Here we go! So excited to start this one!
Really great book! Could not read it at night, it was so creepy! But so good! Also, I adore this cover.
Such a fun, fluffy, contemporary summer read! Loved it.
It was a slow start. But it picked up pace pretty quickly! I love the world building and character development. I need the sequel now!
I just spent $25 on a graphic novel while I'm supposed to be on a book buying ban. This better be darn good! Lol!
PS - I've actually heard it's amazing and I'm super excited to read it!
This is the month's book club pick and I'm really struggling. Of course it's my turn to lead the discussion. So I must persevere! I've got two weeks. Wish me luck!
I had high hopes for this one, and was a bit disappointed. I did like a lot of aspects, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations.
I've now officially read all of Jane Austen's books! Loved this one too, of course.
There was a lot more angst than I anticipated. But really it just made me love this book more! Oh my gosh, our characters! Sigh. Stellar read!
Finished it! It was pretty dated that's for sure. But now I can go see the movie, which I'm hoping will be amazing! Fingers crossed.
I really want to finish this before I go to see the movie! But at the same time there are other books I want to read more! So it's becoming a chore. Seriously though, if I could just sit down and read it. It shouldn't take that long.
Whoever said this book was "uplifting" was a lying liar who lies. The word was very misleading. Still. It was, of course, an amazing book. Heartbreaking, not uplifting, but amazing.
Tried starting this a few years ago and couldn't get into it. So I said I'd just watch the movies. Then I changed my mind and tried the book again. And I told myself I'd only read the first book. Well. That's not going to happen. I'm kind of hooked now. Can't believe I've started another series!
Done! It was amazing, which is no surprise. Riordan's books are always great. I started this years ago, but wasn't in the mood at the time. Finally picked it up again and just flew through it. Now on to book four!
When you're thirty pages from the end but sleep is calling and you can't keep your eyes open. So close!!
Well, this is definitely a book for ten year old boys. I did not love it, but I am not the target audience so that's not a surprise! In general, I'd still recommend it to someone with kids, even if it wasn't my favourite.
Okay, so I loved the ending. It ended well. And I loved the premise. I even really liked the relationship between Mare and Denna. The intrigue and political aspects felt chaotic at times. And unfortunately, many side characters weren't developed as well as they could have been. The names were SO tricky, and it affected the flow of the book a bit. Over all, it wasn't a bad read, but it could have been better.
This book was pretty good. I think I was expecting a different ending. And when I didn't get that it threw me. But it was a fun read.
This whole series was amazing! I'm still reeling from the ending. So good!
Oh my gosh, things are getting intense! I hope this has a happy ending. It needs to have a happy ending!
So amazing and informative! I'm suggesting it to everyone! Especially new parents. Great advice for raising children to understand and believe in gender equality.
Very dated, but pretty fun! I'm interested to read one of his more recent books.
I am loving this series. The characters are so multi-faceted. I adore the dynamic between our main characters - Blue and her Raven Boys. I desperately need this series to end well. Loved book three, and I'm jumping right into the final book.
I really enjoyed this little graphic novel. Great characters, great story. Tugs at your heart strings, and full of humour.
(Also had to include my cute little cupcake bookmark in there!)
Another all-time favourite. The author introduces us to books that have made an impact in his life, and shares more of his story and who he is. He truly has a way with words. The book was moving and inspiring. It has reinforced my own love of reading, and I've added several new books to my "TBR" as a result.
There were some lovely passages in this book of poetry, but it didn't speak to me like I expected. Some pieces did, though, and for that I'm glad to have read it.
I didn't love this, but I didn't hate it. I did really like the mythology and the world the author created. I was mostly indifferent towards the characters and the plot.
I am really enjoying meandering through this book. Each chapter can stand alone, so there's no pressure to rush through it. I'm reading a chapter or two a day, as I feel like it. A book about books. It makes me happy.
I got really invested in this! Mostly invested in Eliza's story and a little less invested in the Monstrous Sea pages. But they were still a fun addition. It was very well done, and a great choice for a stand alone, contemporary YA novel.
Muddled my way through this. It had some good points, and some good advice. Quite a bit of the author's personal beliefs, in a book that doesn't warrant abstract opinion. But I'll take the good bits and apply them. If nothing else, I've been inspired to tidy.
Late at night, and I just finished this one. Such a fun and sweet read!
Wow. This book was just lovely. I may need to read it again now that I know what happens. Maybe in paper form, instead of the electronic version.
when i had no friends i reached inside my beloved books & sculpted some out of 12 pt times new roman.
- & it was almost good enough
This is a book club pick. I wouldn't have discovered it otherwise, but I'm so happy to be reading such a charming and hilarious tale!