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Allucinazioni | Oliver Sacks
Charles Bonnet, naturalista ginevrino del Settecento, si era occupato di tutto: dallentomologia alla riproduzione dei polpi, dalla botanica alla filosofia. Quando seppe che suo nonno, ormai semicieco, iniziava ad avere visioni di strani oggetti flottanti e di ospiti immaginari, volle stenderne un minuzioso resoconto, che pass inosservato per oltre un secolo e mezzo. Oggi la sindrome descritta da Charles Bonnet, che collegava linsorgere di stati allucinatori con la regressione della vista come se il cervello intervenisse, a modo suo, per compensare il senso perduto , ormai riconosciuta dalla letteratura medica, ma viene raramente riscontrata perch le allucinazioni sono associate alla demenza, alla psicosi, e chi ne soffre tende spesso a tacerne. Ma non sempre stato cos: in altri tempi e in altre culture, gli stati alterati di coscienza venivano percepiti come condizione privilegiata da ricercare e indurre con la meditazione, lascesi, le droghe e hanno influenzato larte, il folklore, il senso del divino. Con questa storia naturale delle allucinazioni Sacks aggiunge un ulteriore tassello alla sua scienza romantica, capace di tramutare la casistica medica in una forma darte empatica. E prosegue il racconto autobiografico avviato con "Zio Tungsteno": dopo linfanzia, scopriamo cos la giovent del neurologo pi famoso del mondo, passata sulle spiagge della California, tra surf e azzardate sperimentazioni psicotrope. Allucinazioni olfattive, uditive, tattili, spaziali, arti fantasma, Doppelgnger, epifanie mistiche, squilibri chimici: ogni argomento viene affrontato con capacit di immedesimazione, curiosit ed eleganza innate, e analizzato sotto le lenti della ricerca specialistica, della letteratura e dellesperienza clinica e personale di Sacks. Con un risultato che conferma quanto scriveva Goethe: La scienza nata dalla poesia.
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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This is a must read book for anyone who wants to understand the religious as well as paranormal phenomena and also to increase empathy and understanding for close people who experience it and be compassionate to ourselves also

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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It was mostly interesting, but some parts did lose my interest. His books are like that for me (well, the few that I‘ve read)

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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So excited to read all of these books!!! Successful library trip🙃

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Slajaunie Welcome to Litsy!📖💚 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💖 5y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🥳 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 5y
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Neurologist Oliver Sacks wants to #fixyou.. and has dedicated his life to doing so. I am fascinated by his life and career and his books focus on mind blowing neurological quirks and disorders 🤯

Mdargusch Hmmm. I need to check this one out! 5y
Cinfhen Still haven‘t read any of his books 🙈 5y
Reviewsbylola I liked the one Sacks I read! 5y
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I've never thought about it that way 😉😆

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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My copy of Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks is signed! Needless to say, I geeked out when I noticed it. 🤓🤓

ptkpepe98 Are you sure you're not hallucinating?😉🤔 7y
MimiLovesToRead I don't see anything. 😃 7y
Rachel.Rencher @ptkpepe98 @MimiLovesToRead should have expected this response. Thanks, guys 😂😂 7y
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arlenefinnigan @MimiLovesToRead hahahahahaha! 😂 7y
Lucas.Rencher It was really cool and unexpected find 😙 7y
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I feel bad bailing on this one, especially since it's an interesting topic, but for some reason could not get into it. I've never read an Oliver Sacks book but always enjoyed his stories on Radiolab. I did this as an audiobook though and could be a case of just having a not-great reader. Maybe I'll try this again later as a book-book.

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I haven't read an Oliver Sacks book before, so thought I'd give this one a spin!

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Just received a package of goodies I ordered for #summersantagoespostal but ofcourse I had to throw a book in for myself too 😉

I've been obsessed with Oliver Sacks ever since reading Insomniac City. Anyone have a favorite book of his??

ValerieAndBooks I like Sacks and my favorite is Seeing Voices, because it is about Deaf culture and ASL (I'm Deaf myself). 7y
Jess Hallucinations. Love this one. Enjoy. 7y
Reviewsbylola It's impossible to not sneak in a book or two for yourself. 7y
IamIamIam I started The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat but it's not exactly bedtime reading!! Lol 7y
sisilia I love his last book On the Move. I have all his other books on my pile, and hope to read them all soon. 7y
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks

I am an avid Oliver Sacks fan, so it's no surprise I like this book. The surprising thing to me was that when I finished, I came away with the notion that hallucinations are a normal part of human existence and wondered why I didn't have them! :)

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I found this book abandoned on the side of the road. Started it on the way back up from Wellington during our NZ trip and made for good flight reading (I also watched the movie Captain Fantastic which was amazeballs).

I now want to deprive all of my senses, wear blindfolds for days and experience vivid visions.

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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Interesting anecdotes and broad neurological explanations for a variety of hallucination types and triggers in "normal" people. A little repetitive at the end, but an enjoyable overview of a phenomena that is more common, predictable, and universal than one might think. Discovered that "hallucinatory behaviors" have been observed in animals, like Fenrir, who was most keen to learn of this matter. #nonfiction #dogsoflitsy #science

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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Sounds like my kind of man... #ithinkimadeyouupinsidemyhead

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I must be hallucinating to think that I can finish all these before they're due at the library Sunday 😹😿 #sendhelp #callinsick?

bates_barb Are any of them renewable? 😊 8y
BittersweetBooks I have similar issues! I highly recommend The Marriage Plot, really good. 8y
ChasingOm 😳😳😳 8y
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katrrosee @bates_barb Yes but I like a challenge 😉 @BittersweetBooks I can't wait to get to it! 8y
bates_barb @KatrinaRose I can get behind a challenge, I just always organize piles like that by starting with any that can't be renewed, and going from there. 😄 8y
Suet624 Yikes! 8y
rubyslippersreads Power reading! 😹😹😹 8y
minkyb On your mark, get set, go!!!! Good luck. 8y
Bostonmomx2 Ambitious for sure!! ❤️ Robyn Carr. 8y
Tillie Read the Joshua Ferris! So good! 8y
zsuzsanna_reads I have read Hallucinations and the Marriage Plot, they're both good. 8y
zsuzsanna_reads Although by this time you must have read / renewed them! 8y
katrrosee @zsuzsanna_reads Yes somehow I got through them (some were bails)! I loved The Marriage Plot! 8y
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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Oliver Sacks knew how to make everything he wrote about very interesting and accessible. I hope I enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed An Anthropologist on Mars. If you look closely, you can see my sweet pup peeking out. I miss that sassy dog.

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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Two of the books I picked up on my visit to England. I didn't know that Sacks quoted Devils of Loudun in Hallucinations until I began reading about the books. I've been a fan of Huxley for a long time, but I've never been a fan of nonfiction, unless it was the literary journalism style that became popular in the 1960s. I loved an An Anthropologist on Mars, so I'm excited to start reading!

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Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I didn't find the Sacks I was looking for, but I did find some other things. Do you ever just want to start at one end of the library and read your way through, not stopping until you make it to the last shelf?

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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Man, Oliver Sacks is fascinating, even if I try to diagnose myself with all the neurological conditions. Having hallucinations doesn't *necessarily* mean that you're crazy or on drugs, but as Dr. Sacks himself testifies, that's one means to an end.

Hallucinations | Oliver Sacks
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I had little idea about the myriad ways in which one hallucinates, be it audio, tactile, visual and even sensual or emotional. This book might've gained fame due to sacks drug revelations , but offers much more. He also details migraine auras which I particularly related to.

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