I confess I was disappointed. This moves really slow. I love all her other books but this one just wasn‘t my fav.
I confess I was disappointed. This moves really slow. I love all her other books but this one just wasn‘t my fav.
Hang on for a wild ride! This one is as twisty as they come! Just when you think you‘ve figured it all out there‘s another twist.
Can‘t put this down and can‘t stop crying. Wow! Gut wrenching, especially if you‘re a mother.
Another delicious, striking, poignant and hopeful installment of the Practical Magic series. A perfect origin story.
Spooky, action packed, keeps you guessing and wondering and trying to figure it out.
"Whether you are trying to make it to the top or just make it through tomorrow...the Wild Woman belongs to you. She belongs to all women."
"Grown ups don't look like grown ups on the inside either. Outside they're big and thoughtless and they always know what they're doing. Inside, the look just like they always have. Like they did when they were your age. The truth is, there aren't any grown ups. Not one, in the whole wide world"
Just started this. Very intriguing so far.
I was reading the kindle version but found this copy at the library! Yay for "real" books!
This book is just amazing. It's poignant and vibrant. Based on factual events of an asylum in NC that burned and one of its most well known patients, Zelda Fitzgerald.
Excited about the latest installment of this fun witchy cozy mystery series!