Starting Part 2 and idk if I‘m emotionally ready for it.
Starting Part 2 and idk if I‘m emotionally ready for it.
“He can‘t figure me out. Normally, I would be proud of that. I don‘t like being easily read…”
Started this and I‘m loving it already. Also, these lip products are amazing!
“I guess somewhere in a corner of our hearts, we are always twenty.”
I‘m about 100 pages in and I‘m enjoying it so far. It‘s not a favorite yet. But so far, Kasia is my fav character. It‘s pretty heavy from the start. I‘ve heard great things, so we‘ll see what I think.
#currentlyreading #lilacgirls #marthahallkelly
This cover is so pretty! The concept of this book had me so intrigued and it did not disappoint. I really enjoyed this book. I loved January's character. The premise of this book is awesome and it snagged my attention from the get-go. I thought that the writing was beautiful and it made the story more fantastical. I loved discovering all of the history with January. This was such a good book.
#thetenthousanddoorsofjanuary #alixeharrow
This poem is so beautiful and it perfectly captures the magical essence of a snowy wood. It reminds me to pause, and really admire and appreciate the little things, and the small moments that bring about a warm glow of happiness. Take a look around and notice the little things that bring a smile to your face or gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling. You can get back to the rush of life after a few seconds.
#stoppingbywoodsonasnowyevening #robertfrost
I really enjoyed this book. I felt like it was too dependent on the other stories. But, it was still a really enjoyable read for me. I absolutely adore this series and I will be continuing on until it's finished. This was my most anticipated release of 2020 and it didn't disappoint and I'm so happy to have it in my collection. I really love this world and these characters and I can't wait for the next one.
#cometumblingdown #seananmcguire
I really adored this middle grade. I feel like the topic of adoption was presented so well. There are people in my family that are adopted so this one hit close to home for me. I really enjoyed the coziness of this book: the family, the descriptions, the food, the hot cocoa, the crackling fire, the Christmas vibes, the reading, and the adventure/mystery. It's just so good!
#greenglasshouse #katemilford
“Like every autumn smell all at once.“
This is the perfect read for fall, especially if you're wanting a cute Halloween read. The colors and illustrations were great, such a beautiful fall aesthetic...so many autumnal vibes! It gives me all the fall feels and it makes me want to visit that pumpkin patch or find one just like it. I also want to try a pumpkin bomb! It was such a treat to read!
#pumpkinheads #rainbowrowell
I really enjoyed this book, a lot more than I expected to. I powered through this book in two days. I didn't expect to love this story as much as I did; so, I definitely want to check out other books by her. I really loved reading about these two sisters and their complicated relationship. This story is heavy but it is so worth the read.
#longbrightriver #lizmoore
I loved this book. This story stole my heart, for sure. I knew going into this story that it was going to be heavy, but oh my heart! The atmosphere of this book was so great. The ending really tugged at my heartstrings but I felt like it was a little too rushed. I didn't want to leave this story or these characters. I would really like to see a movie adaptation.
#thegreatalone #kristinhannah
I just recently started reading this and I have already fell in love with Katrina Leno‘s writing. I‘ve heard great things about this book and I‘m hoping I love it. I ordered two more books by her.
#summerofsalt #katrinaleno