA Teachers' Choice award
book written & illustrated by William Joyce. This book could be used
as an IR. This book is about a boy named Billy who has always been a
little different from other children. He loves to draw and will draw
on just about anything… test and homework are not exempt! The school
librarian introduces a book making contest which is right up Billy‘s
alley. He doesn‘t win the contest but

JocelynNolton his book becomes the most
checked out book by the students at his school. I found this book
funny and creative and there is also a book within the book of
Billy‘s drawings. The UDL principle 1.1- offer ways of customizing the
display of information & EL 30- encourage the use of diagram and
drawings as aids to identify concepts and seeing relationships could
be done with this book. You could have students create their own
flipbook using this RWT tool
kkidwell I have never heard of this book before, but it sure does seem like an interesting 'pick'. I absolutely adore the idea of creating a flip book too. I also like that the flip book is digital! Finding uses to incorporate technology can sometimes be difficult. 7y
JocelynNolton This book is interesting to say the least lol but yes I really like the idea of creating the flipbook too. 7y
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Stella by Starlight | Sharon M. Draper
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Stella by Starlight is a HF, New York Times bestselling book written
by Sharon M. Draper & it would be best used in a LC. This book takes
place in the 1930‘s and it follows a young girl named Stella who has
just witnessed the KKK in action. The story follows Stella, her
family, and other people in her community. This book gives you an
insight on to what is was like during those times. I found this common
core curriculum guide to go along with

JocelynNolton the book and thought this would
be a great resource to use when student‘s read this book.
http://sharondraper.com/stella-common-core.pdf The UDL principle 2.1-
clarify vocabulary and symbols and EL 42-Have students use timelines
to arrange and sequence important facts and information can be
achieved with this book. #ucflae3414f17
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Hair Like Mine | Latashia M. Perry
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Hair Like Mine is a RF book written by Latashia Perry & illustrated by
Bea Jackson and this would be best used as SR. The story revolves
around a young girl who isn‘t too fond of her curly hair. Throughout
the story she tries to find two people who are alike and then she
notices that even the twins at her school have their own differences.
This book highlights the importance of celebrating the things that
make each and every one

JocelynNolton of us unique. This is a lesson plan that
further reinforces the theme of this book and there are multiple
activities that can span over a couple of days.
The UDL principle 9.3- Develop self-assessment and reflection & EL
30-encourage the use of diagrams and drawings as aids to identify
concepts and seeing relationship could be met with this book.
ChelseaPerez I absolutely love this book and how it introduces different types of cultural influences they see in there every day lives. It normalizes cultural qualities that they often hear negative things about. This helps promote diversity, and makes other children who can relate feel represented. 7y
JocelynNolton Yes! I agree with you. I think it's very important to have multiple representations of cultural/ethnic backgrounds in the classroom. 7y
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Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun by Maria Dismondy & illustrated by Kim Shaw
is a RF, Gold Mom‘s Choice award book that could be used as a RA. This
book talks about bullying, friendship, and it encourages students to
be proud of their differences. The UDL principle 8.3- foster
collaboration & community along with EL 3- encouraging self-talk
(positive thinking) all could be achieved with this awesome picture
book. This Venn diagram activity would be a

JocelynNolton great way to teach
students how to compare and contrast the differences between one
another. http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/activities-projects/f...
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Henry's Freedom Box | Ellen Levine
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Henry‘s Freedom Box is a HF, Caldecott honor book written by Ellen
Levine & illustrated by Kadir Nelson. Henry is a slave who was
fortunate enough to have a wife and kids. Once they were sold, Henry
comes up with a plan to escape his master by the way of a box. He
successfully pulls this off and arrives in Philadelphia as a free man.
This book could be used as a S. The UDL principle 3.1 activate or
supply background knowledge, along with

JocelynNolton EL 4- link lesson topic to
students‘ prior knowledge all could be done with this book.
in this activity, students are encouraged to create a KWL chart while
they read fiction & nonfiction books about slavery. Students will pick
1 of the 3 writing project options to demonstrate their comprehension
surrounding critical perspectives surrounding slavery. #ucflae3414f17
cheyennewilliams I also made a post about this book and listed the same resource. I loved the story and think that it can be utilized is so many different ways, I just wish that there were more lesson plans and activities available. 7y
JocelynNolton I agree. There is so much that can be done with this book! 7y
See All 6 Comments
DrSpalding He‘s real. This actually happened. Which means… What genre? 7y
JocelynNolton @DrSpalding Nonfiction, Biography? 7y
DrSpalding Yes! He actually mailed himself to freedom and it worked! 7y
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We Are Growing is a TL, Theodor Suess Geisel award winning book
written & illustrated by Laurie Keller and it would be best used in a
RT. This book is for 3-5 year old‘s so it would be perfect for an
elementary school classroom library. The story follows Walt (who is a
piece of grass) & his friends. All of his friends are growing up and
they‘re either the tallest, the curliest, the silliest, etc. Everyone
is growing except for Walt so he starts

JocelynNolton to get discouraged but in the
end he finds out something that is special about him. This book can be
used to introduce the concept of growing in humans, animals, and even
plants. This link has a lot of teaching ideas that can help you find
ways to use this book in the classroom.
The UDL principle 4.2- optimize access to tools and assistive
technologies & EL 46- Use discovery learning activities
(hands-on-activities) will work well with this book. #ucflae3414f17
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Grace for President | Kelly S. DiPucchio
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Grace for President is a RF, New York Times bestseller written by
Kelly DiPucchio & illustrated by LeUyen Pham, this book could be used
as a DR or RA. This story follows a little girl named Grace who can‘t
believe that there has never been a woman president… like EVER. Grace
decides to run for president at her school and she ends up running
against another little boy from a different class. There is a lot of
history lessons incorporated into this

JocelynNolton book but in the end, she wins
and vows to become President of the United States one day. The UDL
principle 2.1- Clarify vocabulary and symbols, 3.1- Activate or supply
background knowledge, EL 4- link lesson topic to students‘ prior
knowledge & EL 5- teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts
can all be done with this great book. This is a lesson plan that goes
with the book that I think is pretty good!
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Mufaro‘s Beautiful Daughters is a TL, Caldecott Honor book written by
John Steptoe and could be used as a S. This is an African tale about
two daughters that have gone into the city with the hopes of marrying
the King. On the way into the city, the girls are tested by the King
who disguises himself in many different forms and only one passes the
test and eventually becomes the Queen and the other sister becomes a

JocelynNolton I found a lesson plan that would be great to use with this
book but it also teaches students about the characteristics of
folktales. https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/mufaros-beauti...
The UDL principle 2.1- clarify vocabulary and symbols, 3.2- highlight
patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships & EL 11-
place language in meaningful context could be achieved with this
book. #ucflae3414f17
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Crenshaw | Katherine Applegate
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Crenshaw is a New York Times Bestseller MF book written by Katherine
Applegate and it would be best used as a PR. It is about a boy named
Jackson whose family has fallen on hard times… again. They‘ve been
homeless before and during that time his imaginary friend, Crenshaw,
who is a talking cat shows up but goes away once everything went back
to normal. Now that his family is struggling again, he needs Crenshaw
to help him get through it.

JocelynNolton This book talks about homelessness &
financial hardships that families go through but it also has a silver
lining in there as well. This is a link that has a couple of teaching
ideas that you could do using this book,
http://www.theclassroombookshelf.com/2015/10/crenshaw/ The UDL
principle 9.2- facilitate personal coping skills and strategies along
with EL 2- promote cooperation (small groups) could be achieved with
this book. #ucflae3414f17
AJones My son and I thoroughly enjoyed this book written by Katherine Applegate. Page 111 made him and I laugh hysterically. It states, “Then I told the policeman how Mr. Vandermeer was teaching his rats to play basketball with a teeny ball for a science experiment.” 🐀 +🏀 =🤣 Interesting link. I like the duet reading exercise for elementary students. Thanks for sharing. 7y
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Wonder | R. J. Palacio
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Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a RF, E.B. white read aloud award-winning
book that would be best used as a LC. This book is about a young boy
named Auggie Pullman who has a face deformity and is going to school
for the first time. School is already tough but imagine what it is
like for a kid like Auggie. Wonder follows Auggie on his journey of
meeting new friends and some not so nice kids on the way. I really
enjoyed this book and it

JocelynNolton will really melt your heart! This is a link
that has students create storyboards to document the relationships
between the characters in the book,
http://www.storyboardthat.com/teacher-guide/wonder-by-r-j-palacio The
UDL principle 8.3- foster collaboration and community & EL 45- Use
Venn diagrams to compare and contrast activities. In this case, they
could compare and contrast different characters in the book.
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