Amusing myself making ornaments with air-dry clay. I think I'm 2/3 Hufflepuff, with the remaining 1/3 split between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. How 'bout you?
Amusing myself making ornaments with air-dry clay. I think I'm 2/3 Hufflepuff, with the remaining 1/3 split between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. How 'bout you?
I wrote a book! It's coming out on January 1st with Adams Media/Simon & Schuster. It's made for lapsed, would-be, and aspiring (teen and adult) writers who want an easy way to bring creative writing into their lives. There are 1, 5, 10, and 20 minute prompts, both fiction and non-fiction. It's available for pre-order now through Amazon, IndieBound, and Barnes & Noble. And there are TWO writer-related giveaways on my website! ✏️📓
They're filming a TV show of Joe Hill's NOS4A2 ("Nosferatu") all around Rhode Island. I got to hang out on set for a couple hours today and watch Zachary Quinto rehearsing. Drove to the next town's library to pick up the book. (It's been out for five years but most of the libraries in the state have it checked out, likely because of folks like me who know it's being filmed here.) Horror isn't my usual genre, but looking forward to checking it out.
Pile o' books I've been using as reference for various book-related creative questions I've had (such as how do different writers structure their introductions?) 📚 #amwriting
I love Rhode Island, where all events seem to have an intimacy to them. Really enjoyed listening to authors Ann Hood and Akhil Sharma in conversation with their editor (and fellow writer) Jill Bialosky of W.W. Norton at the Providence Athenaeum tonight. Excellent conversation about the writer/editor relationship. Also, I drank sherry from a real glass there SO I AM VERY LITERARY, FYI. 🍷
Been reading this in bits and pieces over the last few weeks. The writing is a little odd and disjointed, but I'm hoping to understand her use of alternative medicine in curing herself of a rare eye cancer. Achterberg is known for her pioneering work around using visualization for healing.
Sitting in my kitchen listening to writer Joyce Maynard teach a Creativelive class. I'm hooked. If anyone wants to learn the basics of memoir I highly recommend. She's a really engaging, smart, compassionate teacher, not to mention successful writer. This course is jam packed with useful info. #writeyourstory #memoir
Between getting on Litsy and having to make some book lists for a project this week, I came to the inevitable conclusion that I needed to have audio books all over my life in order to make a wee dent in my "to read" list. This memoir has been on my radar for a while but when you have loved ones with cancer around it's not the first thing you want to do in your spare time. (Everyone is doing well.) It's beautifully written and wrenching, naturally.
I always keep a small curated collection of books in the bathroom, because - let's be honest - it's a great place to read. This one is an all-time bathroom classic as far as I'm concerned. Lou Beach wrote each of these tiny stories as Facebook posts back when the platform had a 420 character limit. They are raucous, and poetic, and dark, and funny. Whenever I need a little writer inspiration I crack this book to any page and read.
Fell in love with this children's book today (from 1986). All about various ways people honor the morning sun. Here's the page 1 text (which is formatted like poetry): "The way to start the day is this -- Go outside and face the east and greet the sun with some kind of blessing or chant or song that you made for yourself and keep for early morning." The illustration style is spot on. As visually compelling as it is soulful to read.
My wonderful husband got the results of two important tests today: 1) MRI scan to check for evidence of cancer; 2) medical coding exam results. Absolutely thrilled to say he passed both! Officially 1 year cancer free and on his way to a new career. He is such a warm-hearted, funny, humble, and all around good human and I'm so damn happy for him. ❤️🎊🎉🍾✨🌈
Found this horrible, creepy book about eugenics in a trash heap (where it belongs). I like to cut it up and subvert the energy of it. Dark humor with a feminist twist. Finished this collage tonight. #darkhumor #feminism
Listening to Brooke Warner of She Writes Press give a talk about what finally made her jump out of the traditional publishing industry - when Corporate passed on an incredible book by a little known trans author while greenlighting a celebrity-attached book about make-up.
Hosted a New Year's brunch and book swap a couple weeks ago. A friend brought this YA book as her pick and I've been reading it in bits at bedtime. Lovely info about an outcast Wiccan (though they don't use the word) who mentors a young girl. Compelling earth magic and mysticism in the mix.