Jonas Jonasson is one funny writer. Hope I won't be disappointed!
Jonas Jonasson is one funny writer. Hope I won't be disappointed!
"The reason of the unreason with which my reason is afflicted so weakens my reason that with reason I murmur at your beauty."
I dropped reading The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky always digresses from the original plot. Hell he even digressed from the digression he did and honestly I didn't want to waste my time on reading side stories which have nothing to do with the original plot. I was looking forward to read this book but unfortunately I won't 🙁
If anyone gives me his/her opinion about the book and why should I continue it, maybe I'll pick it up again.
An awesome masterpiece and yes! Much better than Star Wars! #dune #frankherbert
Trying to finish #crimeandpunishment