Enjoyable, though I‘m not sure how all these stories went together, but worthwhile regardless. Love her delivery, though, and observations.
Enjoyable, though I‘m not sure how all these stories went together, but worthwhile regardless. Love her delivery, though, and observations.
Best chair ever at local public library!
This is a tough book to read, but so eye-opening. Stories illustrate the hard work & high costs of poverty, in terms of money, effects on kids, and people‘s self-worth. It‘s nearly impossible to break out of without help, yet help costs less (in many ways) than the vicious cycle of eviction. The profits made off poor people are disgusting. Author offers some real solutions at end, tho we‘d actually have to agree that stable housing is a right.
Once again, hella enjoying the new Andy Carpenter story, performed by Grover Gardner. I sure love the wry sarcasm, mystery, and fun!! 😆
Great read - honest, witty & insightful! On Oprah‘s list of Summer Reads!
Halfway through & loving this mystery short-listed for the Shamus! Clever writing, set in current day Detroit!
Weekend camping read! Quite good, featuring a kick-ass woman lawyer & detective. Interesting to read about these real-life cases going on at turn-of-the-20th-century & parallels to today. Recommended.
I‘ve been binge-watching the two seasons over the last two weeks - zany, funny, original. Never read the book, but definitely enjoying the show. FUN!
I REALLY enjoyed this book - a buddy of sorts to Ready Player One. And Nancy Wu was a new narrator for me & I enjoyed her performance. That being said, a tight edit would‘ve brought this from good to great - cut the repetitive whining out and it‘s a much stronger read. Emika Chen‘s one of the best at this game in the WORLD and she doubts herself!? Please make this girl confident in the sequel, Ms. Lu!!
Conference hotel had this cute pillow in the nicely cozy lounge/lobby!
Best bookmark ever from my local library. You get a bacon bookmark AND free kid‘s meal at restaurant!
Well, it‘s a nonfiction heartbreaker about a(nother) promising young kid lost to the streets, penal system, and violence - a kid our society has failed. Hard to read but important. The author, an accomplished academic, gets a little too “academic” in parts, but a good read overall.
I really enjoyed this YA novel about a headstrong girl in the late 1800s who wants to be an archeologist, the competition to dig up “new” dinosaurs, and her first love. Have to say I didn‘t love the ending, seemed a bit forced, but still worth the read - interesting characters, even if they‘re a bit uneven at times. A sequel to come for sure.
Such a wonderfully illustrated book, with bios on over 40 women. Accessible for kids, but I‘m learning a lot, too. Probably written at 6th grade level? (Not as young as you‘d think.) Great to own & to inspire!
I‘m roughly halfway thru the audio & my interest in waning. Good reader, but it‘s slow. I think it‘s tough to write about characters who live hundreds of years. Or I‘m just crabby and need a different read. 😕 Has anyone finished this & can advise if I should push through??
So I‘m staring at this book, know it‘s important & scared out of my mind to read it. Premise is: author picked a random day in 2013 & reported on the kids killed by firearms on that day in the US. It‘s gotta be heartbreaking. Quote above starts off the book.
Listened to this one because Dion Graham reads - his teenage girl voice is pretty funny. I thought it was ok for the first half or so, then it got pretty intense and real. Definitely thought-provoking & worth a listen.
Trying to put thoughts together on this - read it to see how it beat The Hate U Give to win the Printz Award this week. It‘s a quiet, sad & hopeful book, and a quick read. So I liked it, but wasn‘t blown away by it like The Hate U Give. Fair to compare the two? Maybe I should just focus on the beauty of each. 😏
I love how Crowder shows you what it‘s like to walk in someone else‘s shoes, in this book as well as Audacity. This isn‘t a feel-good book, but it‘s an important fictionalization of a real issue. It hurts the heart what this kid has to go through, and gives you some world and life perspective. It‘s pretty brilliant - recommended. Cookie is optional but cannot hurt.
I got to hear Dr. LaFayette speak on MLK Jr day this year, so thought I‘d read up on him - just starting out. He was an asst to MLK, leader in the SCLC, and helped organize the Selma March, among many other things.
When you realize it was THE AUTHOR who liked your review of her book!!! 😊💚💙💜🧡 ... and then you wish you‘d said more!
Can‘t go wrong with Robicheaux-Patton combo. Sometimes listening to Patton I just zone out, his voice and cadence are sweet and lyrical and kinda mesmerizing. Then I have to backtrack. But it‘s all good.
Good read, and one not flattering of the Washingtons, esp Mrs. Also it provides detail on what an enslaved person‘s life was like, and the often heartbreaking ramifications of the few choices they could make. And hearing Ona‘s story makes you realize all the other histories that have been lost due to enslavement. Eye-opening.
Ug. While I appreciate this guy‘s military service, he‘s insufferable. He‘s a know-it-all, sexist & racist. And I have to listen for book club. Not sure how this is so well reviewed because it‘s average writing & could‘ve used a strong editor. I guess it gives you insight into war, but I would pick another book for that.
This series entertains me! Set in NJ, with a female deputy sheriff in the early 1900s. Smart & fun. Love the historic notes the author included at the end.
Halfway thru & loving it. Curious book. HBO series in the works.
Finally watched this movie - a little slow, and gory, but the ending was good. I read the book a while back, so can‘t remember if the book ending matches the movie ending - anyone??
Good read about courts, justice, prison system — at times hopeful and depressing. But an important read. Not daunting as it looks - quite accessible, actually. One again, reading about courts and injustice reenforces belief that you never want to be at their mercy, even if you‘re innocent.
It was enjoyable, but neither Christie nor Poirot would abide by Branaugh‘s movie ending! The stache, however: mesmerizing!
YA fiction based on true stories. Fleeing Nazis, Cuba, and Aleppo in different decades - you can hear the desperation in these stories and understand the need for compassion. Book makes the point that our lives are intertwined and we rely on each other for help at times. Good stuff.
Holy guacamole!! This Sept YA pub really took me by surprise! No spoilers - do yourself a favor and DON'T read anything or reviews about it - just read it!! Quite something!! Thanks to RH for galley!
Had a 10-hour drive back from vacation yesterday, made bearable with Andy Carpenter's snark and Grover Gardner's voice to bring it to life. I always enjoys these listens - they aren't complex, but you can't figure them out either. Plus, author David Rosenfelt's Facebook posts crack me up. It's the wit, I tell ya! And I don't even like dogs!
I'm in the Adirondacks this week, seeing tons of little local libraries like this one. They're all cute! Went inside this one, and it has a good book selection despite having max occupancy of 28 - plus they have six computers! Always impressed to see what librarians are doing.
It's my kid-free day on vacay ... chilling while listening to Simon Vance's narration of Ewan's new thriller - things are heating up, plot- and humidity-wise! *contented sigh*
Enjoying this nonfiction audio, read by the author. Some laughs, lots of truths.
Absolutely BEST audiobook I've heard this year! Amazing story & even better as an audiobook. Baha'i Turpin is so wonderful narrating this work - she IS Starr. You HAVE to listen to this!!
Attended Detroit Book City's fair today with 50!! local African-American authors - so neat to see & meet all these creative & talented people. Lots of good stuff & I bought this young adult book to check out - signed by the author!
It only took me 11 years to get to reading this! Quite good & informative & brings home the humanity (and destruction thereof) of the Civil War. I usually like to rip through books but this is one you can set aside for a bit, and keep coming back to - nice change of pace. As good as the reviews claimed, many moons ago.
So an interesting backstory I never knew about re: V's instability and forays into other careers and his relationship with family members. Curious that this is young adult - it's long, but has short chapters (3-4 pgs). I almost wish it was adult but then again it'd likely be super long. Half-way through, though I know how it ends...
Check out the new movie trailer released for this fall movie - it looks GOOD!! Branagh, Dench, Dafoe, Depp, Jacobi just a few of the stars. Cannot wait!
Sooo must admit I didn't know Hap & Leonard until I caught the tv series, so catching up with these two interesting characters while camping this weekend. Great book of stories, providing some history of each of them & their friendship. Plus, found out author is a martial arts senior grand master - hella cool.