This novel has a more involved plot than her previous books. It was quite good, although Bowen‘s writing continues to challenge me. There will be a very beautifully structured sentence followed by a sentence I don‘t even understand. 😆
This novel has a more involved plot than her previous books. It was quite good, although Bowen‘s writing continues to challenge me. There will be a very beautifully structured sentence followed by a sentence I don‘t even understand. 😆
Disappointed. I had been looking forward to reading Bowen, of whom I read some great reviews.
I obviously started with the wrong one (at least I hope), because I didn't enjoy it at all. A lousy plot, interesting characters but not well worked out and long sentences with nothing of interest in them.
Maybe I'll be more nuanced later on, but for now I am mostly disappointed. #1001books
Thank you!! I have heard of Pope Joan, but I don't own either of these. Also, these are my first magnetic bookmarks. Great choices. Yay! 💖📚😍📚❤Happy Valentine's Day to all! #CupidGoesPostal