It‘s a complicated story that all rolls together. Richard Powers is a master of writing.
It‘s a complicated story that all rolls together. Richard Powers is a master of writing.
Small town Maine, the realities and the blessings, even when the worst happens. Glad I read it.
So I wasn‘t sure about this story and several times almost stopped reading it. BUT for some unknown reason I kept reading it. I‘m so glad I did. What a beautiful but chilling story.
Talk about beautiful stories that bring happiness- wow 🤩
Maggie Nelson is a treasure and this story in poetry and prose of her aunt‘s murder🥺. I am not a fan of true crime but this story- wow
As usual, Peter Heller is a stellar writer. I have to say though, it‘s a pretty depressing novel.
What a beautiful and whimsical story of fascinating and unusual 80 year old woman, all written as letters to a long dead first love. Wow!!!!
It took me a while to actually start reading this yet I‘m so glad I finally did. It does an honorable job showing the connections and heartbreak a war brings.
Yes, yes, yes! I always say books come to you when you need them and Matt‘s latest certainly has. Go read it, then enjoy and find joy with all the small things 🌞
To be honest, I thought this book would be more about her new beginning but the focus seemed to be more of on her story of how she got to her divorce. For some people, I think some people would find the story interesting. For me, I was disappointed.
Brilliantly written but intense and absolutely heartbreaking novel. I‘m glad I read it but can‘t say say I loved the actual story.
A 1950‘s mystery that involves, love, family, a a “virgin birth”. Clare Chambers is a fantastic British writer that keeps you enthralled throughout!
I love everything by this woman & this story did not disappoint. I just wish I had been in Venice while reading it to get the whole feel of the atmosphere.
Great mystery with interesting characters. I flew through it so fast. I highly recommend it.
What an astonishingly beautiful story! Best read in quite a while!
Walking the Camino de Santiago. The books is often about her inner monologue. We have very different belief systems but I greatly admired what she did. Was worth reading.
Empathy and love are woven through this lovely story. With the world so negative and hateful, this story reminds us of the importance or caring for each other. Even for those that some believe don‘t deserve it. I adored this story🥰.
I hadn‘t read a Danielle Steele novel in 30 years. So this starts with a cheating husband in Rome, a new pandemic, being stuck in Paris for a couple of months and then a new man. Honestly, disappointing. I was hoping for Paris but got very little of it and Rome. The real question is, will it take another 30 years to read another🤔
Living in France for six months, a family learns the true joys of live. Absolutely wonderful (& makes me miss France even more).
Any absolutely charming and heartfelt book.
I love books about peoples‘ experiences in France, but I wasn‘t sure this was going to be for me BUT I shouldn‘t have worried. I appreciated her honesty and her being true to herself. Loved it 😊
An incredible but terrifying piece of speculative fiction. It‘s 2034 and the next world war begins. It certainly did not help my current anxiety for the world but it was realistic. If your mental health is up for the challenge, it‘s a great read.
It was OK. Loved that it started in Seattle but a very unrealistic story.
Unique and creative time travel story. Took me places I didn‘t expect to go. Greatly enjoyed.
3 novellas- youth, friendship, swimming. Beautiful writing and exactly what I needed. I only wish more of her writing was translated because my French is horrible and I want to read more of her work!
I wanted to like this, it has incredible reviews BUT I should have gone with my gut. An East German 58 year old man has an affair with 19 year old woman. This just isn‘t my thing!
Absolutely charming- just what. Needed!
An alternative history, where Al Gore won the presidency in 2000. Things are certainly different BUT are things really better?
Charles is an excellent writer and this is the story of his boarding school, Maidwell. It shows the misery and hopeless of his time at the school. It‘s heartbreaking. I gave it a so-so because after a while the cruelty starts to really ware you down.
So this book was suppose to come out last year and for some reason it never did. Rumor has it that it will later this year. I knew a few had to be out there and they finally found a copy. Wow 🤯, what a heartbreaking story. Jenny was the in the care system in Scotland for 16 years, with multiple name changes, abuse, moves, etc. and somehow she survived to become an artist, poet, and writer. It‘s a story of hope, even when it looks bleak.
Sometimes the universe smiles on me and gives a book that I needed right at that time. Thank you, Universe! Charming, hopeful, and essentially a beautiful French dream come true. It‘s exactly what I needed. Merci 😘
Certainly not his best, but a unique story. I certainly don‘t like the protagonist but she isn‘t boring. And frankly, I was surprised by the ending.
Fantastic read. My heart kept breaking. Starting with an event and then going back wards, took awhile to get used to but such an interesting approach!
Not a bad book but she spends so much time explaining how different the French are, than the Brits and Americans, that it gets to be too much.
Wow, this is one of the most honest, intense, and powerful books I have ever read. The story of how a woman from China, her daughter and granddaughter are all connected through trauma. Tessa Hulls‘ story of her family‘s history should be read often and win every award possible!
I appreciate his honesty about his history. I just got tired of his constant references to drug culture. I know that is an important part of his past but not something I‘m interested in reading about.