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Joined August 2022


Published - 2018
Author - Melina Mangal
Genre- Biography
Award - carter g woodson book award (2019)
A illustrated biography about, biologist Ernest Everett Just. An interesting read for young readers getting into non-fiction text and biographies. It has great illustrations and is written well for readers to really grasp and learn more about influential people they may have never heard of beforehand.

Hair Love | Matthew Cherry

Published - 2019
Author - Matthew A Cherry
Illustrator - Vashti Harrison
One of my favorite children's books I have read in a while. A beautiful story about a daughter and a father coming together to make the perfect hairstyle for a very special day. I love everything about this book and I'm sure everybody else would too.

SaraLHartman This is such a great choice!
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Giant Squid | Candace Fleming

Published - 2016
Author - Candace Fleming
Illustrator - Erich Rohmann
Genre - Children's Non-Fiction Literature
award -robert f sibert award
A non-fiction story about the illusive giant squid. An interesting read. Would be perfect for a lesson or to peak different children's' interests. Very versatile pick.


Published - 2016
Author - Kelly Barnhill
Genre - Novel, Fantasy Fiction
Award - e.b. white read aloud award
This novel follows a girl named Luna through a mystical world filled with magical beings and events. It's mysterious and a modern take on the classic fairy-tales. It goes through many life lessons through out making it perfect for older-elementary readers.

Maybe Something Beautiful | F. Isabel Campoy, Theresa Howell

Published - 2016
Authors /Illustration - Theresa Howell, Isabel Campoy
Award - Thomas Rivera Book Award
A cute and inspiring story about how little changes can turn in to major ones to create beautiful things around us. I really liked the message of this book and the story line. Perfect for inspiring all age readers to follow their dreams and take the leap of faith into something they are passionate about.

The Fox on the Swing | Evelina Daciut

Published - 2018
Author - Evelina Daciute
Illustrator - Aušra Kiudulaitė
Genre- Children Literature / Fiction
Award - Mildred L. Batchelder award
A fox named Paul searches for happiness, just to find out it is all around us in life. A beautiful story that reminds us to remember the little joys in life. I thought this book had a great message and great illustrations.

Mr Tiger Goes Wild | Peter Brown

Published - 2013
Author/Illustrator - Peter Brown
Genre- Children's Literature, Fiction
Awards - Boston Glove Horn
This story is about a tiger who dares to be different and stand out in a world where everyone seems the same. It is a great and fun story about being authentic and yourself, no matter what the status quo may be. I really enjoyed this story and I think early readers would too.

Starfish | Lisa Fipps

Published - 2021
Author - Lisa Fipps
Genre- Fiction, Novel
Award- Michael Printz Award
A touching story about finding confidence within yourself and accepting it from the world. This is a very good read with very strong underlying messages. This story can be relatable and comforting for some.

The Day You Begin | Jacqueline Woodson

Published - 2018
Author - Jacqueline Woodson
Awards - Pura Belpre Author Award Book
Genre- Fiction
A beautifully illustrated and written story that talks about celebrating and cherishing our differences. It is about taking pride in yourself and the way you are. I think this a powerful message suitable for any age reader and would be perfect in a classroom setting.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

Published -1952
Author - E.B White
Illustrator - Garth Williams
Award - Newberry Award
Genre - Fiction, Children's literature, Novel
Such a classic for any age reader. An unforgettable story about friendship. I feel as if this story is a staple in any setting with a young reader. A meaningful and touching read!


Published - 2019
Author - Kevin Noble Maillard
Genre- Fiction
Award- Robert Sibert Award
A touching story about a Native-American family coming together to make bread. The illustrations and the words used are beautiful and i love the dynamic of this book. It would be perfect for any classroom setting!


Published- 2017
Author- Jess Keating
Illustrator- Marta Álvarez Miguéns
Genre - biography
Eugenie is a girl who loves learning about sharks and studying zoology. Many people doubted her because she was a woman, but she did not let them defer her from her dreams. She made great discoveries in her field. I love this book. Its a great way to open up a conversation about marine biology or to always follow your dreams. Great pick!


published : 2019
Author -Amber Smith
Genre - Young Adult Fiction
Award - Whippoorwill Book Award
Two tweens who are struggling with their pasts, fall in love. A chapter book that would be good for older. - audiences. Shows important social topics and situations that I think readers could benefit from reading about.


Published : September 10th, 2019
author: Ibtihaj Muhammad, S.K. Ali
Illustrator : Hatem Aly
Genre: Children's Literature, Fiction
Awards : Goodreads Choice Award for Picture Book 2020
A book about a sister bond. A girl wears her Hijab for the first-day at school- She wears it strong and beautifully. Her sister admires her. I loved this book. Such a great message and story for students of any grade. A great add to a classroom library.

Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship | Patrick Downes, Jessica Kensky

published - 2018
Authors - Jessica Kensky, Patrick Downes
Genre- Fiction
Awards- Schneider Family Book Award (2019)
A true story based on a real-life friendships between a girl named Jessica and her service dog, Rescue. Jessica was an amputee and leaned on her dog to help her through these new stages of her life. This book is perfect for any age. I loved this heartfelt story. It teaches about compassion, hard work, and perseverance.

Owl Moon | Jane Yolen

published - 1987
author - Jane Yolen
Illustrator - John Schoenherr
Genre - Picture Book, Children's Literature, Adventure - fiction
award - Caldecott medal
Owl Moon is placed in a dark, snowy night where a father and a daughter search for an owl. Owl Moon is a classic, with great illustrations, and a lot of descriptive/figurative language. Can be used in a lot of different classroom settings/lessons/grades.

The Llama Who Had No Pajama: 100 Favorite Poems | Mary Ann Hoberman, Betty Fraser

Published - 1998
Author - Mary Ann Hoberman,
Illustrator- Betty Frasher
Genre- Poem
This story revolves around animals doing tasks that children are familiar with. It i s a short poem and is really enjoyed by children. It's a great beginning step for children in poetry!

The Cremation of Sam McGee | Robert W. Service

Published - 1907
Author - Robert W Service.
Illustrator- Poem, Ballad
A poem about the cremation of Sam Mcgee who froze to death, from the point of view of who cremated him. I liked this poem, It was eerily written and a bit spooky. The illustrations were unique and it was a very interesting story. His words paint the story very well.


Published - 2005
Author- Karla Kuskin
Illustrator- Betsy Lewin
Genre- Poetry, Fiction, Children's Literature
A young boy interviews a cat about what it is like being a cat. The cat shares his life with the boy. His routines, his wants and wishes, his feelings, ect; This is a good poem for children. Good pictures, includes rhyming, and allows imagination for young students. .


Published- 2019
Author/Illustrator- Jeanette Winter
Award: Jane Addams Children's Book Award
Nasreen is a young girl in Afghanistan. She has not spoken since the disappearance of her parents, until she finds a secret school for girls. She learned countless things at the school and finally becomes at peace. This is a very powerful book for children. It shows truths while also showing lights. I loved this book!

Paper Bag Princess | Robert N Munsch

Published - 1980
Author - Robert N Munsch
Illustrator - Michael Martchenko
Genres- Children's literature, Fiction, Picture book
This story is a spin on a classic fairytale involving a princess, prince, and a dragon. Princess Elizabeth does everything she can to save her prince, only to find out he's not what she is looking for. I loved reading this book and I think it has a great message for children. It is silly with an even better meaning.


Published - 1999
Author - Daniel Handler
Narrator - Lemony Snickett
Illustrator - Brett Helquist
Genre - Gothic Fiction, Mystery, Children's Literature, Novel
This is the 2nd book in the Series of Unfortunate event series. This addition follows the 3 Baudelaire children as they go to a distant relative of the name Montgomery Montgomery. Escaping Count Olaf, or so they think. I love this book in the series. Perfect sequel and perfect for readers!

Duck for President | Doreen Cronin

Published - 2004
Author - Doreen Cronin
Illustrator- Betsy Lewin
Genre- Picture book
This story involves a duck on a farm that decided he wants to make big changes, so he runs for president of the United States. This is such a fun book, especially for younger grades that you want to go over election terms and situations with. This book has a lot of oppurtunites for lesson plans and discussions. I read this with 1st graders and they loved it!

Witches | Roald Dahl

Published - 1983
Author - Roald Dahl
Illustrator - Quentin Blake
Genre- Children's literature, fiction, Dark Fantasy
A young orphan boy now lives with his grandmother and she tells him all about the legend of the witches. The once legend becomes a reality for the boy when he comes face-to-face with them in a hotel. This chapter book is perfect near halloween and will have students on the edge of their seats. Great book for upper elementary!

Moon! Earth's Best Friend | Stacy McAnulty

Published - 2019
Author/illustrator - Stacy Mcanulty
Genre- Children's literature, Children's non-fiction literature, Creative Non- Fiction
This book shares various facts about the moon with compelling illustrations and creative writing. I read this to 3rd graders and they absolutely loved it! It is a fun way to start discussions about science and the students loved the illustrations. This is certainly going to be in my classroom!

New Kid | Jerry Craft

Published- 2019
Author & Illustrator - Jerry Craft
Genre- Graphic Novel, Comic, Fiction, Humor
Awards - Coretta Scott King Book Award (2020)
This book follows a black middle school student, Jordan Banks, as he transfers into a predominately white school. He faces struggles such as microaggressions towards him. This book is perfect for upper-grade elementary students/middle school because it is a great representation of what some go through.

King and King | Linda de Haan

Published : 2000
Authors - Linda De Haan, Stern Nijalnd
Genre - Children's Fiction
King & King is a great child's book that touches on important issues such as LGBTQ+ representation. This is a spin on a classic tale and i absolutely adored this read! It gives such a great message and could open amazing discussions about inclusivity. This book is a great book to have in your classroom library for all ages!

Frindle | Andrew Clements

Published- 1996
Author- Andrew Clements
Illustrator- Brian Selznick
Genre- Novel, Children Literature, Fiction
Award- Phoenix Award
Frindle is a staple in any classroom library. It follows the story of a boy named Nick who is always. competing with his teacher to waste time. He comes up with the word “Frindle“ to describe a pen, and the rest is history. A cult-classic for grade-school readers.

First Test | Tamora Pierce

Published : 1999
Author: Tamora Pierce
Cover art : Joyce Patti
Genre - Fantasy
One of the books by Tamora Pierce that follows a young girl on her journey to knighthood. I find this book and it's plot very interesting. I love this book series for young readers as it breaks social norms and opens their mind to different states of imagination and proves they can do anything! Children who like to read chapter books and the fantasy genre will love it!

On Market Street | Arnold Lobel

Published: April 1 1989
Author/Illustrator: Anita Lobel
Genre- Children Literature, Fiction
Award - National Book Award
Market street is perfect for young grade-school students who are going through the alphabetic principle. It shows different outfits that a merchant wears through ABC-style. The illustrations are very well depicted and make the ABC-style book enjoyable. Very good addition in a classroom for early readers!


Published - 1973
Author/illustrator - Mercer Mayor
Genre- Fiction, Fantasy
Mrs. Beggs stays at a boarding house and notices weird things keep happening around her because of a guest, Mr Alabasium. It seems like magic! The other guests start to get annoyed and threaten to leave the boarding house because of these tricks. Mrs. Beggs decided to do something about Mr. Alabasium. She receives another surprise at the end. This is a good spooky book!

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Published - November 1998
Author/Illustrator- Helen Cooper
Genre- Fiction, Children's' literature
Award-Kate Greenway Medal, (Distinguished illustrations book for children.)
This book is about a peculiar friendship between a cat, squirrel, and duck. They argue about who has the honor of making their famous pumpkin soup. This is a cute book about conflict and resolutions between friends + a good fall theme. The illustrations are very well done!

Julian Is a Mermaid | Jessica Love

Originally published - April 2018
Author & Illustrator - Jessica Love
Genre -Fiction
Awards- Stonewall awards
This story covers a boy named Julian who dreams of being a mermaid. He loves dressing up as mermaids and does anything he can to become one. I love this book for children. It shows to always be true to yourself and it's okay to dream different than others. This book is perfect for students, and will definitely be adding to my classroom!


Date Published: September 30th, 1999
Author- Daniel Handler
Illustrator - Brett Helquist
Genre- Mystery, Gothic-Fiction
This book follows the 3 Baudelaire siblings- Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. Their life has many unpleasant events after their parents suddenly perished in a home-fire. Count Olaf is an evil man and will do anything to get his hands on the Baudelaire fortune. I love this book for children! Great plot, characters, and use of vocabulary!


- Louis Lowery
-Newberry Medal, distinguished contribution to American literature for children.
-A book that portrays a Utopia is not as great as it seems. One boy is placed to hold all memories of history and decides to do everything to fix it. This is a perfect book for upper middle school students. It shows that is okay to question things and be brave. An AMAZING read!! Perfect for the classroom.

All Because You Matter | Tami Charles

- October 6th, 2020
Author- Tami Charles
Illustrator-Bryan Collier
Award- Golden Kite Award, Best picture book text
This is a book about how black and brown children all over the world, matter and how special they are. I loved this book!!! It's so influential and I think should be a staple in an inclusive, comforting classroom. It relays a great message for all students and I really enjoyed it!


Eva Eland - January 29, 2019 - Non - Fiction
Such a great book that welcomes sadness as a guest and not as an unknown, scary feeling. This is a short yet effective way to let your students know that it's okay recognize your feelings and to not ignore them. Great illustrations and an even better meaning. Loved this book!

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Jabari Jumps | Gaia Cornwall

Jabari is facing one of his fears of diving off the diving board. Jabari is so nervous and anxious about this fear that he was making excuses so he wouldn‘t have to jump. Jabari finally gains the courage and he climbs on the diving board and JUMPS! Jabari conquered his fear of jumping in the water and now he wonders why he was ever scared.

allycrothers Name of Award (if applicable) : Junior Library Guild Selection 2017
Purpose of Award (if applicable) : Best Children‘s book of the year
Author - Gaia Cornwall
Illustration - Gaia Cornwall
Date of Publication - May 9th, 2017
Genre- Sports Fiction
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Finding Winnie | Lindsay Mattick

Finding Winning tells the true story of a real-life bear and the experiences he went through. A mother tells her child the story of Winnie as a bed-time story. The illustrations are well done and paints a beautiful picture of the settings, emotions, and storyline. There are real pictures of Winnie at the end of the book which is a pleasant surprise and really creates a connection between the readers and the events portrayed in the story.

allycrothers Name of Award (if applicable) : Caldecott Award
Purpose of Award (if applicable) : Illustration award for the most distinguished American Picture Book
Author - Lindsay Mattick
Illustration - Sophie Blackall
Date of Publication - 2015
Genre- Picture Book, Non-Fiction, Children‘s literature
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