Check out my recent post on my Instagram!!! Cool summer contest happening!😁
Check out my recent post on my Instagram!!! Cool summer contest happening!😁
My pictures from my recent photoshoot turned out way darker than i thought they had.
I'm so excited for the new novella Sarah J Maas is coming out with next may for the ACOTAR series! And I'm excited to read Chaol's book "Tower of Dawn". ?
Ahh! This book totally wrecked me! I cried huge, no MASSIVE tears by the end of it! This was such a heartfelt, faith-filled, and touching book. Becky did a great job with all of the characters, their stories, and their overall growth throughout the novel. This book was fantastically written and definitely has me pumped for the follow-up books! Definitely recommend to anyone who loves contemporary romances, Navy SEALS, and quirky heroines. 😉
You guys can get this gorgeous book mark from Emilie's (@createexploreread) etsy shop! Use my code "TBR10" to get 10% off!?
"I don't blame you, I am rather attractive. The tall, dark hero of your dreams, swooping in to save you with my vast intellect. You should accept my hand at once."
I absolutely loved this book!? Thomas Cresswell is definitely a new favorite book boyfriend!
Oh my heart! I can't even begin to express how much I loved this book! It was so good!
This was such a sweet and intriguing book. I absolutely loved it!
Just bought three books when I really shouldn't have spent the money. 😂😂😂
Almost finished with 'A Secret Courage'! Ill post my review soon!😊
Also, these candles smell absolutely amazing! Azriel is my favorite though because the scent just suits him so well. Mysterious and sexy 😂
Jody Hedlund is one of my favorite authors. I absolutely love her work and I cannot wait to start this third installment in her YA series. 😍
One of my favorite books this year so far! The world-building is phenomenal, the characters are full of depth and diverse, and the storyline is amazing. Overall, this series is a wonderful read. Maas never disappoints. 😊
These are some of my favorite characters from ACOWAR. I loved this series sooo much. I'm excited that we still get a few more books in the world of Prythian. 😀
Finally took some new pictures today! I absolutely love how they turned out!
You guys can get this candle over at @Themeltinglibrary's website! This one is definitely a favorite of mine!😍
Love, love, LOVE this new necklace I received in the mail last week!😍 It's beautiful! If you'd like one, go to @sweetmelissagiftsec on Instagram. She makes beautiful fandom jewelry!
Jody Hedlund is by far one of my favorite authors! I'm so excited to start reading this soon! You know, after I finish reading the other twenty books I'm suppose to read for review. 😬
#christianfiction #booknerd #books #bethanyhouse #jodyhedlund #series
Took some more nature-like photos yesterday. I'll share some of them with you guys later today!
Stayed tuned for an awesome announcement tonight on my IG account at 6pm EST time! Its going to be sweet!😊
Currently watching Poldark with my mom. I've got her hooked! Lol She loves it!😂 I've heard the books that the show is based off of are really good. I might check them out soon. Do you guys watch Poldark? If you do, do you like it? Who's your favorite character?
#ACOTAR #ACOMAF #ACOWAR #Feysand #Rhysand #baemati #daemati #sarahjmaas #Feyre #innercircle #themeltinglibrary #candles #booknerd #books
"When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing."
Love Kaz so much!? I'm only 100 pages into SoC, but I can already tell that its going to be a favorite. ?
I feel bad...I never finished this book. Its not because it was bad or anything, quite the opposite actually. I just never got around to picking it back up and finishing it. I still have like half the book left. I plan on it, but I don't know when. I started it earlier this year, but then I got sidetracked with another book. I'm what you call a "mood-reader", I guess. Anybody else like that?
#atatn #sabaatahir #booknerd #aeita #bookishcandles
Still not sure about this whole Litsy thing, but I'm definitely enjoying it. 😊 I just don't like how it crops my pictures so much. What about you guys? Do you like it?
"If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn't stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate."
First Post!😃