Got some YA ARCs to keep me company through a snowy weekend: The Lies They Tell by Gillian French, Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West, and Bookish Boyfriends by Tiffany Schmidt.
Got some YA ARCs to keep me company through a snowy weekend: The Lies They Tell by Gillian French, Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West, and Bookish Boyfriends by Tiffany Schmidt.
When you're supposed to be working but you're at a library so you end up reading instead. 😅
Planning a trip and letting books and things inspire me.
I've always found Peter S. Beagle's writing comforting, so I'm looking forward to his latest short story collection.
Through the book‘s main conflict, Amani realizes that names have the power to trap and destroy, just as they have the power to reinvent and release and reshape. Characters, no matter how seemingly insignificant, come to life with well fleshed-out motivations in the face of war and survival.
You can read my full review here: http://thepassednotereview.com/review-traitor-to-the-throne-alwyn-hamilton/
When it's snowing and I want a roaring fire but all I have is a goblet.
I just returned all my library books so I now have time for my TBR--and ice cream.
Saturday nights are for reading and drinking.
Spending the weekend with some dukes and duchesses!
#romanceclass is hosting #FeelsFest2017 this October and we're doing a countdown by responding to all these prompts. This is one of my favorite lines, in one of my favorite books, by one of my favorite authors. Please get it if you want to try a contemporary Filipino romance in English!
Reunited with a book I thoroughly enjoyed, thanks to @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️ You've warmed this Alaskan bookworm's heart! Thank you!
It's cold and overcast but I've got an old book and a decadent cupcake to keep me company. I'm good 😊
I love Laini Taylor. Out of all her amazing characters, I love Zuzana and Mik the best. Reading about this night, this strangely magical first date, made me wish that I could fall in love like this. This new illustrated edition from Laini and her husband Jim has brought back all those emotions. I think this is better enjoyed if you've read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, but you can give it a try if you want a glimpse into that world.
Yep, because I tend to leave bookmarks in books I've finished, I use everything else to mark my spot. 😅 What other unconventional bookmarks have you used?
I wrote this book about my old home and brought it to my new one. It's got beaches and museums and unhappy tourists who might end up happy.
I usually shy away from books with love triangles but THIS. IS. AMAZING. Containing elements as familiar as gas stations and kissing lessons to worlds that explore high school in Mars and monster-fighting librarians, each story frames a common YA device against richly-developed backdrops. It's inventive and moving and diverse and never feels like a cheat--one of the most rewarding short story collections I've read in a long time.
"Every time I open the fridge and hear the hot sauce bottles rattle against each other in the door, my heart aches."
Finally gotten around to reading this amazing piece on clockmaker John Harrison's quest to create the perfect timekeeper. Something in my soul is stirred by nonfiction like this, so scientific and historical and lyrical and transformative.
I really appreciated how the author captured exactly what I was thinking whenever Bernie was made to jump through hoops given the premise: librarian becomes a meme and is branded 'undateable'; Hello Giggles-type website offers to turn her dateable through a web version of the Bachelorette. Plenty of good moments but Colin just got on my nerves for some reason. I liked Bernie a lot though, and I'll give the next book a try.
I love being part of #romanceclass, a community of romance writers and readers from the Philippines. Most of us are indie and hybrid writers, and I am constantly amazed by the talent and the passion that everyone has. #BuwanNgMgaAkdangPinoy
I'm excited to start on these ARCs! One of the perks of my big move is that I not only discover a lot of new books and great bookstores, I also get to read these upcoming titles for free!
I've been looking for a print copy for months now. Glad the local bookstore had one; I had to snap it up! I have three editions of The Historian (just so you know how much I enjoyed that book) but The Swan Thieves was rather forgettable for me. I'm only about fifty pages into this one but it looks promising!
I came across this at a relative's home in Aklan, but I had no time to borrow it. I love A.S. Byatt and wish I could read this!
I'm slowly building my bookshelf here. Not much in the way of organization yet, but it's going! 😁 #shelfie
A detailed and thought-provoking look at Victorian England's fascination with murder. It's a thick volume but it's a fairly easy read, switching its focus from the grisly deaths (so it reads less like a collection of true crime stories) and towards the public's collective response. Murders have been the impetus for detection, legislation, and enforcement, but also (quite interestingly) pomp and spectacle. A really good read for a rainy weekend!
I got #BookColorTag -ged by @Chachic to do purple! This was the best I could do on short notice (the ones that are literally an arm's reach). Someone help me! Should I be passing the tag on? 😅
"You've got to find your own places. The places you get, girl, the ones that stick in your heart. And if you're lucky, you find people to share them with."
@Chachic brought me here! I'm missing home so I thought I'd post a book that I edited along with Ines Bautista-Yao, featuring light, romantic stories from different places in the Philippines. It's a constant reminder of the things I left behind.