There were a few nice moments but mostly the characters were much too one dimensional & predictable. I didn't hate this book but I was just expecting a lot more. In the end, wouldn't recommend it.
There were a few nice moments but mostly the characters were much too one dimensional & predictable. I didn't hate this book but I was just expecting a lot more. In the end, wouldn't recommend it.
Why do I want to spell everything w/y's instead of i's whenever I read any George RR Martin books?
In honor of the Game of Thrones premier. Anyone else out there a little sad not to have this in their hands yet?
Initially was excited to be reading behind the scenes with British aristocracy & the lives the accompany it from coal carrier -an actual job title circa 1940(😳)- to duke. However, was disappointed as only a very little of that in the beginning, & the secrets are, sorry to say, a bit of a snoozer.
How is it possible for one to go to a political convention to cast a ballot for their party's nominee; then, over the course of several days, come home the actual nominee? Politics 1880 (2016?)! Just the start of what I never knew is the compelling story of James A Garfield
To fill the Downton Abbey-sized hole in your heart. True account of historian who gets access to a sealed archive (of sorts) & the family secrets/mysteries she uncovers. Julian Fellowes might have gotten some of his dialogue from these letters 😉
Arrived today👏🏻👏🏻 - can't wait to start! The inimitable Bill Bryson never fails to edify in the best possible way - w/ such great good humor you don't even realize you've learned something new
Remembered this intensely interesting book about "fatal mishaps" in the Grand Canyon when organizing old photos & ran across this one of my girls pretending to fall over the edge?
After many months & more bookmarks?, finally had "the talk" & gave this book to my teen (new respect for jane fonda - book is v comprehensive, inclusive, engenders healthy relationships)
Sounded v interesting but the protagonist is annoying right away -is fearless, intelligent, born leader, irresistible to men, passionate, etc, & can pinpoint the flaws of all other characters w/in seconds of meeting. Nope on this one😟
If you love anything Game of Thrones, you will love this book. The narration reads like historical fiction - interesting, exciting, never dry. Basically history if it were candy.