Reading Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey for the first time. Excellent so far!
Reading Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey for the first time. Excellent so far!
"He was without a doubt the most unusual person I had ever known, and before long I found myself not just falling in love with O; it was something more, something I had never experienced before. I adored him."
Insomniac City: New York, Oliver & Me by Bill Hayes. #billhayes #oliversacks
I loved this series as a kid and my 11-year-old loved them too! Gordon Korman was just 12-years-old when he wrote the first book in the series. The series follows the comic misadventures of best friends Bruno and Boots at their boarding school. #brunoandboots #gordonkorman #riotgrams #favoritechildrensbooks
Sad to hear that this writer recently passed away at just age 35. My 11-year-old loves his books and couldn't put them down. If there's a young kid in your life, do get them these books! #victorkloss http://www.royalinstituteofmagic.com #theroyalinstituteofmagic
Day 10 of #riotgrams is #comics. I've always loved comic books and it's impossible to post just one. I've always liked the eye catching EC covers of Shock Suspense Stories.
Currently reading The River at Night by Erica Ferencik. "A high stakes drama set against the harsh beauty of the Maine wilderness, charting the journey of four friends as they fight to survive the aftermath of a white water rafting accident, The River at Night is a nonstop and unforgettable thriller by a stunning new voice in fiction."
Day 8 of #riotgrams #blackhistory. Kindred by Octavia Butler is the compelling story of a modern African American woman who travels back in time to a slave plantation. #octaviabutler #kindred
A page from The Lizzie Borden Tragedy by #rickgeary. This is such an engrossing read.
#currentlyreading A Treasury of Victorian Murder by #rickgeary.
Sadly there's not too many local public libraries in Manila but I did come across this cute little free library at one of the local Sunday markets. #riotgrams #mylocallibrary
Still reading this pageturner. #riotgrams #currentread #lostgirls #robertkolker
#riotgrams #bookishgoods Love this pouch from Out of Print. I have yet to read the book. #gonewiththewind #margaretmitchell
Today's #riotgrams is #favoritevillain and mine is hands down...Count Fosco from The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. What a book! I simply could not put down this classic of sensation literature and it led me on the path of so many other wonderful books from this genre. #wilkiecollins #thewomaninwhite
Today's #riotgrams is a #onewordtitle and this is the first book that came to mind. Loved it when I read it years ago. A teenage boy's doomed love for his glamorous French instructor in 1960s Poland. #madame #antonilibera
I want to read these two just because of their gorgeous covers. Has anyone read these? #asportandapastime #jamessalter #thehidinglace #trezzaazzopardi
Currently reading this because Megan Abbot listed it as a book President Obama should read. It's riveting so far.
Currently reading this. The feeling of dread is so palpable that I just can't look away. Megan Abbott, wow, why have I only just discovered her now? I'm only at 20% but so far this book is excellent. #meganabbott #youwillknowme