Found the timeline a bit confusing and the book hard to get into initially, but then I felt the social commentary and characters made it an excellent read by the end.
Found the timeline a bit confusing and the book hard to get into initially, but then I felt the social commentary and characters made it an excellent read by the end.
Excellent mystery...in large part because the villain isn't easily guessed at until the very end. First in a series, so I will definitely reading more. This series is the basis for the Shetland tv series on Netflix.
I was asked to read this for work. It turned out to be both interesting and an enjoyable read about what makes groups successful.
I really like Sarah J. Mass' other series, A Court of Thorns and Roses, but this was just okay. Didn't feel the characters were well developed and the storyline was meandering, but some creative moments too.
So good! I was born in Texas and lived there for a bit as a young adult...great insight into the wide-ranging life of the state
I wanted to like this book so much, but struggled with the last third...felt that there were multiple places the book could have ended before it did and that the ending was too "fairy tale" for all that had gone before. Leni was a compelling character, but it all wrapped up a bit too perfectly to fit with all that had come before.
I grew up reading the Little House books and loving the world Laura Ingalls Wilder created. I was even Laura for Halloween one year! This books brought new insights about Wilder and her family...a fascinating read that provided depth and context to her life.
For readers of the Jamie Watson/Charlotte Holmes books, this 3rd book in the series is enjoyable!