Fighting rainy Sunday melancholia.
Fighting rainy Sunday melancholia.
Please read this book.
I don't know whether I love this book because I read it at the right time or not but it's so heartwarming and just... real.
I loved the characters and in particular, Buzz. I kind of want to go out and get a Greyhound now!
If you're wanting an uplifting read (well I needed tissues a few times...) then please read this book!
P.S Gutted there is no sequel! Lucy Dillon, sort this out 🙈
Feelgood with a little twist. A delight to read ☺️
"Just don't get a cat. They look at you like... meh. Here we are, the single woman and her cat. Great. Now a dog will look at you like... how could he leave you? You're amazing."
I love these series of books! They are very sweet Novels but the addition of the dogs makes them so much better!
Feelgood all in one - separationer, förälskelser, graviditeter, olyckor, engelsk landsbygd, hundar, vänninor, mor-dotter-relationer, eftermiddagste, drömhus och baconmackor.
I gave this book to my daughter to read. (Love her books). She was amused at the dedication (my name is Patricia).
A book about living in the moment and savoring every breath. Lucy Dillon writes these warm stories set in Longhampton, where characters from her previous books make brief appearances. Spoiler: there is a really cute dog in this one😍