Amazing book. This is not a book about hockey but about a small town, families, relationships, loyalty, & making tough decisions.
Amazing book. This is not a book about hockey but about a small town, families, relationships, loyalty, & making tough decisions.
Greatly enjoying my kindle read Jojo Moyes' historical fiction, Ship of Brides.
"The ship has been in contact with London by telephone!--This is a great advance in the communication world and promises great things for the future."
Hurricane read. #josephinehumphreys #hurricaneflorence #tropicalstorm18
Reading outside in July. It's been in the 90's for a month & today is a cool 76. Won this book from goodreads. Good story & beautiful cover.
"The thing about Mama was she'd never tell you how she felt. When she was feeling bad she'd just go on with her work, washing dishes or peeling taters, or mopping the floor, and I'd know she was feeling pretty low, but she wouldn't say nothing." North Carolina reading
Rereading The Farseer Trilogy before I read Hobb's newest trilogy. Enjoy her characters & writing so much!
Sunday night reading. (And I just got home from choir practice).
Not what I was expecting but a good mystery involving books & bookstore. Thankful for some quiet entertainment after two days of cooking.
"I flew back to Troy." Reading one of my favorite historical fiction writers--Margaret George.
Sunday reading. Catching up on a mystery series. Love it when I know I still have several books to go.
"Last November I had a nightmare."
Great first line. Love Kate Morton.
I'm an armchair traveler. I enjoy reading about others hiking the Appalachian Trail without any desire to follow in their footsteps.
"They used to hang men at Four Turnings in the old days." Rereading before I see the movie.
Loving this book. A woman who married a fisherman in Alaska tells of her experiences & compares them to some of the stories of Jesus and the men of Galilee. He is the one from Job who "tramples down the wave of the sea."
Excited to get these in the mail. Already started on the first. Ross Poldark
I gave this book to my daughter to read. (Love her books). She was amused at the dedication (my name is Patricia).
I saw this at my local library & was quite amused. When librarians think characters are real people.
A goodreads win. Historical fiction of Soviet Russia in the 30's -50's. Can't wait to get started!
Enjoying my second book by this Scottish author. When a woman loses her husband, who apparently gambled away all their money, she takes a teaching position in the Scottish Highlands; far from the city life they've always known. Love her characters & the sense of being in a different time & place.
Beautiful book. Sad, funny, & full of every human emotion. Perfect reminder that race & immigration are not new topics.
"And let's ask the tough question about power and control: In our expression of the good news, whose kingdom are we really interested in expanding?"
A fascinating look into the life of a woman, a marriage, & an important time in history.
I love her books but this one has a character that makes me need to put the book away until I can calm down. The character I would love to kill!