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Elmet: A John Murray Original | Fiona Mozley
127 posts | 90 read | 1 reading | 113 to read
Fresh and distinctive writing from an exciting new voice in fiction - Sally Rooney meets Sarah Perry, Elmet is an unforgettable novel about family, as well as a beautiful meditation on landscape. Daniel is heading north. He is looking for someone. The simplicity of his early life with Daddy and Cathy has turned sour and fearful. They lived apart in the house that Daddy built for them with his bare hands. They foraged and hunted. When they were younger, Daniel and Cathy had gone to school. But they were not like the other children then, and they were even less like them now. Sometimes Daddy disappeared, and would return with a rage in his eyes. But when he was at home he was at peace. He told them that the little copse in Elmet was theirs alone. But that wasn't true. Local men, greedy and watchful, began to circle like vultures. All the while, the terrible violence in Daddy grew. Atmospheric and unsettling, Elmet is a lyrical commentary on contemporary society and one family's precarious place in it, as well as an exploration of how deep the bond between father and child can go.
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Oh my! That was a bleak, depressing, violent, and vile spectacle of humanity. But the writing craft is exquisite.

A pick if you are up for a dark read.

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Next up and long overdue. I‘m not excited to start another after Words to Shape My Name. 😐 Let‘s hope it‘s fantastic and I don‘t flounder in a morass of bails.

LeahBergen Very nice background matching! 👌 3y
Tamra @LeahBergen right?! My TBR shelves are in my bedroom and I saw that when I pulled the book out. A little too fall like though - I‘m not ready to contemplate the end of summer. 😐 (edited) 3y
Cathythoughts Yes , very pretty background 💫. And again , I‘m so glad you loved Words to Shape My Name 😁 3y
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I‘ve had this on my shelf for a long time, but put off reading it as I thought it might be too weird. It wasn‘t actually that weird, but very dark, almost dystopian. It‘s very violent too, but I liked it nonetheless.

Teamed it with my squirrel cushion and my new squirrel bookmark from the lovely @LeahBergen ….well, the book is set in the woods and I always like to match my reading accoutrements to my book!

LeahBergen That‘s some nice squirrel-coordinating you‘ve got going on there. 😆👍 3y
Megabooks Sounds very different than 3y
TrishB This has been on my tbr for a while! It may move up soon. I have her new one too 😁 3y
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Daniel and Cathy‘s Daddy builds a house off grid #InTheWoods, but their simple way of life is threatened when others take offence.

#FebruaryFeels @Eggs

Eggs Great cover!! 4y
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#ReadWithMrBook #OneWordTitle This has been in my TBR for a long time .Beautiful writing fills this novel of a back to the land family in the wilds of Yorkshire.But in the rules of rural gothic settings,someone or something won‘t let that stand.
Also using for #readingeurope2020 #England

Librarybelle Sounds like something I would like! 4y
Leftcoastzen @Librarybelle I thought the writing was beautiful, most Littens have been pretty positive on it .I really enjoyed it. 4y
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Another wild Friday night! 📚🍷🛏

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I have decided to join the fun , add to my pile of books to read and #ReadWithMrBook
The first one up is #1WordTitle My selection has been on my TBR for a long time: Elmet

MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥳🥳🥳🙌🏻! This one has been on my TBR for awhile! 4y
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I really loved this story of a man and his children who create a home in the woods, living on the edges of a rural life of casual labour, unscrupulous landowners and borderline poverty. The prose is beautiful, the story harsh but unusual. It also has such a sense of place in the rural flatlands where Yorkshire meets Lincolnshire and by the sea of the East coast. Not far from where I grew up in fact. This just might make it into my top 5 this year

Cathythoughts I havnt read. But I know my son thought it very good too .... must get there. 👍🏻❤️ 5y
JennyM I loved this one. I‘m originally from a small village outside of York and the descriptions of the place had me all nostalgic and thinking of home 5y
squirrelbrain I have this on the TBR shelf.... 5y
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Anna40 I lived in Leeds when I did my PGCE :) definitely stacking this book :) 5y
readordierachel Sounds excellent. Sold. 5y
JillR @cathythoughts @squirrelbrain @readordierachel hope you get to this and enjoy too :) 5y
JillR @Jennym I suspect the setting was closer to your home than mine as I grew up not far from Grimsby, but at the same time it felt very familiar and I felt nostalgic too (and it‘s always good to see Grimsby get a mention in a book!) 5y
JillR @Anna40 hope you get to this and enjoy :) 5y
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If you need some ideas for this weeks topical reading! Loved the grittiness I‘d the tagged book.


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I feel this one in my chest; it‘s so heavy in a beautiful way. Gorgeous prose — with so many phrases and sentences that just bowled me over with their perfection — that builds, powerfully, to a heart-wrenching climax.

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A poor family living off the grid on stolen land owned by immoral less poor people. What could go wrong? This debut novel was short listed for the Man Booker prize, but had no effect on me. So if you liked Olive Kitteridge or The Shipping News or The Sense of an Ending _ all other books that left no impression on me- you might like this.
( yes, it‘s been a poor reading year for me. don‘t know if it is me or the books!)
Next up: a simple romance

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#Daddy is a very strong character, in many senses of the phrase, in this 2017 Booker shortlisted debut from Fiona Mozley.

#SoulSeptember @Eggs

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 5y
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 1

Would you like to share your favourites @youneverarrived ? Each day, for 7 days, share a book cover you love, no explanation needed, and tag someone.

@Cinfhen 😘

JennyM I so enjoyed this book and love the cover. Captures Yorkshire perfectly x (edited) 5y
Cinfhen Great cover and I really thought this book was super atmospheric 5y
youneverarrived Thank you for the tag 😘 that‘s a lovely cover! 5y
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Cathythoughts Great cover♥️ 5y
BarbaraBB I hadn‘t thought of this one, but it‘s gorgeous indeed 💕 5y
LeahBergen I love this cover! 5y
Simona I like this cover👍, but dislike the story 5y
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Daddy builds a house in #DownInTheWoods where he lives with his children Cathy and Daniel. This 2017 Booker shortlisted novel was a pleasant surprise to me, very readable, though the subject matter can be harsh.


Cinfhen Great choice 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼this book was surprisingly readable for such a heavy topic 😢 5y
squirrelbrain I have this on my TBR shelf.... 5y
Severnmeadows Fabulous cover! 5y
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There is a way that the world works, where the owners get to make the rules and those below must follow. To escape society‘s ideas of ownership—of land, of your own body—you can live in the woods like John, Cathy, and Danny. You can even fight back with great strength. But you‘ll inevitably be found, outnumbered, and subjected to the demands of the powerful. To be truly free, the book suggests, you have to burn it all down.

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Far more nonfiction than my norm. (Usually lucky have just one.) Nice mix for me. Usually heavy on the mystery/thriller train.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Well done! 📖💖 5y
KarenUK Nice month! 👍 5y
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#TimBitTunes #WheatKings

Growing up in rural Yorkshire, not too far where Elmet is set, I spent my childhood romping through wheat fields. Oh, the fun!

I have this on my TBR and may have to bump up after thinking of it again.

TrishB I have it in mine too 👍🏻 thanks to Cindy! 5y
JennyM @TrishB I think mine was Cindy stacked too. 5y
TheKidUpstairs I was just looking at this one at the library, thinking of suggesting it for my book club! 5y
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Cathythoughts I also have on kindle 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cinfhen I really liked this one but @emilyhaldi was disappointed ~ it‘s wayyyyyy more of a character study than a plot driven story but I think you‘ll like it @JennyM @TrishB I‘m not sure it‘ll be a bookclub hit @TheKidUpstairs 🤷‍♀️ 5y
TrishB I‘m looking forward to it! I‘m thinking it may be like this one 5y
JennyM @TrishB @Cinfhen it does sound lovely. Let us know how you go if you do pick for book club @TheKidUpstairs 5y
JennyM @Cathythoughts soooo many books and soooo little time 😬 5y
emilyhaldi Hope you like this one!! @TrishB @JennyM I really thought I would love it but unfortunately I think I read it at the wrong time... it just fell flat. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
BarbaraBB Clever choice! I liked it when I read it last year but have forgotten all about it now 😊😘 5y
JennyM @BarbaraBB I have so many books like that. I remember my general feeling, but couldn‘t tell you a thing about the plot. Glad it‘s not just me. 😘 5y
JennyM @emilyhaldi hope you are vacationing hard Emily! Have fun 😘 5y
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Ugh, this one just didn't do it for me. I loved the stark, poetic prose, but the slow pace and lack of plot had me wanting more. 🤷🏻‍♀️

emilyhaldi @Cinfhen I can see why you thought I would enjoy this, and in some ways I did! I'm wondering if switching between audio and print amidst the moving chaos just didn't allow me to appreciate it as much as I could have otherwise 🤔 6y
Jas16 I felt the same way about this one. 6y
Reviewsbylola Yeah, it sounds like this was probably not the perfect time for this book. ⬆️ You need something more gripping to focus on amidst all the chaos in your life. 6y
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Cinfhen This book requires a lot of quiet reflection and it‘s VERY SLOW going. I read it pretty much in one sitting. Not sure if I put it down I would have been drawn to it again. 6y
emilyhaldi You are so right @Cinfhen this is a great book to read in one sitting, it's like one long train of thought! 6y
Litsi Agree about the lack of plot (edited) 5y
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Between the holidays and moving, the past couple weeks have been a blur. But we are making progress!!

I suggested to my husband that he put some music on while we unpack boxes but he said he would prefer to finish his audiobook (Mistborn #1- anyone read this??) and who am I to complain?? So I‘m trying to finish up Elmet on audio in the meantime 🎧👍🏻

Reviewsbylola Wow, look at Alex!! 6y
MallenNC I just moved also and it really did put a cramp on my reading time! I hope your move is going/has gone well. 6y
vivastory Good luck with finishing the move! I read the Mistborn trilogy this year & really enjoyed it. 6y
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Soubhiville I loved the Mistborn books! 6y
Amiable My husband and I moved on Dec. 17--trying to unpack around Christmas has been daunting! I feel your pain. 6y
Cinfhen Unpacking..... ugh 6y
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I cannot truthfully say I enjoyed the book as a whole, but I did enjoy the writing (from teenager Daniel's POV) and appreciated how the lyrical style with its frequent glances at pastoral beauty made the pervasive violence and building menace feel all the more violent and menacing. The story is troubling throughout and the climax to which it leads is both horrible and horrific: I needed a brisk walk after to clear my head.

Cathythoughts Great review! Now I want to read it ( it‘s on my kindle ) 👍🏻♥️ 6y
laurieluna I got your card! Thank you so much ❤️ x 6y
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Completed it today. It was a picnic read, with lyrical narrative and breathtaking ending.

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Reading this book gives me a feeling of a trip back to my granny's place when each night she used to tell us beautiful stories.

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 😊 6y
shikha.sourav Thanks everybody :) 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
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#31bookpics #bookstack All of these have been on TBR too long . Hope to get them read before the end of 2018.

vivastory What an excellent stack! 6y
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#litsybookmail part two today😁
Thank you Cindy - I now feel I‘ve had my (vege) chicken soup for the soul! Grateful to have found such a wonderful friendship 💕
These gifts are awesome and sorry if I‘ve opened them ahead of birthday (it did say get well/birthday - my excuse) - but they will still be awesome then!!
I love my little Hedwig 🦉 and the books and gifts are amazing. Thank you 💜💜

Kalalalatja Oh, the Butcher‘s Hook! I really hope you like it 🤞 6y
AmyG Hope you are feeling better! 6y
squirrelbrain How lovely! ❤️❤️ 6y
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Cinfhen Yay!! That was super fast...I‘m shocked 😮 so glad the gifts have arrived and I‘m looking forward to celebrating your birthday with u in person🎉💖😄 6y
TrishB @Kalalalatja it has rave reviews! Can‘t believe a former Blue Peter presenter has written it! 6y
TrishB @AmyG much better thank you 😘 6y
TrishB @squirrelbrain I know ❤️ very lucky. 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I know I was shocked how quickly it got here! And that would be an extra special birthday pressie 😘 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful gifts 🎁! How exciting to get such fab post. 👍🏻❤️ 6y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it was a great day for post! We are blessed by this community and it‘s kindness. 6y
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Trite but true: feel like I didn‘t read the same book as others. Found this boring & plodding, narrator‘s voice changed seemingly by the author‘s needs, characters felt flat & clichéd. And while there‘s certainly a valid convo to be had about the concept of land ownership, ummmmm sorry I don‘t side with someone who just randomly decided to squat and acts high and mighty about it. Also STOP USING SEXUAL ASSAULT AS YOUR PLOT DEVICE. Bleeehhh. 1/5 ⭐️

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Timely. 😡

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Had a hard time choosing my next read after such a wonderful experience rereading Neverwhere. I finally just went with one of the oldest ones on my TBR shelves (not by publication date, but by how long I‘ve owned it). “Man Booker finalist” doesn‘t always guarantee a good book but hopefully this will be! #nowreading

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It took about 30 pages for me to become invested and once I did, I read through in one sitting. Told from the POV of Daniel, a young boy who is looking back on an event that altered the course of his life. You know from the beginning it‘s something dark & isolating but the story is slowly revealed and you feel the dread and tension percolating. I‘m sure @TrishB & @emilyhaldi will love this richly atmospheric, dark & haunting story.

Cinfhen Special thanks to @shawnmooney and @Booksnchill who both sent me copies of this book 😘😘😘 6y
TrishB Definitely sold 👍🏻 love the sound of this one 💕 6y
emilyhaldi I think I‘m gonna love this one too! 🙌🏻 6y
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quietlycuriouskate I've already got it stacked, but your review is prompting me to move it higher up the list. 😊 6y
Cinfhen Let me know what you think @TrishB @emilyhaldi @kathedron The story itself isn‘t really special or unique but the writing is so unnerving and compelling ~ I want to discuss this book...I think you read it @Kalalalatja !???! 6y
BarbaraBB Yay, I really really liked this one, so dark 🖤. Glad you did too. 6y
Kalalalatja I did, and it was great! I had to get into to it as well, but once I did I was invested! 👏 6y
Cinfhen I wasn't blown away by the story @Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB I thought some parts were pretty obvious early on but there was something about the writing and the way the story unfolded that grabbed me. What was the deal with Daniel and his femininity?? I wasn't sure if the author was trying to make a point?? 6y
Kalalalatja I agree about the story, but the writing made it feel very intense, while being really slow, for me. And I‘m thinking she was trying to turn the gender norms on their head, it almost felt like she had written Daniel as a “stereotypical” girl, and then flipped his gender 🔄 6y
Tex2Flo Just moved it up the TBR list. 6y
Booksnchill @Cinfhen so pleased you liked it!!! 6y
Cathythoughts It‘s on my kindle for ages.. must give it a go 👍🏻❤️ 6y
LauraBeth Oohh this sounds up my alley 6y
ElishaLovesBooks I loved this book too! It really grabs you and doesn‘t let go. 6y
Cinfhen I think you'll both like it @Cathythoughts @LauraBeth 💜I didn't remember that you read it @ElishaLovesBooks but I get why you liked it so much 6y
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I told my daughter to choose a book from my shelf and here‘s the winner 🌳🍂🌾 I don‘t know much about this book so I‘m going in with no expectations. September is #ReadWhatYouOwn month 🤞🏼🤞🏼

TrishB Interested to see what you think! Been on the fence with this one. My daughter still regularly picks my books 👍🏻 6y
Kalalalatja Oh, exciting! I liked it 👍 6y
scowler1 Loved it. 6y
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CouronneDhiver I‘ve heard good things. She chose well. 6y
emilyhaldi I've been meaning to read this forever. It's currently in my towering tbr stack!! SO curious to know how you like it 🤗 6y
Tex2Flo Can‘t wait to hear what you think. Just received it as a gift and I know nothing about it. 6y
Reviewsbylola Never seen this book before in my life! 6y
Cinfhen I only read first 15 pages @Tex @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi @TrishB @CouronneDhiver writing is beautiful but I can tell, it‘s gonna be slow & bleak 😔 I hear the ending is great so I should stick with it... keep u all posted 6y
TrishB I quite like slow and bleak 😁 6y
GatheringBooks i like a #ReadWhatYouOwn monthly theme. 😂😂😂 6y
Cinfhen It's a good idea in theory but I already broke my ban & bought a bunch of new books @GatheringBooks I'm easily swayed by "deals" & "discounts" ? 6y
GatheringBooks @Cinfhen am suffering from withdrawal symptoms since it‘s been a month since i bought a book. since my trip to ireland. 😭😭📚📚 6y
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Finished this after a recommendation from my best friend, who is a Yorkshire lass. Very bleak and like granite but, oh, such love...

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Literary fiction debut from female British author. Based in the north of England, this timeless novel has a strong sense of place. There are a range of characters showing the variety of human experience; some confirming gender biases and others challenging them. They are also shown warts and all, confirming the complexities of being human - we are neither all good or all bad.

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I got completely swept up by this audiobook. It‘s such a unique and disturbing story but beautifully written. I can‘t help but feel deeply for Cathy, Daniel and their Daddy. Well worth the listen.

CouronneDhiver Wasn‘t this one on the Women‘s prize list this year too? I feel like I‘ve heard of it before ... 6y
SoniaC @CouronneDhiver I‘m not sure but it wouldn‘t surprise me at all. 6y
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I did not think I was going to enjoy this book. I could not have been more wrong.

This reads like the first season of a fantastic new HBO show - dark, forboding, with a cast of characters you immediately sympathize with, making the inevitable disaster that much more raw.

This was great - don't miss it

#EliReadsTheBookers #EliReadsTheWomensPrize

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I most definitely have an inside sort of head.


Book 17: Took a while to get into this one but after a decent sitting and a change of pace in the latter part of the book I found my way. Would have loved to have heard this story from Cathy's point of view....

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This book starts with Daniel running from something #burn-ing. Slowly, throughout the book, we learn how Daniel got seperated from his father and sister, and why he is fleeing the burning of his family home 🔥🔥


BarbaraBB An impressive debut, this one. 6y
Cinfhen Still have to get to this one!! 6y
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I really liked this book which portrayed the Yorkshire countryside and community in both its natural beauty and brutality. Daniel seems a lost soul searching for his wild sister, cathy, who he lost years before when his bare fist fighter yet gentle 'Daddy' confronts demons from his past. Harsh yet poetic, i liked the characters, relationships, tension and couldn't stop turning the pages with a dramatic ending. As a debut im looking fwd to her next

Cathythoughts Great review! I have this on my kindle. Must get to it 👍🏻 6y
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#backpackeurope traveling Elmet. Beautiful walking weather. @JenP @BookwormM

BookwormM Looks lovely 6y
JenP I will be very curious to see what you think of Elmet 6y
Kristelh @JenP I am liking it but a bit afraid of the book. I read Anita‘s and Bookworm‘s reviews. The narrator doesn‘t fit well with his age, he feels older than his stated age. 6y
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JenP @Kristelh I started off liking it. 6y
hilded Looks like you are enjoying your trip already 😉 6y
Cinfhen Great photos 👍🏻 6y
KellyHunsakerReads I love your photos. 6y
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Destination, Heathrow, July 2. First stop, Elmet. Hope there are no delays or bad weather. @JenP

LeeRHarry Love the welsh map 😊 6y
BookwormM England is in the middle of a heatwave at the moment so expect to meet English people complaining about the heat 🤣🤣 6y
Kristelh @BookwormM, It‘s been pretty hot back home (Minnesota) and if it isn‘t hot it‘s downpours 6y
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Written in stark, yet unrelenting prose this story gripped me and wouldn‘t let go. I don‘t want to give too much away as much of the story happens at the end but it‘s about a family that lives in the woods of Yorkshire. The story is told in alternating flashbacks and present moments from the POV of Daniel, the son. Family, rural life, community are all described in language that is “rhythmic and lilting.” #Booked2018 #Outdoors #LitsyAtoZ #LetterE

ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen I finished this on Shabbat so still in June! 😊 6y
Cinfhen Yay!! It‘s on my shelf waiting to be read 🤗🤗😶 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen Yay! I think you will enjoy it!😊 6y
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Today‘s Audible daily deal looks too good to pass up. #Audible #DailyDeal

JessNevertheless Ohhh thanks for the heads up! Been eyeing this book for awhile and now I have the perfect excuse to get it! 6y
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Reading on the stair machine at the gym. Trying to make reading and cardio a thing. 😁🏃🏻‍♀️📚 At the very least I feel like I‘m accomplishing 2 things at the same time!! Still really enjoying this strange story.

britt_brooke This is the ONLY way I can tolerate the stairclimber!! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @britt_brooke Yes! It went much faster than normal! But I wasn‘t going very fast- not sure if I could read and go fast. #klutzy 6y
britt_brooke @ElishaLovesBooks Slow and steady! 💪🏻 6y
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Just started this one-literally only 15 pages in. Went on a short run and had a workout and I can‘t seem to stop thinking about it. Which is a good sign I think. It seems a little out of my comfort zone in terms of writing style (no dialogue yet!) but I‘m still liking it. I‘m thinking of using it for #Booked2018 #SetOutdoors

readordierachel That's a good sign! 6y
Cinfhen You have a few hours left to get it in for this quarter ❣️❣️😘 6y
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Slowly getting through last year's booker shortlist. I loved this book. It is beautifully written, lyrical and at times disturbing. This tale of growing up tough in a rural Yorkshire with a bare knuckle fighting father, malevolent land owners and the risk of losing the house they call home, is slow to start but never boring. A marvellous debut novel.


Shirt, sharp, clear. I can taste the air, smell woods, feel the cold.

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Beautiful poetic writing...just hard to beleive it would come from an enducated young man. I will definitely read her future work.

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My reading buddy 😻😻📚 #catsoflitsy

mcipher So pretty! 😻😻 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Fantastic reading buddy! 😻❤️ 6y
readordierachel Looks so comfy! 6y
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rubyslippersreads Sleepy and stripey! 😻😻😻 6y
Soubhiville Awwwww! 💙 6y
JoScho So sweet 💕 6y
tammysue 😻😻😻 6y
mrozzz Ahhh so cute ☺️💗 6y
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