Love my Inspire NLT Creative Journaling Bible! Such beautiful illustrations of the scriptures.
Love my Inspire NLT Creative Journaling Bible! Such beautiful illustrations of the scriptures.
Love finding the spot in a book when it's obscure title is tied to the story.
"Because cities are beautiful... chaos. They're not like villages, where everybody knows each other and the ruts run deep. They mix hundreds of people and ideas like chemicals in a flask, till things go bang! You can get lost in cities. The walls rise high and swallow all the landmarks, and you're nearly always surrounded by strangers."
A pretty good summary of why I'm glad I live in the country.
I love the imagery Hardinge creates in this book. Such beautiful use of language.
"It felt like being coddled inside a horse-chestnut shell, protected by its inward downy softness, while all the spikes pointed outward."
I love the imagery that Hardinge creates. Such beautiful use of language.
Poblocki seems to be pretty good at using one book to promote another of his books.
Nothing like using one book to plug another one of your books (The Stone Child) by having a character read your other book in the story.
Going to start October off with a good ghost story.
"...a firm hand is needed. We're too powerful, and too bored with immortality, to be checked by anything else."
"Of course it would be magic, because it was spring here. What wretched power did they possess to make their lands so different from ours, to control the seasons and weather as if they owned them?"
"We need hope as much as we need bread and meat... Ee need hope, or else we cannot endure." Very true words.
I've seen this one all over my social media feeds and then happened upon a copy stuck on a random shelf at Walmart, so about to give it a try.
"For there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort." #september11 #neverforget
Used my eBook settlement to finally order my copy!
I can read a book where almost every human character dies and not shed a tear, but let a dog get injured or, heaven forbid, die and I get all boo-hooey.
"Entirely right about sinister bristle-stick were we... Never and also never and moresoever NEVER to be brushed shall be the teeth of Scratch."
This dragon and my toddler grandson have the same opinion of teeth-brushing ?
Just bought this but will probably wait for a while before I read it. I really enjoy the CBS series, and I know I won't enjoy it nearly as much if I'm constantly comparing it to the book.
What do you do when the power goes out? Sit in front of the window and start a new Eve Duncan novel!
I was sure this one would pick up where the first ended, but I was wrong. The case from the first isn't even mentioned until the last two pages. What I didn't like about this one was that it seemed to completely ignore and even change plot lines from the first. That kept me pretty confused.
Overall I really enjoyed this book. Grisham does the legal thriller well, and this kid version was no exception. Parts were pretty unbelievable (like a school secretary asking an 8th grader for legal advice), but the story was one I'll recommend to my students next year.
This series has just not been my favorite, but I can't really put my finger on why. There's still one more in the series which my library doesn't currently own, and I will buy it for the library, but I don't know that I will ever read it.
"Your name is full of meaning and power. Your name is your destiny. My destiny really stinks."
In a society trying to root out moral flaws, one mistake in judgement can brand you, literally, as flawed for life. A completely different take on the dystopian novel from anything else I've read. This is Cecelia Ahern's first YA novel, and I seriously hope it is not her last.
During an alien attack, I'd probably be doing the exact same thing. Save the family, the pets, and the books!