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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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TheBookHippie I‘m thinking bourbon with reading this book could help 🥃👀 6mo
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BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie that would change everything 🤣 6mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie I'm thinking we'll definitely need it for the next chapter because Dmitri ain't finished with his speech. 😳 6mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe #sendhelp 🤣🤣 I feel like we are being set up for disaster 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 6mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead I think you're right! 🤩😍😃 6mo
Bookwormjillk I knew that we were in trouble as soon as it said “In verse“ 6mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe 🥃🥃 cheers 6mo
Cuilin @dabbe @TheBookHippie My ADHD is screaming Mitya get to the point. I may join you with the cognac. 🥃 6mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I think drinking in general is recommended 6mo
mcctrish @Cuilin “I will explain everything “ and yet say nothing at all despite All Of The Words being used 🤦🏻‍♀️ 6mo
mcctrish I have to say the little house at the back of the garden is my favourite character so far (edited) 6mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 6mo
Cuilin @mcctrish yes! He used All the words. And we are none of the wiser. Grrr. 6mo
5feet.of.fury @Cuilin same thoughts 6mo
5feet.of.fury I skimmed this chapter, got to “To insects- sensuality!” Really questioning my life choices here haha 6mo
dabbe I just love this group. 🤩😂😍 6mo
Ruthiella Glad that I am not the only person who has no clue what Mitya is getting at. I have a feeling if I knew Russian even and could read it in the original, I‘d still be none the wiser. 😆 6mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig ?"I‘m not drinking, I‘m just relishing,....I‘m not drunk at all. Cognac is cognac, but I need two bottles to get drunk"— ? 6mo
Aimeesue @TheBookHippie Can confirm: bourbon def helps. It also makes me want to dress up penguins, so that explains that! 😂 6mo
BarkingMadRead @Aimeesue 🐧🐧🐧 6mo
Aimeesue @BarkingMadRead Penguin in a headscarf today. My life is very unpredictable 😂 6mo
BarkingMadRead @Aimeesue I love that for you! 6mo
TheBookHippie @Aimeesue 😂😂😂😂 I feel you should have a wish list of theater needs we can contribute to! 6mo
Aimeesue @TheBookHippie 😂😂😂 6mo
Bklover @mcctrish @Cuilin I was late on this chapter and read all these comments this morning. You two just about made me spit out my coffee! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😳 6mo
mcctrish @5feet.of.fury 😆😆 6mo
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Turn of the Key | Ruth Ware
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Y‘all. Everything hurts and I‘m dying. I rode 51 miles on my peloton today and have 49 to do tomorrow, so it‘s time for a bath and a book. The hubs is making me a pina colada, and it‘s relaxation time! #myfannyhurts #howwillievergetdownthestairs #imayhavetoscootdownonmysorefanny #sendhelp

Soubhiville Wow, go you! I‘m very impressed! Enjoy your relaxation time, you deserve it. 1y
Cortg That‘s a long ride! 1y
marleed Wow! I‘ve never ridden a peloton, but my son is obsessed with his and specific classes. He goest to NYC to film for NYE (tough job but someone has to do it!), and he was most excited to attend a live class. I hope your bath is soothing! 1y
BarkingMadRead @marleed that is so cool! I want to do a live ride in NYC, but I haven‘t managed to get into one yet, and I live in SC so I can‘t really do the waitlist. I‘ll have my day eventually! 1y
marleed @BarkingMadRead Well to his major disappointment the SW Airlines issues happened that week. Sure enough he was flying there via SWA. He still got there but had to fly to New Jersey and Uber to Manhattan forcing him to miss his opportunity for the live class! He was so close, but hard to really pity a dude wandering TimesSquare with a press pass on NYE! 1y
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Had four library holds come in at the same time, and they add up to over 2000 pages 😬😅 I really should pay attention to such things as page numbers before I place a reckless number of holds. (I don't think I want to tally up the pages of the other books I already have out from the library.) And here I was planning on reading more books that I actually own already this year. 🤪 #bookjunkie #sendhelp #bookwormproblems

Ruthiella I like the concept of reckless holds! 😂 Hopefully at least some will be fast reads and/or you can renew. 🤞 1y
Leniverse @Ruthiella I have them for three weeks and can renew multiple times unless someone else places a hold. So I might want to start with Babel as it's the newest book. 🤔 On the other hand, Final Girl Support Club might be more of a page turner. 1y
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Stockholm: Getaway Collection | Catherine Steadman
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I felt not so voluntarily trapped trying to get through this. #sendhelp

magyklyXdelish Lol this review is everything 😂 1y
she.hearts.horror @magyklyXdelish 😂😂😂😂😂 1y
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Resistance Is Futile | Jenny T. Colgan
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Took my Youngest to the library for his summer reading challenge, and was not supposed to get any for myself. I resisted all the displays on the way in. But then there was a scavenger hunt for hidden posters that took us out of the children's section and all around the library, and somehow at the end of it I had picked up these three. 🤷‍♀️ To go with the 14 books I already have on loan. 🤪 #SendHelp

The Dead: A Novel | Christian Kracht
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More recent dollar tree finds.

Megabooks I enjoyed Marlena back in 2017, but I couldn‘t get the Wallflowers song out of my head while reading it! 2y
Linsy Nice! 2y
allureofbeauty @Megabooks haha I wonder if I will too then 2y
allureofbeauty @Linsy thank you 2y
12 likes4 comments
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Update. Still healing with the gaping wound on my neck. Also seeing an infectious disease doctor now and taking a new medication in hopes it helps. Time will tell on that one. But I‘m feeling a bit better and hope to get back to actually reading. And then sending these books on their way I‘m so sorry about the delay @ImperfectCJ @Jadams1776 @phantomx
#surgery #infection #infectiousdisease #recovering #health #healthupdate #sendhelp

WJCintron Hope you recover soon. 🙏 2y
Gissy My best wishes and positive thoughts for you❤️Hoping you get well soon! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Chrissyreadit Hope your appt gives you relief and healing. 2y
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Hazel2019 All the best! Wishing you a speedy recovery! 2y
phantomx Wishing you a speedy recovery as well❤ 2y
UwannaPublishme Hope you feel better soon! 🙏🏻 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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When you think you have a library book to pick up so you swing by and the nice man hands you a pile....
#sendhelp 😂

charl08 Ooh! Great stack... 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @charl08 I need early retirement so I can just read all of the time! 3y
19 likes2 comments
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Another dollar tree haul with a couple dvds too. But look at that cute pocket copy of everything everything on top. I love it. I really need to start reading faster haha #sendhelp

Has anyone read any of these or want to buddy read any?

#dollartree #dollartreehaul #haul #bookhaul #newbooks #dvds #memoir #fiction #youngadult #ya #dvd #mystery #thriller

Desperation | Stephen King
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Goodwill haul because I can‘t seem to be stopped. #sendhelp
Has anyone read these or want to buddy read one? Also was really excited for the meal prep one cause I want to do more meal prepping lol I‘m also a sucker for good looking cookbooks.

#cookbooks #mealprep #mealprepping #stephenking #memoirs #graphicnovel #goodwill #goodwillhaul #bookhaul