Strayed speaks clearly & compellingly. She has great life advice and admits her mistakes.
Strayed speaks clearly & compellingly. She has great life advice and admits her mistakes.
This was a quick read full of quotes from Cheryl‘s past literary works and it was simply okay. There were some inspirational quotes that I liked but the flow of the book was random and the majority of the quotes weren‘t that meaningful for me.
I love this!
My recent poetry and short stories that I'm loving📚
“For me, teaching is about love. It is not about transferring information, but rather creating an atmosphere of mystery and imagination and discovery. When I begin to lose myself because of some unresolved pain or fears of the overpowering feelings of shame, then I no longer teach...I deliver information and I think I become irrelevant then.” #teachersoflitsy #iteach
#snowday for me and I‘m #readinginbed This book of quotes by Strayed is EVERYTHING I needed right now 👏🏽
I though I‘d lost this little book but just found it behind a shelf. Finally reading it.
I haven‘t really read any Cheryl Strayed yet, but I have flipped through this quote collection I picked up at a garage sale and like what I‘ve seen so far.
I think page #26 is pretty good advice — there‘s no such thing as perfect in parenting. We just keep learning as we go — and that means messing up sometimes. Mom guilt is so real, but I try not to get stuck in it. Reminders and encouragement like this definitely help. #novemberbythenumbers
There were parts that I really identified with and other parts not as much. That's alright, I took what I liked. In the end it was full of book darts!
"That place of true healing is a fierce place. It's a giant place. It's a place of monstrous beauty and endless dark and glimmering light. And you have to work really, really, really hard to get there, but you can do it." Every day I wish my little nephew was here with us - celebrating him today as my husband got this beautiful tribute done ? #babyOwen
This photo is old, but at the mention of Tiny Beautiful Things this evening I was reminded of my love for all things Cheryl Strayed.
I was brave enough to break my own heart once. It changed my whole life. 😘
"Your book has a birthday. You don't know what it is yet." This quote was very important to me because I'm writing my first novel.
I have a job interview today and I just want to hide under the covers instead
One of my sacred texts. Sharp, searing, compassionate, and crystal clear. I return to it on good days and bad. "Be brave enough to break your own heart." ? #cherylstrayed #braveenough #thefuckisyourlife
Finally on the correct day - Day 25 of #riotgrams #favoritequote which I'm going to have to cheat on because there are WAY too many! Love my Cheryl Strayed quotes ❤
I bought this for a gift, but I'm reading it before I give it... I'm a little disappointed. I feel like this is for someone younger than me. I'm 35 and I didn't learn anything from this book.
I'm questioning whether or not to still gift this book. Thoughts?
There could not have been a more perfect book to end the year with. I love all of Cheryl Strayed's other works & this compilation of her wisdom, wit, and inspiration made me smile the whole way through. I wish I would have read it before Christmas so I could have given it to *literally* everyone, but there's always next year!
When you open up a library book to discover a secret note from another reader
#librarylovenotes #literarylovenotes
The book I've found most inspiring this year has to be Brave Enough or Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. I found both of them at a time when I needed them most in life. The best thing I ever did for myself was decide I was brave enough to break my own heart. #inspiring #photoadaynov16
This really resonates with me. Made because my free time is divided between reading and walking.
I probably have more coffee table books than I need. And I'm definitely the only person who looks at them. I have no regrets. Have you read any of these?? (ok, one of them is a magazine) #funfridayphoto #coffeetablebook
The perfect book to keep around for when you need a kick in the bum. #cherylstrayed #braveenough #quote #advice
One hour and one book down for #24in48.I love Cheryl Strayed's Wild and Tiny Beautiful Things,from which many of these quotes are pulled,which is why I chose it.To be sure,some of these quotes are stellar stand-alones,but for me,most worked best in context of the larger works.That said,I have given and will continue to give this little volume as a gift because there are some beautiful words in this beautiful little book (I mean just LOOK at it!)
I have always striven to do this. Respect is key to any parting of ways.
My first check out from my new Fairfax County Library account. Because one can never have too many library cards. At $27/year(!!!!) for out-of-staters, an absolute steal. Be Brave Enough to get your own 😉 📚🔑
A bible for me during this gruelling week of liver transplant assessment. Here's why: "The most terrible and beautiful and interesting things happen in a life. Whatever happens to you belongs to you. Feed it to yourself even if it feels impossible to swallow. Let it nurture you, because it will."
Love the quotes, but the themes don't seem to be grouped together so they jump all over the place. Cheryl definitely has a way of putting things. Her days as an advice columnist ( Dear Sugar) makes her uniquely qualified to have a ton of pre-published zingers. Great book for a recent grad!
Thank you, Cheryl Strayed. I need to hear this in anticipation of my mother's visit.