I love love looooooove this panel.
Okay, hold on. He just bought an alternator for her? A 21 yet old guy raising his nine year old bro with a bunch of student debt and while student teaching? I mean granted he is getting paid but teaching doesn't pay that much. Alternators aren't that cheap. I'm really trying to like this book... but little things keep knocking me out.
Wow. Just wow. I feel like this book needs to be read. Not just because it gives insight into what it means to be trans but because it delves into what in means to be you. It's amazing to see a story that at its root is about acceptance. #booktubeathon #readabookentirelyoutdoors
If I'd had the strength to be normal, I thought, or at least the strength to die, then everyone would have been happy. #heavy #booktubeathon #biannualbibliothon
I love Kim Savage's past book. It was dark and enjoyable. This one just went too far for me. I didn't hate it but I don't want to reread it. I think that this is perfect for anyone looking for a super dark psychological thriller. It was just too much for summer. *I received this copy courtesy of Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
Starting my C book for the #alphabet soup challenge! Getting excited! Have to film reviews for my A and B books first though... boo
I feel like everything I have ever heard about the VA hospital has always been to say that it takes forever to get care. This doesn't jive with that thought. I'm not military so I don't know personally. But I just feel like this isn't done right. Am I justified in thinking this? Or am I alone here?
I'm not sure how I feel about this book. They just called Macklemore really old bad white people rap.... I feel like there are really two white rap artists that earned respect from me. Eminem and Macklemore. It's a silly thing to be bugged by... but it kinda felt like the author is just grasping for a song they heard of without really knowing what they are talking about. Also really old??? Ack.
Contemplating starting this one next. Anyone out there read it? Thoughts?
I can't handle this story. I've been massively impressed but how much the story has improved over the last two books in the series. It's to a point where I am scared to finish and end it all. Ugh! It's just so nerve racking. All hell is about to break lose and I have no idea how it's going to play out. That doesn't happen often.
Do you love unboxings??? Do you love books??? Come, watch three awesome #unboxings! 1 of the wonderful #bookofthe monthclub and 2 wonderful hauls from #bookoutlet here at my new(ish) YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/zijQsaDFco8
#unhauled a LOT of loved but unneeded books today at my local used book store. Ended up with enough to bring home these babies. #Bookhaul It was like I stumbled upon everything I wanted. I had just started reading The love that split the world in galley format (don't judge too harshly. I'm mad behind on reviews) and stumbled upon a copy and much much more. Keep tuned into my YouTube channel at Letmetakeashelfie and watch out for a book haul vid.
I can't... I was excited to read this before I got to Six of Crows. Well. I read it and I have simultaneously all of the words and none to explain how I feel right now. Holy mother of plot twists Batman. I was not expecting it to go quite like that. Am I disappointed? Not a smidge. If you like action packed fantasy this is a great pick. On to the next!
Okay. I did it. I posted my first ever video as a booktuber. #myfirsttime come check it out! https://youtu.be/3fE1YyT0mM4 #bookhaul let me know what you think!
Currently Reading Missing by Kelley Armstrong(thank you NetGalley). But the real question is what should I read NEXT. Because I bought a lot of books this month and I need help. Discovering Book Outlet has either been a blessing or a curse. Haven't decided. #maybookshowers #bookhaul #caturday
Dude! I want to tell you about an amazing giveaway happening right now. The Literary box is starting a new sub box and is celebrating with an everyone wins type of competition. If you are interested in taking part and seeing how you do pleeeeease copy the link below and sign up. I only need seven more referrals of this link ---> http://vy.tc/dDLV131 and I win a free book! Help me out and join the competition!
Just started reading this to screen it as a possible pick for literature circles this year and actually had my mind blown! I'm a hundred pages in and the author has made some hints that all may not be as it seemed. I'm suddenly sooooo excited to share this with my kids.
Can I say that 50 shades is so much darker in Spanish. The nuances in verb choices went from controlling in English to dominating in Spanish. Also a lot of swelling saliva which just... Ew. Unless something is lost in translation of course.
So I heard that a friend had taught herself Spanish by reading a book she knew in English in Spanish - Harry Potter. I have wanted to hone my 6 years (seriously?) of grade school Spanish by doing the same. HP was too pricey and this was all I found in Spanish at the local used book store that wasn't a dictionary or history book. It's definitely been... A journey these first ten pages ...
The second in the song of the lioness series. I learned many life lessons from these stories not the least of which how to know who my friends are. Great book. Still one of my favorites at 26. EvenCllaptrap agrees
This is the book that got me into reading. It was due a rereading and I was not disappointed. Still fantastic fifteen years later. If you have young girls, this is a great book to recommend. Lots of life lessons can be learned within these pages.
Brutally ugly and honest in the most perfect of ways. Shows the world as it is: a whole lot of unpredictable awesome with a little bit of ugly on the side. Lots of profanity, so not for the faint of heart but oh so worth the read.
I've never had a book tell me to go look something up before. Well played.
Surprisingly good. Very quick read with the feel of an otherworldly cop show. The book had different spin on vampires but I could have used more backstory. the main character was well developed but the supporting characters lacked depth, even ones that played major roles in the plot.
These books are my guilty pleasure. They take me back to my lofty dreams of romances and otherworldly things back in the good old days.
Such a great book. Truly chilling. Why? Because it's believable. This kind of situation? It could happen. Let's keep our water clean and safe to be around folks.
This book is so different then just about everything I have read lately. It just feels educated and brings me back to college days filled with exploring literature and making meaning from text.