I only just read my first Angela Slatter at the end of last year, but I think I can confidently say she's my favorite Australian author. I can't wait to read more of her this year.
#australianauthors #FeistyFeb
I only just read my first Angela Slatter at the end of last year, but I think I can confidently say she's my favorite Australian author. I can't wait to read more of her this year.
#australianauthors #FeistyFeb
Wow...I want Angela Carter to read like this. I don't often go for fairytale retellings, but this sucked me in. Slatter retains the sinister and grotesque elements found in original fairytales, but gives women more agency. These are darkly humorous and often gruesome, and I will definitely read more.
Another baller rec from Mahvesh Murad's podcast Midnight in Karachi (link below). She has yet to lead me astray. Can we please get Mahvesh on Litsy?
😂😂 This book has almost entirely featured rather classic fairytale retellings; this story looks like it's veering a bit. 😂😂
#catblanket update. Convalescence still underway. Effing great book between naps.
I totally LOVE fairy tales and #fairytaleretellings - I have a whole goodreads shelf devoted to them! I can't wait to see what everyone else posts so I can add to my tbr. 😁 #photoadaynov16