I'm just under 4 hours into my #24in48 and I'm really enjoying Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman - what is everyone else enjoying this Saturday?
I'm just under 4 hours into my #24in48 and I'm really enjoying Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman - what is everyone else enjoying this Saturday?
I really liked this book - I had a sense of where the story was headed from the beginning, but that I'm no way diminished it's enjoyability.
This was a lovely quick read - one those books who have characters so endearing that you just don't want to leave them. I loved it!
So, I'm going to start off by confessing that like Rubin, I'm a geek who takes notes for no reason. Sometimes this book was brilliant, but not always. I enjoyed it. I learned some things and I would recommend it as something to be read slowly.
I thoroughly enjoyed this account of Helene's trip to England. I don't know why I still love reading others opinions on the country I've called home for the last ten years, but I do. ❤️
This is another one of those books that I wanted to love, but found a bit disappointing. A book about books and finding where you belong - I think if it'd had been another hundred pages, I might have loved it, but I felt cheated by an ending that left so much untold.
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. It reminded me of why I used to run.
This book had me laughing out loud. This book really bothered me at times. It wasn't quite what I'd expected and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
My only regret about this is that it only contained four short stories. I loved the additional insight and was happy to get it outside of one of the massive outlander books.
For some reason this quote has struck a nerve tonight... Control what you can control.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read that was engaging.
I'm glad I finished the series. Parts of this book were a lot more drawn out than they needed to be. The bit of closure was nice, but it's still open for another book.