This was a fun read about Han, Chewbacca, Lando, and Crew pulling a heist on the Black Sun syndicate. I enjoyed it, but I think as @Jari-chan pointed out, it could be a really cool movie.
This was a fun read about Han, Chewbacca, Lando, and Crew pulling a heist on the Black Sun syndicate. I enjoyed it, but I think as @Jari-chan pointed out, it could be a really cool movie.
Would've loved this as a movie! It was a fun read, actually, but somewhat too slow. Too many dialogues. But the idea is good and of course I loved Lando in this. I always enjoy reading about Lando, no matter what 😄 Sadly, the plot itself didn't really catch me.
#StarWarsBuddyRead @BookwormAHN
repost for @BookwormAHN
In May we learned about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis and why we don't trust Siths. I enjoyed it. What did everyone else think?
Moving on to June we meet up with some of our favorite Scoundrels. I've been looking forward to this one.
As always if anyone wants to be added or removed just let me know. And May the Force Be With You Always 🚀
original post:
In May we learned about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis and why we don't trust Siths. I enjoyed it. What did everyone else think?
Moving on to June we meet up with some of our favorite Scoundrels. I've been looking forward to this one.
As always if anyone wants to be added or removed just let me know. And May the Force Be With You Always 🚀
Unabridged Audiobook (10/10):
I‘ve gotta admit, I knew I would enjoy this novel. But I didn‘t expect this to be such a fun time all around! There‘s something about Timothy Zahn‘s writing, Marc Thompson‘s narration, and Star Wars that just forms the most iconic and legendary combo in literature. This heist-style story was truly a different direction for Zahn, and I loved every single second. Well crafted all around.
This week's non reading activities all occurred offworld!!! 😁😁😁 Galaxy's Edge was fantastic!!!
Good, not great. Certainly a fun caper book, but the Star Wars tie-in is weak and gimmicky. (Speaking just in reference to the movies - I haven‘t read many of the EU books.) Sure there are plenty of winking references (Han shot first, having a bad feeling about something, even an elaborately set up Indiana Jones reference) but ultimately the characters don‘t really behave like themselves. 👇
1. Han Solo
2. Doctor Strange
3. Team Oakenshield
4. The original
5. Scooter!
What a fun caper book!!! This takes place around the same time as Shadows of the Empire & involves a heist with Han, Chewy & Lando and a crew of new recruits. Most impressive was Marc Thompson's one man narration of these fabulous characters! While it could have been a bit shorter & I got a little bit lost in some of ther details, it's all relatable if you've seen the original trilogy. 🤓 May the force be with you!
Up next... my husband said I should have listened to this before we saw Solo, but I'm going to catch up now. Better late than never!
Eh, this was okay I guess.
Han, Chewie, Lando, and a team of 8 others (11, get it?) pull off a complicated heist between A New Hope and Empire.
Pros: Han runs from a boulder while swinging a whip, surprisingly likable Imperial operatives, neat little twist at the end
Cons: too big of a team to develop the characters, the planning was really boring - would have been a zippy montage in a movie
It all evened out to mediocre.
A shelfie for Star Wars Day.
Got to meet Timothy Zahn at Planet Comic Con in Kansas City! ?He was very nice and signed a copy of "Scoundrels" for me. I'm so glad Disney is hiring him to write new canon novels; his Expanded Universe novels were so awesome.