Little bit of front porch reading and I am loving Homegoing, I didn't think I'd like it but it's def living up to all the hype!
Little bit of front porch reading and I am loving Homegoing, I didn't think I'd like it but it's def living up to all the hype!
Loved this weird but grasping novel, it pulled me in quick!
One of the best books I've read this year!!! With lessons on finding your voice, being yourself, activism, and that there are two sides to every story. I loved this book and think that it should be required reading.
Currently reading and probably forever changing my point of view ... Such a great book so far!!!
Did You Know? ...this comic ish book is filled with awesome little farm tidbits!
This book is helping me with my garden planning 🤗🌻
Book Mail ... Testing the waters with some poetry 😁
Gotta keep my ladies happy hopefully this one will have some nifty tips and tricks!!!
Cheryl Strayed is a goddess!!!
My Interpretation:
Miserable and mediocre women living lives in transition making questionable decisions and not happy with themselves or their situations. The quote that seems to sum all the stories up for me was, "It's ridiculous this waiting for something else, when this is all there is." I think these stories were a tough read because the actions, emotions, and lives of these women were not only average but entirely real life.
For those of you that have read Muir... Which Muir would be the best Muir to read first? Is there a good collection? I'm wanting to be engulfed by nature
Taking in the quiet despair of these stories might be sinking me into a place in my head that I'm terrified of.
Read this and loved it before ... Checking out the audio now and loving it too 😍
I adored, devoured, and went back for seconds with this one. Cheryl Strayed = My Spirit Animal ... I just love how her writing always drop kicks me in the feels!
Finally got my hold in from the library ...Excited about this one... 😍
Does anyone else keep a reading journal? And if so what all do you include? I started one this year and I've just been adding quotes and passages that I find thought provoking or hit my feels... Just looking for some ideas
I continually return to this book for advice! I love it!! And my chickens love all the healthy treats I've learned to plant!
Just bawled my eyes out and I'm only about ten pages in .... Hello feels it's been a while.😭
This is one of the few reasons I like my Kindle reading, being able to look up definitions to words! 😂 for instance bollocks = the testicles 🙄😂😂
Stunningly harsh. This book will haunt me for years to come.
Started this last night and I am loving it! This is my first Sarah MacLean ... Wish me luck lol
I love Constance Kopp, such a strong character! A great story about standing up for yourself and finding your niche in life.
Beautiful and Strong!! Everyone should read this!
Amazing!!! Giggled the whole time!
Hey Littens ... It totally looks as if Lindy West unintentionally predicted the future! Oh my oh my...lol
This book was unnerving, awkward even. But I was drawn to read more.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! It was enchanting, I was hooked from the very first chapter Alexander Chee had me intrigued and always wanting to turn the page to find out more! So beautiful!
I'm going to describe On Living as a book written by a hospice worker that shares the secrets, wisdoms, and regrets of the dying. Mrs. Egan does a terrific job of inspiring, and takes what seemingly would be a tear filled subject and turns it in to a thoughtful little book of lessons and insight. I Loved it!
As a serious athlete in high school I can really relate to young Ms. Devon Knox in some ways. When you are dedicated to a sport it seems as if the rest of the world falls away. I loved how this book kept me guessing, I def didn't expect it to end the way it did. There were a couple of issues I had with the ending but I would still recommend this book to everyone.
Life is a million choices...
Terry Tempest Williams stands at the top of a mountain screaming to my soul while I rest in the valley listening intently to every word. The Hour of the Land celebrates our national parks while attempting to define what they mean to us, all while dredging up hard but cold truths. She is showing her soul, not begging us to care, but instead showing us how much she does.
I adored this book and meditated on several passages. Protect our wilderness!
"Awe is the moment when ego surrenders to wonder..."
This book is getting me into this mindset... A nature lovers perfect getaway inside the cover, a bit political at times, but its acknowledging the truth of what our National Parks, these wild and untamed places, are truly up against.
The To Be Read Stack for this week/ possibly two weeks lol some of these books are rather large 😂... And I'm not as quick of a reader as most of you folks on LITSY but I got this tho! 🙌
I thought that this was like a wizard of Oz type adventure; except instead of a wizard you have a producer and instead of a displacing tornado the main character just saunters off into the woods and onto a nightmare of a path .... Oh and did I mention instead of ToTo you have a talking crab sidekick at one point. Loved this adventure!!!! And the ending👌🏻
I'm an effort to lose some weight this year we have been hiking around our house and this is totally what happens when Chowder starts complaining we are walking to fast for her 😂😂😂 also I am reading The Hike and am loving it so far, totally a wizard of oz type read ❤️
This book is speaking straight to my soul ... Def. going to have to read more of her books when I'm done.
Simply informative. Quick easy read about how to help you get your financial life in order! 👌🏻
Get this book and get your fuck budgets in line folks!! Such a light yet thought provoking read!!! Loved it! Can't wait to read Get Your Shit Together.
Politeness and honesty ... And the Not Sorry Method ... Loving this quick and quirky read! Editing my Fuck Budget as we speak 😎
This book was very random and took me longer than normal to plow through, I loved the idea of the story but thought the writing was a bit too choppy for my mind to latch on to. I tended to side with Patricia most of the time, because DUH witches RULE! Haha
Dark Matter is a mind altering book. I don't feel that anyone could read this book and not wonder about the paths they have taken in there lives. And what worlds they would have opened the doors too.