Plane reading.
Forgot the book I was planning on reading in my car tonight, so I read this lady instead. It was a quite a charming slice of life story. Like Salinger meets Robin McKinley.
My god, Seanan‘s a monster. I don‘t know what we did to deserve her.
I‘m doing pretty much anything I can to not start this book. Not a poetry reader... but Jane Yolen!
So, I‘m unreasonably nervous to start this book. As a fantasy reader at an early age Jane Yolen‘s Pit Dragon series was one of my favorites. I‘m not really a poetry reader and I‘m really worried that this book is going to be too deep out of my wheelhouse to love.
The cadence of this book was very Robin McKinley, but the content was like nothing else I‘ve ever read.
I‘m a bad nerd. I had never properly read this before. I had the travesty of an abridged audiobook in my youth, but it was only two cassettes long so really I didn‘t count. Pocket Thrawn (Apparently he was 5‘ 9” in Legends) is kind of a dick. Definitely like Tall Thrawn better.
There is the tiniest of chance of me finishing this in time for book club. (Image featuring lazy pit bull in the background) #pitbullsoflitsy #bookclub #literarypitbull
Assassin cults before getting work done on the literary sleeve. Finishing up Gutenberg today, I think. I hope.
Up next! I stumbled upon the first in this series while rooting around in the Tor.com backlist catalogue and my heart has never felt more at home. I‘m really looking forward to the next two in the series.
This was the least awful book in the series since the first one.
I am going to hate read this book so freaking hard. I‘m going to enjoy every minute a seething about her shoddy world building and then rage about how great her books would be if she wrote urban fantasy.
Digging in to this on my day off! It‘s only a moderate cheat considering I sent four unanswered ARC request so I actually paid money for this book. Street dates be damned. #booksellerperks #margaretkilljoy #tordotcom #myrepismynemisis
I think I just Love to hate her books. Her world building is super lazy. I struggle to immerse myself in a world with abundant indoor plumbing (introduced as early as 1550 in our world), what I can only deduce to be some type of gas fueled cook top (introduced in the 1820s), but are still fighting with bow and arrow when reliable black powder weapons began appearing in the 1300s. I JUST DON‘T UNDERSTAND.
I'm pretty much the slowest reader known to man, but I'm going through this one at an impressive clip. It's an entertaining and well balanced read. #arc #feministfantasy
The card section in my store, after hours is my favorite place to read.
Bookseller life. I got this one early enough that I might even be able to write an indie next blurb for it. #ARCsfordays #slowestreaderever #kimwilkins #daughtersofthestorm
I think this one just wasn't for me. Art was fine, story was fine, just didn't make my heart sing.
This is not a bad way to start a comic. Bought this on pure author cred. I have no idea what the content of this book will be. #gamble #booksellerlife
This was a cute book, but kind of silly. Certain stories greatly expanded on the flavor of Temeraire's world, but those seemed like filler for a mediocre novella. I enjoyed the 100 word stories at the end, but would have rather had those pages devoted to another short story.
Digging into the first ARC in a fresh pile from the ABA. #arc #booksellerlife #whitebox #homework
The book was a perfect, brutal, sinister faerie tale. Everything that I could have asked for and then a little bit more.
Why yes, I am hidden in my bookstore's card section reading with a post work treat after hours. Is that not what everyone does in their work place? #bookseller #livingthedream
This is a local school's all school summer reading pick, and being a devoted bookseller I decided to give it a shot so I could talk to the kids about it. I was beyond amazing. Like I've been selling it to everyone who walks into the store and isn't too cool to be seen with a children's book. Do yourself a favor and put this at the top of your TBR pile.
My Lucifer trade reread has triggered a floppy buying slip up. I guess I have a comic book collection again. Oops? #Lucifer #comicbooks #mikecarey
Apparently I'm only reading books with pictures these days. On the bright side, I think I found a source that can get me single issues of the original run and they're not obscenely expensive.
I read this purely because it had a dinosaur on the cover. Best impulse read ever!
On a more serious note. Age appropriate content for a young teen, relatable girl as the protagonist with an interest in STEM. Like give this to every child you know, right now.
I'm slowly, slowly crawling through this book. Savoring it as I also work through On Tyranny.
This was the perfect way to spend a dreary sick day on the couch.
Visiting an old friend. Lucifer is my all time favorite graphic novel. I was thrilled to discover recently that Mike Carey is also MR Carey who wrote The Girl With All The Gifts, so that got immediately added to my must read pile.
This book was really, really, really bad. Shoddy world building, lackluster character development, and dismal analogs to the real world (I'm looking at you Yulemas). Young adults deserve better than this garbage.
So, I'm due for a great book soon, this one isn't it. I'm dropping the money and just rereading Lucifer again in fancy compilations. Lucifer never let's me down. On a brighter note, I'm over halfway through this monstrosity.
This book needed to be 30 pages shorter. It was charming but meandering. The world has ample potential but it's underdeveloped. I might have read the next one, but they're published by Amazon and they're not worth selling out over. Probably wouldn't have read the first one if I'd realized they were Amazon.
I'm going to make it through this book eventually. Then I'm going to have to review it. I hope I can find something good to say about it.
I have a gift for finding books about Origami Magic. I might have found my new favorite genre.