I can see how this could be a well liked book, just wasn‘t for me.
I can see how this could be a well liked book, just wasn‘t for me.
I‘m unsure on this book, in parts I really enjoyed it and in others it really dragged.
Really enjoyed this book, completely different to my normal genres! Did get a bit stuck in patches but overall I liked it.
Really enjoyed this book, I liked the flashbacks to Mike‘s life before and the unpredictability of what happened to him. Tate is a brilliant character. Really enjoyable.
Brilliant! Alex cross is a brilliant character / series, this book was no different. Loved it.
I thought the boom started really strong, then came a bit predictable and the ending was just a bit too far fetched for me.
This book came as part of a mystery book order and I was unsure if I‘d I get on with it. There was parts i thought I could get into it but overall wasn‘t for me.
Loved the theme of this book and all the messages throughout, found it very entertaining!
Gutted the series had to end, but what a way to end it. Brilliant character development and wonderfully wrapped up.
5/5! Absolutely loving this series and this book did not disappoint, great direction for the story line!
A lot of twists! This book was going in many directions but still a great read,
Gripping! I absolutely loved this book, I found I was gripped to bettys story!!
I was intrigued as to how they would follow Violets of blue but this book was just as brilliant!
Wow, what a twist with mastermind! Another brilliant book in the Alex cross series!
Brilliant! Absolutely loved this book, great storyline and character development!
Really struggled with this book at times, loved the Theme, characters and storyline. Just thought it dragged on it parts.
Wow! Absolutely loved this book, a really good read!! Engaging characters and storylines!
Not for me, not my usual genre and I struggled to get along with this book. However I Have really enjoyed previous Dawn french books!
Probably my least favourite of the series, struggled to engage for a while but would definitely still have it as a pick!
Very similar to a storyline from another JP book, still enjoyable though.
I really liked this one and the storyline, again thoroughly enjoying this series
Interesting storyline but still a great book nevertheless, definitely enjoyed the 3rd instalment of the NYPD red books!
Another good book in what I‘m sure is going to be an even better series. Really enjoyed it!
Another James Patterson series started, another great book! Loved this first book in the NYPD Red series, looking forward to the rest!
Love, love, love! Really enjoyed this book, really trying to get into new genres other than thriller and this was a great starting point!
I found this book very funny but it was quite stop start for me.
Amazing! I really enjoyed reading this book, the writing was really good and I enjoyed the storyline!
I almost found this book too predictable! I liked the concept and the twists but still fairly easy to figure out.
Took me a while to get into this book but once I did, I was hooked! Brilliant character development.
Brilliant book! A really easy read and story like I‘d never read before, I was gripped!
Brilliant book, great story! Just loved the whole concept of this book and great for anyone who is struggling with their mental health or even struggling to understand others mental health!
Not for me, I found this book dragged a lot but I know many people that do like it!
I loved the concept of this book, it just didn‘t read well for me.
I loved this book, so heart warming and yet funny. Definitely recommend
Another great book by James Patterson and of course part of the Alex cross series.
I skipped through a lot of this book, found parts really boring and too many storylines going on at once.
Urm.. parts of this book I really enjoyed! Other parts, no so.
I found Karen McManus through one of us is lying and really enjoyed her writing. This book was just as good, really enjoyed the story.
Wow!! Not my usual genre but really loved this book, thought it was very well written and had me feeling a whole range of emotions.
Always a fan of jame Patterson‘s work, only 3 books in to the Alex cross series but this is my favourite yet. I love how alongside the storyline, Alex‘s character also has a lot of development.
The best book I‘ve read this year! Amazing, loved the characters, loved the story. Read this book very quickly and was entertained throughout.
Interesting read, I liked it and would definitely recommend but I found it predictable, especially the ending.
Amazing! Always loved Ruth Jones work but this book is really good! I found myself feeling for every character.
So.... I enjoyed the character development in this book and the connection between the 3 women. A great theme of mental health which is really relevant.
After one of us is lying, I had to give the sequel a go. I honestly don‘t know how I feel, it was good but not as good as the first instalment.
This book surprised me, with it being a YA book but I really enjoyed it. The ending I did expect but still this book is a great read.
It took me a while get into this book but once I did I really enjoyed it! James Patterson writing is amazing and I always look forward to getting into one of his books.