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Joined May 2016

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My preciooooouuus. I've wanted to buy this for a year or so and finally I couldn't resist any longer.


Zwischendurch hab ich etwas mit mir gehadert. Es ging stark in eine Richtung, die jetzt nicht ganz meinem Geschmack entspricht (aber nicht per se schlecht ist), aber letztlich war es eine unterhaltsame Miniserie. Nur fängt der für mich spannende Teil am Ende des Buches gerade erst richtig an. Also gern mehr davon.

Star Trek: Year Five #8 | Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
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I dislike that this is an ongoing series of non-episodic narration style. Meaning, I had all of the Year Five Comics up to this one in a bundle - but the series isn‘t over and therefore I don‘t know how it ends. We‘re still right in the middle of a plot. Annoying.
Other problems I have with this series are Kirk‘s constant whining. Only one year of mission left and he acts like it‘s the last week.
Pro: Non-binary character + Sulu snogging them


Finally starting with Hunger Games #1

Interesting how different book Katniss is from movie Katniss. Way more realistic, less heroic. I like both, though.

MissGranger She is yeah! I‘ve only watched the first one so far, but I‘m curious about the other two as well. Gotta read #2 and #3 first though 7y
TheBookDream In case you ever find your way back to Litsy, hello! Miss seeing your Trek reviews. 5y
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Ihr schwächstes Buch, da oft wiederholend und beinahe belanglos. Dank des dennoch immer lesbaren Stils, der Frau Freitag eben eigen ist, immer noch ein 3/5 Sterne-Buch.

Buchland | Markus Walther

Also ich weiß nicht. Der Protagonist ist ziemlich unsympathisch, die Protagonistin wirkt hölzern, das Setting folgt Regeln, die einem auch nach 60% des Buches noch nicht erklärt wurden, ... irgendwie ist das Buch zu prätentiös in Wort und Dialog und zu belanglos in der Handlung.

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Anna Karenina | Leon Tolstoi
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Hey guys. So the year is (almost) over and once again I am annoyed of how few statistics Goodreads shows us for the year. So can anyone recommend an app (preferably for free or cheap) that can give yearly statistics off what author you read most, what publisher you read most, median of year published, what genre you read most, ... with diagrams and stuff? Or do I have to start using Excel or Stata?

Spock's World | Diane Duane

Too boring, too much canon divergence. Also plainly stupid parts. Why would Spock have to give a speech he would not believe in? And why would he have to leave Starfleet just because Vulcan leaves the Federation? Even back at that time people could still be citizens of one country and work in a completely different region of the earth, even during struggles between the two countries. If you write about Vulcans, write logically!

Spock's World | Diane Duane

Why does everyone love this book? I‘m only on page 60 and already thinking about quitting. It‘s so out of character and not even canon compliant. 😢

TheBookDream I remember liking it, but it being kinda boring at parts. Also, for a lot of people Diane Duane IS canon, especially her series about the Romulans (which I haven't read) so I'm sure that's a factor. 7y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream I quit. I just could not stand it. It was partly boring and partly just so far from the show‘s canon that it hurt. I think I once read a good novel of hers but this is not among those I would want to be canon. 7y
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Although he had 3 separate plots in just 190 pages, Dvorkin still managed to get me bored quickly. I did not care how it ended and only finished it to have it checked off my list. It was Star Trek-y, just not interesting at all.

Star Trek: Academy: Collision Course | William Shatner, Judith Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Not much Trek and the characters behave too much in a Kelvinline way for my liking. Kirk is a jerk in this.
But if you ignore that it's supposed to be Star Trek and that it mostly seems like an espionage political thriller, the story is not so bad. Not my kind of genre, but good writing, never boring.
And I like the way they pictured Lady Amanda and Sarek.

TheBookDream Oooo. I remember liking this (Kirk mostly seems jerky to me anyway) and being sorry they never wrote another one. But that's just me. 7y
Taayasbooks In the books Kirk usually is a jerk, that‘s true. I don‘t know why but while he is a little weird but trying to be a good man in the show, in the books he‘s usually written to be a sexist who seems to have no brain or moral code. I wonder why they allow the books to differ that much from the show and to turn their ‚hero‘ into some „how not to act“ idol. 7y
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Beautiful beginning turned into almost 200 pages of boredom. Plus WW II memories. Two people who only talk about their dads and nothing more, without real character development or actual plot.


I wanted to bail. So badly. It started of great with a malfunctioning computer that seemed to have developed a personality of it's own. But instead of working with that, Ford just dropped this great idea to drag the reader into 200 pages of nonsense, based upon faults in his logic when it comes to the book's setting.
The worst Star Trek novel I ever read so far.

TheBookDream This one is weird as heck and I loved it. But mostly because of the 20's and 30's references. Def on my list of "How was that even published?!" Trek books ? 7y
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Next read. German translation by one of our best selling authors: Andreas Brandhorst.

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1. Brunswick, Germany
2. Hidden Universe Travel Guide: Star Trek - Vulcan
3. I don't have a particular order of reading them
4. Animals of the Farthing Wood
5. Mara und der Feuerbringer (Mara and the Fire Bringer)
6. Ghostsitter #5 - great series!

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Characters one could not relate to - they seem kinda stupid -, no rules of logic whatsoever and a world like Wonderland, plus descriptions of everything important and unimportant. Really boring and just absurd.

Happy family: Roman | David Safier

Trying to kill undead monsters with gas? Bit illogical.

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Left: Book 1 finished
Right: On to book 2


Oh, come on. You say breasts like Susan Sarandon's would be the perfect size for you and think about when you saw them. But you don't mention Rocky Horror?! I mean, duh! Sure, only in a bra, but visible breasts nonetheless.

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Untitled | Unknown

"About 9 out of 10 apprentices transform into a human grilled chicken when they first try to use magic. And death is a line even magic can't cross." - "How did you know that I would not die trying?" - "I didn't."

(Sorry. I just kinda love my own quote. The rest of my novel still sucks, but I love that dialogue. - It's better in German though.)

Momo | Michael Ende
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Fav hobby: writing
Fav drink: Chocolate cappuccino
Fav food: Pasta
Fav colour: 🖤
Fav City: London
Where would my dream house be: Scottish Highlands, far away from other people
Fav accessory: none
Fav TV show: Star Trek TOS
Last movie watched in theatres: Mara und der Feuerbringer (German YA Fantasy, with FX by the same guy who made the Balroc. Plus Billy Boyd cameo!)
Cur. reading: Momo, Tears of the singers, Anna Karenina

coffeenebula That Spock doll! 🖖🏻❤️🖖🏻 8y
Bookworm83 My dream house would be far away from other people, too! #kindredspirits 8y
Taayasbooks @coffeenebula 🖖🏻back - and yeah, he's my little cutie 😅 8y
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TheBookDream That movie sounds cool 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream it sure is. :) But unfortunately it has not yet been dubbed in English. It just hit the theatres in Spain and was released on DVD in Japan, but so far there are neither English Mara books nor the movie :( 8y
TheBookDream Eh. Maybe I'll tackle it in Spanish. I don't know a lot, but more than German. Got a couple friends that know German though. Maybe they'd be interested. 8y
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There's a karaoke bar in ShiKahr! 🤣 #startrek

TheBookDream But why?! I can't even imagine. 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream The travel guide describes Vulcan some time after Deep Space 9. There's a bar of the Quark's franchise on Vulcan, too. So I guess it's rather for the non-native population. 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream though the author wrote that some Vulcans like to sing 20th century earth classics ... 😳 8y
TheBookDream There is a Klingon travel guide now. Bleh. 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream Oh, cool. But I guess I should not buy it until I have written down every idea the Vulcan guide gave me 😅 8y
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This point should be added in all travel guides. If you think about how often London was (partly) destroyed...? (Harry Potter, Doctor Who, ...)

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I guess you could say I'm an addict. #newin #startrek

TheBookDream This book is a delight 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream And required reading for me as a fanfic author 😅. But yeah. I saw pictures of it and knew I wanted to have it. 8y
TheBookDream You write Star Trek fic? I would like to read that! 8y
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Taayasbooks @TheBookDream No you don't. I'm not good. And by now I only write Spirk. Though thanks to the book I'd really like to read or write a fic with original human chars visiting Vulcan. (But if you still wanna read crappy fics, I'm Taaya on AO3 and at the K/S Archive.) 8y
TheBookDream Pffft! I'm so bad (and old) my fics are on fanfiction.net :P. I'll check them out. I like K/S just fine. Have you read the slash version of Killing Time? (Full disclosure: I haven't, but I do have it kicking around somewhere). 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream HA! Finally I DID read a book you ask me about. Yep, I did. Though I don't understand why they called it back and destroyed it. It's not that slashy. Not more than the series itself, in my humble opinion. Just saying that these two belong together. And speaking of a bond but not saying it's a marital or otherwise romantical one. But still worth a read as it's an interesting story. (I hope that haven't been too many spoilers.) 8y
TheBookDream Nah, I'm aware of what's in that book just never read it. I tend more towards reading TNG as of late. I think I read more TOS in high school. Although since the new movies, I like to read the TOS novels and imagine in new Kirk with the old cast (I can't stand Shatner). 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream 🤣 I never liked Shatner's Kirk until Chris Pine came along. Now I hate Chris Pine's Kirk (too immature, even more than TOS Kirk) and tolerate Shatner's. I tend to imagine Shatner and Nimoy in AOS fics as I just think the new cast is really bad (not bad actors, I do like them in other works. Just not fitting.). 8y
TheBookDream @Taayasbooks I'm the exact opposite lol. I tolerated Shatner just fine until AOS, and then immediately went "byyye" and adopted Chris Pine as the Kirk in my life ?. I think he plays a younger Kirk exactly as he should be. Older Kirk was somewhat immature, just not THAT immature. Plus, the older I get and the more I learn about trauma, the more surprised I am that he functions well at all after Tarsus IV. 8y
TheBookDream Here I go again, talking about fictional characters as if they're real 🙄 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream They are, to us. But actually I do think trauma makes us more mature, that's why I can't stand Pine's Kirk. I mean, I never had to survive anything like Tarsus, but every pain I ever had to endure made me grow up faster. And I just can't stand the thought of someone acting like a teenager being up in the sky as a starship Captain. To me he's just incompetent. 8y
TheBookDream @Taayasbooks I've been meaning to reply to this since you posted it. Got sidetracked. 8y
TheBookDream @Taayasbooks See, it can make you more mature, but it can also massively screw up your brain chemistry. I would imagine that a trauma like Tarsus IV, being one of a handful of survivors of a massacre, as a TEENAGER no less, would fall into the category of "shit that will screw you up for quite some time." I just assumed that risk taking was similar to other people's alcohol abuse. A coping mechanism. 8y
TheBookDream Actually, aside from the risk taking a womanizing, I think he's pretty level headed and good strategy wise. 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream But isn't risk taking a psychological trait Starfleet should check applicants for? And say 'Boy, make a therapy and then try again'? Otherwise it would be a danger to the crew. 8y
TheBookDream Well, this was the "western" era of starfleet we're talking about ?. Talking through everything forever didn't seem to land until TNG. I'm just arguing that immaturity isn't the only possibility. Besides, where would the fun in the series be without Spock being the only one making any dang sense? 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream I'm more talking about AOS. I think TOS Jim is not that much damaged. His trauma only seems to show when he looses crewmen. His immaturity is rather this 'men will always be childish'-cliche. At least at looks to me like what I always find annoying when I talk to most of my friends. They act similarly. Maybe they're traumatized as well, but I do think that kind of behavior is rather normal. I just don't like it 😅 8y
Taayasbooks But yeah. In TOS it is kinda necessary to make Spock look even better. 8y
TheBookDream I dunno. I used to read a lot of womp fic so I'm sure that colors my view. But TOS Kirk is supposed to be an older Kirk, so he's had more time to mellow out. So there's that. 8y
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The Tears of the Singers | Melinda Snodgrass

Ah, that's how Spock recognized the songs of humpbacks. He had encountered species singing like them earlier. Quite interesting. I'd have loved if there had been some meta about the link between the book and the later movie. Or something like 'That must be the reason why those species sound similar, Captain. This probe seems to communicate with all of them over a great distance.'
Still very interesting.

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Untitled | Unknown
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I forgot that I had not yet signed up for @24in48 - now I finally did it. Not many international prizes this time, but who cares? It's the fun that matters.

24in48 There are more coming! We're updating as they're confirmed. 8y
Taayasbooks @24in48 Even better. Though I never win and would join without any international prizes at all. But ... makes it easier to get others to sign up, too. 😊 8y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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#bookishwouldyourather @Kalalalatja

1. Break it. It hurts my heart a bit, but heavy, huge paperbacks are extremely hard to read without breaking the spine.
2. Tea. I prefer coffee, but my circulation doesn't like it that much.
3. Fantasy! Urban or futuristic. I need water toilets!
4. Morning. It's what I mostly do.
5. Author. Bookstores are close to being extinct. And my novel is 50% written by now.

Kalalalatja That's amazing you are so far with your novel! 👏👏 8y
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Loving it. It's like listening to an AU version of Gilmore Girls in which Lore becomes an actress.

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Spock watching magic tricks and almost ruining the show. Young Spock is such a cutie. ~35 years old and still acting like a curious child that can't keep its mouth shut in inappropriate situations.

The Paper Magician | Charlie N. Holmberg
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Finally have them. Printed and in German. I only read them in English, one book a month as I have no kindle subscription and that is the one book that comes for free if you own the device. But I really wanted to OWN they, as they are too great not to reread them over and over again.

Sarah83 worum geht es? 8y
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Spock thinks the tradition of smoking cigars after the birth of a baby is a lottery, deciding who is to die in order to make place for the child and prevent overpopulation. I love this man ❤|| #startrek #spock

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Untitled | Unknown
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@TheBookDream That's the one I was talking about. Not sure if it's already translated into English. The original language is French and it's freshly translated into German now. But the (what is the opposite of spin-off?) Sherlock Holmes comics it belongs to seem to be available in English.

TheBookDream Original series would be my best guess as to "opposite of spin-off." I'll have to look for it! Thanks ? 8y
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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home | Vonda N. McIntyre

Awwww, how cute. Sulu meets his great great great grandfather. ❤

TheBookDream They put that in the book?! That's so cool! That was supposed to be in the movie, but the child actor wasn't co-operating and they ran out of daylight (edited) 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream Both that and that Spock was drunk from sugar when he swam with the whales. (I admit that was the scene I wanted to buy the book for. When I heard that that would be in it, I simply had to have it. 😅) 🐳🐋 8y
TheBookDream 😆😂I think I had this book at one point in time, but I don't remember reading it. I did read the novelization of V, probably hoping for something more palatable than the movie itself 🙄. Speaking of Spock stories, have you read Ishmael? The one where Spock ends up on 19th century earth with no memory? 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream Not yet. I'm not even sure I own it, but I heard a lot about it. 8y
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Happy #towelday

Untitled | Unknown
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@maich #meetthelittens

1. Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany
2. Mara und der Feuerbringer by Tommy Krappweis
3. Well, same as 2.
4. Kingsman, nowadays. Earlier it was Dragonheart.
5. Star Trek TOS!
6. Arne (Singer of 'Duivelspack') or Jan Zinkler (opera singer)
7. black
8. everything humorous
9. unemployed (officially still student, but I just passed my last exam and now I'm a Master of Arts in Sociology, yay )
10. Only plushs. Allergic :(

maich Hy to Germany!😘 8y
Texreader ❤️ Star Trek!! 8y
Taayasbooks @maich Hi back to Slovenia. 😄 8y
Taayasbooks @Texreader Forever and always. Yep. 😀 8y
maich @Taayasbooks I really like song Satellite which won Eurovision for Germany in 2010. It's one of my favourite Eurovision songs. 8y
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Final Frontier | Diane Carey
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Got new books. All #startrek and it was 1 € per book ❤

TheBookDream Oh! Those are some oldies. I think I've read some of them, but hard to tell since they're all in German. 8y
TheBookDream Incidentally, they look about 1,000x better in German 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream If you want to know some of the titles, just tell me which book (row and column) and I look them up. Original title usually is printed inside. Can't say anything about the looks, though 😅 8y
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Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet | Charlie N Holmberg

Though the book is not boring at all, it is rather brutal and dark. Not that much of a fun read, but still an interesting story. Only the epilogue seems hasty and rather unexplained though in its events to be expected.


Though Ethan Hawke describes values that he thinks a knight or lady should have, and most of them are in fact to be desired, the thought that people can survive in a society while following all the rules, is highly unlikely. And the tale of a mighty stag is rather biased. It's more like he wants to force his own values on children as they are the ones addressed with this book.

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Crap. Real crap. Racist and insulting unemployed people and gays. I wonder why this book is still being sold.

Planet of Judgment | Joe Haldeman
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As Reboot-McCoy would say: Just friends my ass. --- A really good #startrek novel. It's funny, creepy, exciting and scientific all at once. And I would have liked it, if they would not have used the word love for Spock's thoughts about Jim, but I'm grateful nonetheless. So, #Readathon done and with this 3 books down.

TheBookDream OMG I need to read that one now. Also, I thought the only Star Trek book published with basically overt slash was the mispublished Killing Time. 8y
TheBookDream ...basically. I guess those goggles are more or less glued to my face by now 🙄 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream Price of the Phoenix is actually way more slashy, saying something about love and how Spock and Jim can't live without each other quite openly. Though Star Trek without slash subtext would not be Star Trek. At least not TOS. 8y
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Nope. Extremely unfunny. #readathon


Not as good as his first book, but still good.
And Readathon book 1 is hereby read.

Untitled | Anonymous
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Still reading a fanfiction I wanted to finish before #readathon but life got in the way. Anyway, soon it'll be books, books and books.

unabridgedchick Yaaaaaaay readathon! Enjoy! 8y
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Nimona | Noelle Stevenson

Great. Having a literary crush is one thing. But a graphic novelly crush? Still, Ballister is kinda awesome. He looks a little like how I imagine Havelock Vetinari to look like.

Nimona | Noelle Stevenson
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My #Readathon books. Though I probably won't make it through all of them. 😅

TheBookDream Planet of Judgement. That's the Joe Haldeman Star Trek book, yeah? 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream Exactly. :) I wanted to add one Star Trek and that sounded the most exiting of the shorter novels. 8y
TheBookDream Joe Haldeman is an awesome writer, but I actually haven't read that one. The Forever War series is his big claim to fame. Read the first one of those. 8y
Taayasbooks @TheBookDream I think I don't have them. Not sure, though. But I think that's the last Haldeman novel in my collection. 8y
shanaqui I loooove Nimona. That'll be a great book if you need a break! 8y
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Nimona | Noelle Stevenson
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Happy #worldbookday everyone :) (I still don't understand how there can be two worldbookdays. One in March for U.K. and one each year on April 23rd for every other country in the world. Both can't be world(!)bookdays then, can they?)

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Lacking a bit of love for Scotty, Uhura and so on, rather focusing on McCoy, Spock and Khan when it comes to interviews, but an enjoyable read.

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The glasses are broken and you do not have spare glasses for this case. Yep, that was my problem a few months ago, too... #leseparty

Spock Must Die! | James Blish

James Blish wrote about constructivism, nutritional biology, astrophysics and philosophy but forgot on the way that this was supposed to be a SciFi novel, not a scientific paper.

TheBookDream I liked this one quite a bit. But I've read some odd or terrible Star Trek novels, so this one lands strictly in the middle of the pile. 8y
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Spock Must Die! | James Blish

One of my country's two big book fairs is starting today and for those of us who stay at home there's a huge reading party going on this weekend on twitter and instagram under the tag #leseparty. All of you who are at #lbm2017 have fun and 'Bringt mir was mit 😜'