Finished “A” in 24 hours so moving right along .. I‘m hoping to clear Z by August . 🤗 #bookinit
Finished “A” in 24 hours so moving right along .. I‘m hoping to clear Z by August . 🤗 #bookinit
Aaaaaahhhh! I‘m so sad this series is almost over ! (Cry face) Any new long fantasy fiction series recommendations??
“The wheel of time turns and Ages come and pass,leaving memories that become legend. “. ... Oh my goodness! The last book of the series ! I‘m so excited and sad at the same time . It‘s a good thing I still have most of Oathbringer to look forward to after this .
This book changed my life!!! After struggling with health issues for years , I have finally found some answers!! I made some dietary changes (the book provides so many delicious options ) & realized positive results in the way I felt that same week! This book really has made such a difference for me. I would suggest this to anyone who cares about their body, which hopefully is EVERYONE!! 💌💌
I completely love this series. No matter what is happening in the world or in my little life, I can open my books and disappear into a world where my own imagination merges with the story and no one else can follow. ❤❤❤
This book has totally changed my view on relationships!! I am so glad that this inspiring couple chose to share their experience . I have undervalued myself my entire life and allowed others to do the same .. not anymore!!!
Christmas book haul! A three pack & The Chemist ( which was in my stack) 50% at Barnes & Noble 🙏🏼☺💌📚 I
Returning to my chosen career field (Cosmetology) , thought this book would be an excellent choice for my new beginning!