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Slinky Malinki
Slinky Malinki | Lynley Dodd
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A verse description of the ambitious nocturnal thefts carried out by a prowling cat called Slinky Malinki.
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Slinky Malinki | Lynley Dodd
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Here I am, dressed as @Meaw_catlady for Halloween! 😽 (Not really, but it totally works, right?) And @sprainedbrain , my brain is dressed like you (every day), you just can‘t see it. 🤕😍😂

Thank you both so much for hosting the #basicwitchswap ! I think it was a great success. Have a spooky, GRL PWR-filled night, everyone!


sprainedbrain You‘re the best, Alyisha! Thanks so much for joining us and being generally awesome! 🖤🧙🏼‍♀️ 🔮 5y
MeganAnn You look adorable! 🖤 5y
Meaw_catlady Awww you look purrfect!!!! Thank you for participating and being the originator of the witch please swap that brought about basic witch!! You are amazing !! Have an blessed Samhain! 🖤 5y
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ljuliel Cute as a button. 🔘⬅️. Not a real button, but I couldn‘t find one. 5y
monalyisha Thanks @sprainedbrain! Back atcha! And @Meaw_catlady I‘m so glad you guys took it, ran with it (flew with it?), & made it your own! 5y
monalyisha Thanks @MeganAnn & @ljuliel! 💁‍♀️ 5y
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Slinky Malinki | Lynley Dodd
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As with all Lynley Dodd book, this was an absolute delight to read out loud! I loved finding out what Slinki Malinki did to find himself in DEEP DISGRACE! 🤣 Cat owners can probably easily relate. #1992

Libby1 I read this with my son all the time. We love it. 8y
Sace I swear the children's books that I see on Litsy can be the biggest temptation. 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Libby1, I'm forever in love with Schnitzel von Crumm with the very low tum from 8y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Sace, ☺☺☺ I've decided to read a picture book from each year I've been alive, so there will be plenty more temptation posted soon! 8y
Sue These books are just the best! (and I'm not just saying that because we share a surname) 8y
DogMomIrene I adore Slinky Malinki! I had to buy a used copy on Amazon for friends fostering a little boy. The SO turned his nose up at giving someone a used book, but there were no new options and I insisted that this little boy HAD to have Slinky Malinki in his life! Next up will be Hairy McClary. 8y
Sue Have you seen this one? It's NOT for little kids but great value 8y
Sace @thegirlwiththelibrarybag that's cool! And sounds fun! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @ocdIrene, definitely need as many Lynley Dodd books as possible to be incorporated into life :) spoilers : there is a new cat on the scene! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Sue, I hadn't. I'm equal parts repelled and amused 🤔 8y
LeahBergen I read these over and over to my nephew. He loved 8y
Sue @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I had a similar reaction 😂 8y
Centique It's always exciting to me to see an NZ author on here. All the mums around (incl me) have a religious fervour for Lynley Dodd. I can still recite most of Hairy McClary from Donaldsons Dairy by heart 😂😂😂 Also I do a GREAT scar face claw impression if anyone ever makes an audio book! 😂 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Centique, THE TOUGHEST TOM IN TOWN! ahhhh, I love it! I used to read it to my brother and sister... that and (edited) 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @LeahBergen, he has excellent taste in picture books! :) 8y
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Slinky Malinki | Lynley Dodd
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We picked up this children's book at a library sale for a quarter. What a treasure!!! My 4yr old twins love the cat antics and I love the range of vocabulary this book exposes to them. Thrilled to find this author has more Slinky Malinki titles to hunt down. 👍🏻👍🏻

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