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Human Division
Human Division | John Scalzi
15 posts | 34 read | 15 to read
Following the events of "The Last Colony," John Scalzi tells the story of the fight to maintain the unity of the human race.The people of Earth now know that the human Colonial Union has kept them ignorant of the dangerous universe around them. For generations the CU had defended humanity against hostile aliens, deliberately keeping Earth an ignorant backwater and a source of military recruits. Now the CU's secrets are known to all. Other alien races have come on the scene and formed a new alliance an alliance against the Colonial Union. And they've invited the people of Earth to join them. For a shaken and betrayed Earth, the choice isn't obvious or easy.Against such possibilities, managing the survival of the Colonial Union won't be easy, either. It will take diplomatic finesse, political cunning and a brilliant "B Team," centered on the resourceful Lieutenant Harry Wilson, that can be deployed to deal with the unpredictable and unexpected things the universe throws at you when you're struggling to preserve the unity of the human race.Being published online from January to April 2013 as a three-month digital serial, "The Human Division" will appear as a full-length novel of the Old Man's War universe, plus for the first time in print the first tale of Lieutenant Harry Wilson, and a coda that wasn't part of the digital serialization."
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Hilarious, heart-warming, inspiring, heart-breaking, chilling - all the things one might expect from the adventures of a group of people involved in the interplanetary diplomatic equivalent of shit detail. As this series shows, Scalzi does the banter well, is willing to sprinkle in some bad-ass-ery, doesn't shy from the awful cost of conflict, and always leaves room for hope. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality 2/2 I'm so glad we got so many angles on these people in these episodes and eagerly anticipate their roles in the next,what I think is final book, in the series, now on hold at my library! 9mo
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Tuffy's story is worth repeating. 😆

The Human Division | John Scalzi
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I hate when that happens. 😂

julesG 🤣🤣🤣 9mo
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Ding! 🫣

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Check out the book I got for 50 cents the other day. Can we say score? I have the 1st book in the series already waiting. This isn't the second but I just couldn't resist the price. I've read another book by him, Redshirts, that I really enjoyed. Found in a library re-sale shop. Yeah for thrifted books!

The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Q - what is one of your favorite bookish gifts?
A - my sister surprised me with a signed, personalized copy of one of my favorite author's newest books. 😍

#WinterGames #TeamFestivus
@wanderinglynn @StayCurious @Clwojick

+11 points (Thursday total = 100 points)

wanderinglynn That‘s so awesome! I love Scalzi‘s books! ❤️👍🏻⛄️ 5y
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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This book was originally published as thirteen episodes released weekly and designed to entertain even if readers bought them out of order. I can see how someone who approaches it as a novel might be disappointed, but I read it as interconnected short stories and I had a great time. Scalzi always makes me snicker, and when he goes for the kill he‘s downright chilling.

Be aware that there‘s a direct sequel. Little is resolved in this volume.

wanderinglynn I love Scalzi! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
xicanti @wanderinglynn I always forget how much fun he is! 5y
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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I call this one “sausages atop Cajun-spiced greens, with book.”

I‘m still not quite done with THE HUMAN DIVISION since I took some time away to walk Casey, watch GET OUT (which I started yesterday and turned off when I realized horror movies + dodgy mental health days = BAD IDEA), and formally abandon a 90s comic event with a weird internal structure. I did finish the core stories, though, and I‘ll read the extras tonight.

Megabooks Yum!! 5y
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Same ol‘ breakfast with THE HUMAN DIVISION. I‘m at the last episode and it‘s a long one, so this is now my primary read. Gonna finish it today.

The Human Division | John Scalzi
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It‘s going to 35 today and I intend to do everything outside if I can possibly swing it. Breakfast with my daily short story was eminently swingable.

Lindy We need to share the sunshine. It‘s currently 4 C in Edmonton. Forecast high of 11. 🤪 5y
xicanti @Lindy oh my goodness. Hang in there. 5y
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Wednesday night outdoor reading stack. I already counted something else as my daily short story, but I‘m gonna read another episode from THE HUMAN DIVISION anyways because I‘m having fun with it and I‘m between novels. I‘m also excited to be back into my SKIP BEAT! reread after a loooooong time away so I could catch up on library comics.

The Human Division | John Scalzi
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I usually read my daily short story first thing in the morning, but I ran out of time so I‘m tackling it at lunch. Yes, I‘ve got a heavy hand with the furikake. It‘s too delicious to skimp on.

It was also a BIT hard to eat since I tore a chunk out of my index finger yesterday in a freak poop bag holder accident and have limited use of it, but I eventually figured out how to use chopsticks without searing pain.

suzisteffen By “like” I mean “OUCH, your poor finger!” 5y
xicanti @suzisteffen you don‘t realize how much you use your index finger until you can‘t. 5y
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The Human Division | John Scalzi
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I started my next short fiction collection on my #audiowalk. The first episode/story in THE HUMAN DIVISION is about twice as long as all the others, so I‘m glad I had it as an Audible freebie from way back when. It was fun, but Scalzi‘s love of dialogue tags is SUPER NOTICEABLE on audio.

AlaMich I noticed that when I tried to listen to Lock In. Drove. Me. Crazy. I had to stop listening because I couldn‘t stop obsessing on it. 5y
xicanti @AlaMich I‘m glad I‘ll be reading the rest of the episodes in print so it‘ll be easier to gloss over. 5y
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Human Division | John Scalzi
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Prior to the signing someone went and got John a giant cup of Coke Zero. He was bummed that all they had was Diet Coke so then he was very happy.

The Human Division | John Scalzi
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Me: Why are my mentions blowing up???

Me: Oh.


CoveredInRust That'll do it. 😁👌👌👍👍 7y
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