My library came out with this little pamphlet, and I'm considering quality testing the locations this summer.
You know. For science.
My library came out with this little pamphlet, and I'm considering quality testing the locations this summer.
You know. For science.
Would love a cosy book nook, decked out with comfy cushions, soft blankets, fairy lights, plenty of tea and more books!
#idealbookatoir #ifIwinthelottery
My #idealbookatoir? A cozy reading nook with a window and a view.
Day 2: #whereiread #riotgrams My favorite places? In bed (with the cats of course!), curled up on the couch by the window, at the beach...but really anywhere! Have book, will read!
#riotgrams #whereIread This is where I sit to share stories with my students. I confiscated this chair from my house when I became the Librarian. Before that it was my comfy space at home to read.
#riotgrams #whereIread This is where I sit to share stories with my students. I confiscated this chair from my house when I became the Librarian. Before that it was my comfy space at home to read.