I loved this book! It‘s such a fast paced read!
Obsessed with my current read! Check me out on Instagram for a chance to win this awesome book out January 2020! @Pattyisbooked
A beautiful collection of poetry. her work is is separated into 6 different sections, that all relate to the Octopus. The way that Salma has beautifully been able to articulate each section and have it flow as one book was magical. It made my heart sing. I won‘t say too much about content because I think everyone should pick this up.... but just know I shed a few tears while reading this. (And dare I say it may be one of my favorite poetry reads).
This book was an emotional roller coaster and I honestly loved every minute of this. TW for domestic violence. This book gets very extreme which is important but also very upsetting.
I loved this book so much! PICK IT UP AND READ IT ASAP
I loved this book so much it brought me to tears. It‘s beautifully written and hits you in all the feels
Loved this book on audio! I loved that the author read this book out loud. I highly recommend
Ummmmm I cannot WAIT to start this awesome new read thanks to #penguinteen #letitsnow #partner I am in LOVE with all things Christmas!
I wasn‘t into this read at all. After 60 pages I decided to stop trying to love something that wasn‘t for me
Has anyone read this yet? Does it get better? I‘m at 43 and not really feeling it
This is one book where I was so invested in the storyline that I needed to finish it before I went to sleep at night. As always, Karen McManus blew me away with her writing style and ability to really throw in a shock factor. I literally could not guess the ending of this book, which is why I loved it so much. I think One of Us is Lying was a little more intense, because of the multiple POVs, but I HIGHLY recommend this thriller!
Cannot wait to start this! Thanks #celadonbooks !
Ummm just when I‘m starting to wonder where the action is in this book. It hits me right in the 😱😱😱😱
I did not enjoy this book at all. I didn‘t like so many plot lines, and how everyone seemed to move on so quickly with other characters. I also didn‘t notice any character development at all throughout the storyline. I also found it very strange that both brothers thought Ayers was love at first site and how they were fighting over her at times... it just seemed so messy. The only plot line were people hooking up and 2 loved ones died. 2/5