A brilliant writer.
Thirteenth book of maternity leave
Fourth book of maternity leave
Second book of maternity leave. Made me appreciate the care of my midwives and doula all the more.
Was shocked when Mercedes Sosa was mentioned! Read & love this book in 24 hours. 💜
The illustrations and page layouts are absolutely spectacular.
It's both really tough to read this, and really hopeful. What a remarkable human. And despite all the difficulties, the love of his family still shines through.
Still in the middle of it, but loving the deep character development, and sense of family, class, what we owe to each other.
This book was not about what I expected it to be about, but I found myself completely drawn in. Great for flights, too.
Well-crafted, thoughtful book with layers. This is where I was when I read it. Forgot to take a picture!
This is an incredible family epic that touches on immigration, and the unique experience of Koreans in Japan. Beautiful prose, and astoundingly third person omniscient. Read it. Even on your honeymoon.
A world that is very fluid in terms of gender in many ways, but rigid in terms of the magic each sex can do. Smart & sweet.
My friendMaria bought this for me and I finally got around to reading it. Loved the characters, dynamics, cultural and lingual articulation. Felt right to take a picture reading it from the 7 train.
Had to read it before I see the movie next week!!
A great graphic novel glimpse into Houdini as man and myth.
This managed to be about so many things--friendship and ambition and art--and acceptance of gender fluidity within the context of a fairytale-type kingdom most of all.
While the fourth was my favorite of the series, this one was a sweet note to end on. 💛
I loved this multi-generational immigrants-in-America story. So smart, and beautifully written, too.
Read while listening to an old record. Fascinating and affirming (we are a self-selecting crowd).