I really enjoyed it and can‘t wait to get my hands on the second book. And the third is also out, I heard some of the action takes place in Estonia, so that‘s cool.
I enjoyed the writing style, it made sense and was really gripping to read.
I really enjoyed it and can‘t wait to get my hands on the second book. And the third is also out, I heard some of the action takes place in Estonia, so that‘s cool.
I enjoyed the writing style, it made sense and was really gripping to read.
I do not know why it took me so long yo start reading this, because I‘ve had the book at least a year. But here we are.. finally finished with this beautiful story. I loved the Russian setting as well as the fairy tale like feeling of this book.
Equal parts scary, magical and breathtaking. Can‘t wait to start another one. Hopefully not in a year.
I love books about bookshops. That candy‘s gonna end on my sheets 😫
When you thought you have less than half until the book ends and then you realise you held it upside down. 🤦🏻♀️ #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booknerd #raamatud #books #book #bookish #muttloebraamatut #grisha #grishaverse #alinastarkov #darkling #siegeandstorm #currentlyreading #leighbardugo #bookaholic
Today feels like the day I should read this. #rupikaur #milkandhoney
What have they done to you, Eleanor?! Somehow when I started reading this I thought I'd be laughing more, but insted each new chapter gives me something to frown upon. I love Eleanor and hope she'll be really awesome instead of fine.
Finallyyyy. I just know that I won't be sleeping tonight.
That's what's up! Probably the dearest books I own. It's not weird to own three copies of the same book now is it? #carryon #rainbowrowell #snowbaz
You probably can't tell, but there are cobwebs on my earphones. Probably a good time in my life to start reading #markmanson #thesubtleartofnotgivingafuck
Finally I have started reading this book. I got this hardcover through the book-exchange in Estonia, it's a bit worn but still very beautiful.
Soo... the last 73 pages marked by David Bowie paperdoll clothing item...is this really the last book??? #surprisesurprise #eragonalloveragain?
I fell in love with this book before I got my hands on it. When I read an interview a couple of months ago with #GraysonPerry, I just knew.
Can't wait to start reading this (it arrived today 😍) but before starting that I have a couple of books I need to finish before.
When millennials go to the school of magic... straining to finish it.
So I am about half-way through with it and decided to check.. you know just in case if this book is the last of the series.. and behold - according to goodreads there's a fourth book coming.. More bad decisions by all the characters ..yay🙄allthough I enjoy this one better than the second book, so maybe on the end I'll be happy about it. But so far I'm interested in what happens next and 'tis all I ask.