I don't want this book to ever end.
Hmmmm...The problem with reading multiple books by the same author is that I tend to judge all books by his/her best work. This book pales in comparison to Beartown, my favorite Backman book to date. This is a good story and well written. Great, realistic characters...but it still just didn‘t click with me.
Because, well, do I really need a reason?
Loved this book!! I don‘t know if it‘s because my 7 year old son is just starting his obsession with hockey or if it was the memories of my own bang, bang, bang as I threw tennis balls at the back of our house. Whatever the reason, this book was so compelling. I didn‘t want to stop listening for even a second. It‘s staying with me as I keep thinking of what a different book it could have been if just a few details were changed.
This book was OK. It would be a good book club pick. There‘s some good ethical and racial discussions that can come from it. I wanted more from the mom‘s point of view!
Too sick to knit, too sick to take care of the kids who have a snow day, but after 18 hours in bed I‘m finally not too sick to read!
Hmmm...this would have gotten a thumbs up if it wasn‘t a big tease!! It was a bookbub freebie. I love all things Elizabeth and Darcy. The stories were pretty well done. Elizabeth was a bit too bold for my liking, but still well done. The problem: the second and third stories were part 1s of multipart stories. Of course now I want to know how the stories end. Eventually I will, but not worth spending that much money on them right now.
Thankful my kindle was in easy reach as my baby cakes is battling the stomach flu. Catching up with some Elizabeth and Darcy fan fiction while she catches up on some sleep!
Elmet and eggs to start this fabulous Friday.