I thought this book would focus solely on medical and cancer journey. But this book really surprised me by portraying those journey in the philosophical lens. Reading medical memoirs really fills me up with warmth and appreciation.
I thought this book would focus solely on medical and cancer journey. But this book really surprised me by portraying those journey in the philosophical lens. Reading medical memoirs really fills me up with warmth and appreciation.
I got preoccupied with other things so I still got a long way to go. But I LOVE the writing, the story and how the different generations are colliding in bits and pieces. And oh the women 😌
It just make sense to read this book while I‘m still in awe of animal farm yes? In the last interview of George Orwell, the interviewer said ‘1984 is a terrifying masterpiece, so terrifying in fact that I don‘t think I‘d like to read anything like it‘ also the book is so pretty it should be a crime. I‘m psyched.
Honestly, what a book. Glad I gave it another try because it was brilliant. I just didn‘t expect to like it this much. Nothing says fuck Stalin like this legend‘s book about pigs. Definitely reading more of his stuff.
“With that he sank back, spent and fading. I told him I loved him. And then he seemed to disappear into himself, his gaze drifting past me to the sky, bristling now with the stars.”
Really liking the book so far and I just know it‘s gonna get better.
5 stars baby. This book is beautifully and brilliantly written. Every character in this book literally seduces death. Most of the characters shared 3 things among them: they were brave, kind and deserved better. I love my Hubermanns, Steiners, Vandenburgs and Holtzapfels. They have my whole heart. Leisel Meminger really deserved this family.
Right after I‘m done with my current reads, I‘m crazy excited to finally get started with this one. 9h 42 mins of joy. My high expectations are going to ruin the book for me, isn‘t it?
It‘s 3am on a Monday and I‘m here to say that my account is now a Han Hubermann‘s fanpage. I believe in this Saukerl‘s supremacy. Pray for him, thank you 🙏🏻
This book follows Nora and her journey to find a life where she is happy. The main theme was depression and I feel it was represented very neatly. The concept behind this book was interesting and inspiring. I wonder what inspired the writer. Was it his own experience with mental health? It‘s incredible how your next decision can change your course of life and others. The possibility to be who you are is endless. Love the message.
Picked up this book as part of the #OverbookedClub. I just want to give the protagonist a hug, is that too much to ask for? Reached page 35/265. Might join more buddy reads/ reading challenges cuz it does motivate me to read more + good recommendations.
“ I reduced my body to aesthetics
forgot the work it did to keep me alive
with every beat and breath
declared it a grand failure for not
looking like theirs
searched everywhere for a miracle
foolish enough to not realize
I was already living in one. “
This graphic novel by Craig Thompson was good. It displays relationship with family, trying to escape from reality, abuse, falling in love, & understanding faith. The most important part for me was how he goes back and forth with his religion-Christianity. However, I‘m not a Christian but coming from a Muslim family background and asking questions about faith but some pieces just not fitting in personally is something I relate to.
Considering the current events with BLM movement, it was important to be educated. Book 1 focuses on sit ins in Nashville and it really is an incredible piece of history. The sit ins at lunch counters was an act of non-violence move led by Jim Lawson. It‘s a story of incredible black and white students who started this movement who were then humiliated, beaten up, arrested just for asking to be served in a restaurant equally as white people.
Santiago‘s parents wanted him to be a priest but this man:
“ But ever since he had been a child, he had wanted to know the world, and this was much more important to him than knowing God and learning about man‘s sins “
this takes it 👑
This is a graphic memoir, a trilogy. I don‘t have much information but it portrays civil and human rights. This shows that talking about an important issue can be in so many different forms; novel, memoir, graphics, taught through a course, watching videos, speeches from an educated individual, listening stories of people who were opposed. And this will definitely be in my read.
Part 3/3
“ We believe the one who has power. He is the one who gets to write the story. So when you study history, you must ask yourself, Whose story am I missing? Whose voice was suppressed so that this voice could come forth? Once you have figured that out, you must find that story too. From there you get a clearer, yet still imperfect, picture. “
part 2/3
“What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?”
This is one of the books in my tbr, I wish I didn‘t have exams so I could read it asap. The thing is I‘m a casual reader so I‘m trying to get back into reading and I think this will be an important book. I looked up few of the quotes from the book and god isn‘t this fitting. part 1/3
“ I know so many last words.
But I‘ll never know hers. “
bitch I‘m crying
With no motivation and exams comin up, I‘ll find anything to do but study. I was looking through my old journal and found this. I miss writing about my books. Looking for Alaska really talked about depression, the pain of losing someone important to you and finding no closure for it. I forgot what‘s the story‘s about (read it long time ago) but Alaska named herself by looking at a globe and literally after a country. I miss it🤍
“ Thomas Edison‘s last words were: ‘Its beautiful over there‘ I don‘t know where ‘there‘ is, but I believe it‘s somewhere and I hope it‘s beautiful. “
“ To my daughter I‘ll say
when the men come, set yourself on fire “
When I first read this I thought the literal meaning that is to burn yourself- commit suicide as historical images crossed my mind. I didn‘t like the book so I didn‘t think much further. However, after reading one of the review I found out another meaning: it can also mean the flame inside of you, to be brave, look them in the eye and not be afraid and that is beautiful.
2.5 stars. As many reviews say, it‘s basic. The poems are plain, few of them are a cliche. Some of them are aesthetically pretty but that‘s it. It wasn‘t eye opening but few of them were very well put and you can feel the author‘s emotions while reading through it. Few of the pieces are incredible. The book discusses about love, culture, abuse and embraces a lot of powerful topics which I strongly believe in so it was a good read overall.
This is my summer 2016 book! I remember searching the bookstore for this book, found it on the top shelf and how excited I was when I purchased it. I read this in 12 days and journaled way too much about it. The story was incredible. The ending got me > I had high expectations going in and it didn‘t disappoint me 🥺