New Meg Cabot!! Best day ever.
"And, yet, Millie's been there. She's been the punch line. But there she is, doing her thing, not giving a hoot what anyone else thinks."
Millie is my spirit animal.
". . . all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you. (And the ones you can't google.)" So true. Cath's anxiety is so real to me.
It was good, but it feels like the series is starting to drag. Introducing a new villain in the third book could be amazing and could be a train wreck. I'll just have to wait and see.
Couldn't stop reading it. I love a good fairy tale retelling and this had some great moments. It managed to create vivid characters even of ones you didn't see much of and provided closure on almost everyone we met during the course of the story.
Haven't had much time recently, but just started reading this and I can't put it down. I HAVE to know what happens to everyone. #BackToReading
This was so great. I finished it a week ago and the characters are still with me. Morgan Matson just makes everyone so real that I just want to keep hanging out with them.
I just love when authors set their stand alone books in the same universe. Or in this case in the same high school. #SinceYouveBeenGone
Excellent. Full of great insights about the extremely wealthy while still being funny and making you hungry with all the food talk.
Just read this for the first time. As an adult I can tell it was written by a teenager, but it's a classic for a reason. Stay gold, Ponyboy.
Really great story of Gabe and his transition. I found myself forgetting that I'm a cis-female who identifies as a woman as Liz presented as Gabe. And all the music talk was great because Elvis really is the King.