Such a fun read so far!
Such a fun read so far!
Paris wanderlust during lunch! 🐩
This was good for its intended purpose--an easy read. I loved the scenery and lusting over a trip to wine country now. I struggled to get invested in any of the characters. It was often hard for me to keep different stories and names straight.
I liked this book but honestly was a bit disappointed after all the rave reviews. The tone was very slow and dry leaving you to miss certain things if you don't pay close attention. An excellent read and glimpse into relationships, family, and race but I prefer a little more excitement and thrill.
Cracking this open at the dog park. Hope it's as good as the hype!
Stayed up past my bedtime finishing off this modern classic. Beautiful story of a girl in a forgotten world of tradition and oppression. It went on a bit too long at times but I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much!
Prepping for the show this weekend by listening to the soundtrack all week! 🎼🎼🎼
I listened to this on audio and really enjoyed it. My first go around with it and very pleasantly surprised for a classic. I've heard it's great to revisit over the years and as your life progressed so I'm looking forward to reading again.
Kind of bummed my library copy is short and stubby but excited to mark this off my list and complete it for my Catch Up Book Club on Goodreads!
Lovely store of 3 generations of Indian women. Estranged mother, daughter, and grandmother all with their own struggles. It was a bit underdeveloped for my taste but nonetheless a beautiful picture of the female spirit and perseverance.
My first go around with this jewel. Sissy Spacek makes it extra special.
This was something I had achieved by myself, without having to depend on anyone. That's what I want for you, my Tara, my Bela. That's what it really means to be a fortunate lamp..
Good mail day! Excited to jumpstart my summer reading.
This isn't high end fiction by any means but it was a light fun read. I laughed all the way through. Poppy was so relatable to me and anyone else who tends to stick their foot in their mouth!
Kate Morton is one of my favorite pleasure authors. I can always count on her to whisk me away for several days. I loved the intertwined plots in this book but my only complaint is they sorted themselves out too tidy and unrealistic for my taste.
Just discovered my library's e-book lending service and can't stop 😜
Very well written but at times very dull. I need a little more excitement. But in all a lovely story about the life of an immigrant girl.
"How did I get to be the woman I am today?" It started in that library, in the reading club. That's where I started to be my own person.
I had high hopes for this book based on the surrounding hype. I enjoyed it and finished in a few days but was disappointed. I wanted to love it but found myself often bored :/